"If there is anything my dad has its wisdom by the shed lodes." Asuma said before he began making his way back home with Shizune and Naruto now following behind him.
As they walked to the Sarutobi manor Asuma spoke about the mission he had which was to take out a bandit encampment that had been established two days outside of the village that was terrorizing a nearby village.
Naruto tried to listen though the two older teens were making sure Naruto did not hear any of the gory parts since he was still a kid and they did not want to expose him to the killing part of a shinobi duty until he was a bit older.
They arrived at a large manor house about three stories high and very wide that had fresh flower beds decorating the outside.
They walked n and took their sandals off before Asuma called out "Yo, dad I'm back and we got guests." "I'm in the dining room." they heard recognizing it as Sarutobi's voice and began to walk towards it.
As they walked further into the home and arrived in the dining room, they saw Sarutobi sitting at the low table sitting on a cushion with some ink, brushes and paper lay out in front of him and was writing elegant looking giant kanji's on them.
"Jiji," Naruto called barreling towards Sarutobi. The former Hokage took notice of Naruto and smile a grandfatherly smile at the young blonde.
"Naruto-kun this is a nice surprise," he asked as hugged the blonde and settled him on the cushion that was stationed beside him. "And Shizune-chan it's nice to see you again."
"Hello Sarutobi-sama," she said bowing a little before taking up a seat besides Naruto. "How did the mission go Asuma?" Sarutobi asked as he looked at his son standing in the doorway as he finished of the smoke in his mouth.
"It went well but I am feeling a little tired so I'm going to head to bed to get some rest." he said as Hiruzen nodded to his son and watched him go before he turned to Naruto.
"So Naruto-kun it's nice to have you over today. If I had known I would have had some tea and sweets ready." he said.
"That's okay Jiji. Nee-chan said I did good today in my studies so we went to get ice cream."
"And how are your studies going. I'm sure your parents are very pleased to see you on your way to becoming a great shinobi."
Naruto half smiled again like he did earlier though Hiruzen had noticed the small flash of sadness appear in his eyes that worries him a little. He looked at Shizune who just gave him a look that said 'tell you later.'
"Nee-chan taught me the leaf balancing exercise for my chakra control. I can already balance five leafs on one hand now." he said feeling proud of himself.
"Well that's very good Naruto-kun. You are well on your way to becoming a great shinobi. Everybody starts at the bottom and I am glad that you know that and are not trying anything that is currently out of your each."
"You want to see?" he asked as Hiruzen nodded his head indicating he would. Naruto jumped up from his seat and opened one of the doors to the giant garden and training ground behind the manor house.
As he went out the door Sarutobi looked towards Shizune who sighed a little. "You saw it too didn't you?" she asked a little sadly. "Why did he look a little sad when I mentioned Kushina and Minato? Everything is okay at home is it not?" He asked.
"Everything is fine from what I can see but I think Naruto is having a hard time due to the twins." she said. Sarutobi asked her to elaborate with what she meant.
"I can't help but notice that over the last couple of months Kushina-sama and Minato-sama's attention had been fixed mainly on the twins lately and they seem to be spending most of their free time with them. I think Naruto has been feeling a little left out due to the lack of attention they have been giving him lately."
"Also when he asks them to help him with his session or just to play a littlem they are normally busy."
"Well something like this was always going to happen." Hiruzen suggested. "After all with the twins being so young, it is only natural that their attention to be focused more on them."
"Oh I know and I am probably just looking into it too much, but at Naruto's birthday a few weeks ago, I noticed that their attention was again mainly focused on the twins and not on Naruto. Don't you think that is a little odd?" she said as Hiruzen sighed a little.
"I understand what you mean Shizune but unfortunately sometimes these things are to be expected with having more than one child. Plus since Mito is a jinchuuriki, there is always that small chance that something may happen with the seal. They are probably just being cautious."