

"Urm..." Naruto started as he stared at Shizune. Shizune though had to stop herself from cuddling him since he looked very adorable when he tried to focus.

They stayed silent for about a minute before Naruto answered. "You feel happy and cheery but a little cheeky as well." he said. When he did Shizune clapped her hands showing she was impressed.

"That's very good Naru-chan. I see your Baa-chan's not over exaggerating when she said you had sensor ability. You could become a very strong ninja just like your parents with that ability."

"Really? You think I can. Tou-san I could be strong because I want to protect my family and the village." he squeaked out.

"Then your Tou-san is a very smart man." she said before she grabbed him and began tickling his stomach.

"No nee-chan stop HAHAHAHAHA it tickles." he cried out making Shizune laugh while Ton-Ton looked like she was trying to link him too by licking his ear.

Sitting up as she watched Ton-Ton lick Naruto which made him giggle loudly, she noticed the book to the side and went to pick it up. Chakra for Beginner's she read before smiling and looking at Naruto.

"Naru-chan did you come here to try and learn how to be a ninja?" She asked as Naruto sat up after Ton-Ton stopped licking him and saw him nod his head.

"I tried to but I could not read it. There were too many big words and I did not understand it very well." he said looking a little embarrassed though the seventeen year old lifted his head up gently with her index finger.

"Don't worry Naru-chan there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I think it is a good thing that you are trying to learn this, it shows that you understand that to be a ninja you have to start right at the bottom and work your way up."

"Really?" he asked with her nodding. "If you like I can go over it with you and teach you how to access your chakra." she said making him get a hopeful look on his face.

"Really you would do that. Don't you have others things you need to do today?"

"I already finished my shift at the hospital and it is either help you or get bored sitting at home. And how could I ever not want to help little Naru-chan."

She picked Naruto up from his spot and put him in her lap as she leaned against the swing bars. The book was placed in front of them and together they began to read.

Chakra is the mixture between spiritual energy and the body's physical energy. It is essential to every jutsu technique that has and ever will be created. Once molded, it can be channeled through the chakra circulatory system, which is to chakra as the regular circulatory system is to blood, to any of the 361 chakra points in the body. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals.

Hand seals perform many ninjutsu, genjutsu, and other secret arts other than taijutsu. The exact amount of chakra necessary to perform a simple technique is manipulated through hand seals. This will vary between the simplest of jutsu's to the most dynamic and most powerful.

The hand seals are Bird, Boar, Dog, Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Serpent, Rat, Horse, Monkey, Hare and Ram.

The two sat there for about an hour as Shizune read about chakra to Naruto and explain certain parts that he did not quite understand. She also made sure he was aware of what made up chakra and how many chakra points there are in the body, even pointing to the places where certain ones were on her arms.

"Do you understand Naruto?" she asked him as he sat there on her lap and saw him nod as he looked at one of the pictures that represented physical and spiritual energies coming together to make chakra.

"Can we try to see if I can use my ch...chakra?" he asked since he looked a little eager to begin.

"Sure," Shizune said warmly as Naruto hopped of her lap and sat in front of her. "Get in a meditative pose like I am doing," she said as Naruto watched and tried himself though Shizune had to help him a little since his legs were still so little.

"You comfortable?" she asked and with Naruto nodding his head she began. "Okay Naruto-chan first I want to make this hand sign. This is the ram hand sign. Using any one of the hand signs will help to bring out your chakra and bring it to the surface. The ram had sign is the one most used when starting out to first draw their chakra." "Like this?" he asked as did his best to mimic the hand sign Shizune was showing him. She observed and made a little tweak with two of his fingers before he had it right.

"Now to draw out your chakra you have to dig deep inside and try to draw it out. Search deep down and wait until you feel a warm sensation in your stomach. When you feel it, try to focus in on it and then pull it out to the surface. I will demonstrate."

Naruto watched as Shizune closed her eyes taking a few deep breaths before exhaling. After about ten seconds Naruto felt a strong burst of energy come from Shizune which caught him a little of guard.