When they saw Jiraiya and Tsunade begin battling the Kyuubi, the four younger shinobi looked at Naruto in surprise.
"How did he know they were there? I did not even sense them,"they all thought but left it alone for now and would get back to it later. "Jiraiya-kun, Tsunade-chan," Sarutobi greeted a little out of breath as the two Sannin nodded towards him.
"Sensei. If the Kyuubi is here I can only guess something went wrong with Kushina's while she was in labor?" Jiraiya asked.
"That seems to be the case. Though I have not seen her or Minato yet, I don't know where they are but we have to keep the Kyuubi away. No matter what," he said stealing his voice as they both nodded.
However just as the fox was about to launch an attack towards them, Minato appeared above the Kyuubi's head looking a little beaten up and then disappeared with the Kyuubi in a yellow flash away from the village making everything suddenly go quiet.
"Where did they go?" Tsunade asked as they began to scanning the area's before they saw a large explosion a few mile out form the village. "There," Jiraiya said before the three kage level shinobi began running as fast as they could towards the site with the summons following after.
The other shinobi watched as the Fourth Hokage and Naruto's father vanished with the Kyuubi making many cheer though only four and a little boy knew it was not over yet.
Naruto closed his eyes and searched for his dad. Having never told anyone this, he had always been able to sense where people were. He recognised his parent's signatures like the back of his hand.
After a minute of searching he found them outside the village but he sensed his mother was hurt. It made him want to go to her and stop the Kyuubi from hurting her. He hopped out Kurenai's arms and started running forward but Kurenai and Kakashi caught him. "Naruto you mustn't. Just because the Kyuubi is not there does not mean it is still not dangerous," Kakashi urged but the little blonde struggled as Kurenai placed him gently against her chest despite his wriggling.
"But I have too. Kaa-chan is hurt, I know it. She is with tou-san and the Kyuubi."
Now that made the others have their eyes widen. "He can sense that far away?" They thought since they knew the Hokage must have teleported the Kyuubi a fair distance away from the village. The range that Naruto seemed to have of sensing people was vest vast.
"Definantly need to look into that on a later date," Asuma said to Kurenai who nodded since a sensing ability of that magnitude sounded like a real blessing.
"Have faith Naru-chan. They will be okay," Kurenai said as Naruto's violet eyes look out across the village. Battle Site
Kushina breathed in heavily as multiple chakra chains were shot out of her back and keeping the Kyuubi in its place while Gamabunta, the chief toad was on its back trying his best to keep it pinned down. Moments later Minato suddenly flashed in front of her. In his hands was their newborn daughter, one of the beautiful twins his wife had given birth to not long ago.
Her body was in pain all over after the Kyuubi was ripped out of her but she willed herself to stay awake. She could not let her family and the village down.
"I'm sorry Kushina, but this is the only way," he said solemnly. If we seal the beast back into you then you will die and I can't let that happen. I can't let the twins and Naruto live a life without their mother." Kushina did not like it but she knew it had to be done. A newborn baby was the best option to seal the beast away in. But to make her children carry such a burden made a dent in her heart. It was a burden she never wanted one of her children to have to hold.
"How are we going to seal it?" Kushina asked as she tried to stand up but felt the Kyuubi struggling against her chakra chains. Though she was a fuinjutsu master, that were only a few methods of sealing that could contain the Nine Tailed Fox and knew there would be a struggle since the Kyuubi no doubt did not want to go back to be sealed away again.
"I have a plan for that. I can sense Jiraiya sensei, Tsunade and Sarutobi are on their way here. When they get here we will perform the four corner sealing method. Once we get it trapped, I will seal it away with the Eight Trigrams."
"The Four corner sealing method might not work Minato, it was designed to hold the biju up to the six tails. The Kyuubi might be too powerful for it," Kushina said concerned since they only had one shot at this.
"I know but with five kage level shinobi here and four to perform the ritual, it can be done. It will be close but it can be accomplished."
Kushina bit her lip. It was not the best idea but it could work. The eight trigrams would definantly hold the Kyuubi, she just hoped the four corner barrier seal would be enough.