

Together Naruto dipped the brush in the ink and with Mito's in his own; together they slowly drew the kanji for water on the paper. Mito showed she was enjoying it by giggling while Eiji who was still in Minato's arm had his arms stretched out showing he wanted a go too.

Kushina and Minato sat on the sofas behind the coffee table and watched Naruto and Mito interact with each other before noticing the calligraphy kit.

"Naru-chan, where did you get this kit?" Minato asked.

Naruto smiled back at Minato. "Jiji got it for me. We went to see Jiji today and he taught me calligraphy. He said it was good for practice for seals."

"He is right, they are very important for someone who wants to learn seals. Does this mean you are wanting to learn fūinjutsu?" Kushina asked watching as Naruto had let go of Mito's hand as she was just drawing squiggles on the paper. Naruto nodded his head and saw the two equally proud smiles appear on their faces. He watched as his father got from his seat and go upstairs but quickly returned a minute later with a book in his hand.

"Here Naru-chan, if you want to learn seals then take this and have Shizune or your jiji read it with you. This is a beginner's guide to fūinjutsu that I wrote with Jiraiya. This will help you learn the basics and level one fūinjutsu. Did your jiji tell you about the ten levels?" he asked as Naruto nodded.

"If you are anything like us Naruto then you will fall in love with fūinjutsu. Most think it is a dead end area of ninjutsu but it can be very powerful and so helpful if used right." Kushina added while watching Mito have fun with her drawing squiggles.

"Thank you Tou-san, Kaa-chan, but can't you help me with learning sealing? Jiji and Shizune nee-chan said you both are the best with seals." he asked thinking his parents would say yes to this.

But to his disappointment both his parents shook their heads. "Sorry Naru-chan we just don't have the time to help you right now, maybe some other time." Kushina answered.

"But your jiji can help you since I know he is quite well versed in seals. He will definantly be able to help you." Minato said as he patted Naruto's head.

"Oh that's ok. Maybe another time." he said to sound convincing despite feeling sad that they said no.

"Thank you Naru-chan, thank you for understanding," he said as Kushina picked Mito up which got a disappointed gurgle form the girl since she was enjoying her squiggle time. Kushina kissed Naruto's forehead before standing up. "Come on miss messy let's get you nice and clean with a bath." she said as she and Minato left the room and headed upstairs with a twin in each arm.

As the two left neither heard the slight sniffle come from Naruto as he started a new page and began to draw again.

Naruto jumped over a log as he ran around in a small forest just a little ways away from the Sarutobi manor as he did his best to jump and dodge out of any obstacles he ran into. He huffed a little as he stopped and tried to catch his breath. He had been running full out for about 30 minutes which for a seven year old most would find impressive.

Though he wondered if that was due to his Uzumaki blood but he would think on that another time. Strapped to the side of his pants was a small pouch that carried some kunai and shuriken which Sarutobi had bought for him a few months. Since he started studying under Sarutobi just over a year ago, Sarutobi, Shizune and Tsunade had been surprised at how quick he was learning what they were showing him.

After just three months of learning calligraphy from Hiruzen, the boys hand writing had become so neat most would have thought an adult had written it. So Hiruzen began teaching him level one fuinjutsu which of course Naruto took too like a sponge.

Anything that was seal related went right into his head and stayed there. Sarutobi had been a little flabbergasted at how quickly Naruto had come into fuinjutsu. He believed that he was quicker in understanding seals at his age then even his parents.

The level one sealing showed Naruto how to make simple seals like storage seals with scrolls which were the basic among the fuinjutsu. It only took Naruto about five months to understand the concept of level one and how to make high quality and working storage seals. It was also a big surprise when by his seventh birthday he was already beginning level two fuinjutsu. Sarutobi had tested Naruto how quickly he could make a storage seal with the equipment in front of them.

He was left flabbergasted again of course when Naruto made one in under 30 seconds. His parents were delighted at how quickly he took to them and knew that one day he would be a future fuinjutsu master.

Meanwhile his studies with Shizune had carried on to the point where even his Baa-chan Tsuande would turn up on occasions to see how well he was doing and would give him little tips with certain areas of his studies. Once he got the leaf exercise down they moved onto balancing rocks on the end of his fingers since rocks were heavier and needed more chakra to balance them on the end of his fingers.

Once again everyone was surprised at how quickly he was completing the exercise which showed Tsunade that Shizune had been correct about his chakra control and that she would definantly have to look into teaching him some medical ninjutsu at some point in the future.