

Naruto shrugged though. "I am not too sure. My Nee-chan and jiji tell me I can just feel people's chakra as well as what they are feeling like if they are happy or if they are sad or angry."

"That sounds like a beneficial ability to have. Though who is your nee-chan? I was unaware that the Hokage and his wife had an older daughter?"

"She is not really by nee-chan but I just call her nee-chan since she is like one and she thinks of me as her little Outouto."

"Ahh my apologies for the mistake," he said while Naruto waved it off. Naruto took a good look at Itachi and narrowed his eyes at him. "You look familiar. Have we met before this?"

Itachi shook his head. "Perhaps when we were babies but not since then due to our mothers friendship/rivalry. My mother is Mikoto Uchiha," he said as Naruto looked in surprise.

"Mikoto obasan? So that why you look familiar. I think I remember her saying your name before. And you have a little brother right?"

Itachi nodded. "My younger brother Sasuke, he is the same age as your siblings Mito and Eiji I believe."

The two took a seat in the small clearing and slowly began to talk to each other.

They both asked each other what they did for hobbies which was not surprising to each other when they both answered with training.

Though they both found out quickly that the other had a very strong desire to protect their family and village, especially when it came to their siblings and mothers.

Since both were the same age, they would both be going to the academy together at the same time. Normally they would have enrolled at six but one of the first things Minato did when he became Hokage was increase the age bar for when a child could become a shinobi since they were not in a time of war and he wanted the children of the village to have more of a childhood before they were entwined with the working of the shinobi world.

With Naruto it was of course known to all how much he adored his mother since before the twins were born, he was the apple of her eye. While Itachi felt a strong connection to his mother due to her being one of the few that wanted Itachi to have something of a normal childhood and would heal his injuries if he ever overworked himself. Itachi described that his father Fugaku Uchiha was a very militarized man who above all else respected power. Since Itachi had shown at young age such promise in the ninja arts he made sure that Itachi would one day become the best in the village though Itachi always felt it was just so he could bring more power to their clan.

Naruto meanwhile described how after the Kyuubi he felt so useless when he found out his other was hurt and dedicated himself to getting stronger so that he could protect her, his tou-san and his siblings form any further hurt.

Though Itachi was surprised when Naruto told him it was the third Hokage that was teaching him to how be a shinobi and that he was the one who was teaching him fuinjutsu.

Though he knew that the Hokage and his wife were seen as the best with fuinjutsu. It made him wonder why they were not teaching it. When he asked he noticed his new friend had avoided the subject and moved onto another topic.

Also when Naruto asked whether he could really do nay elemental ninjutsu since he heard it was very difficult for someone of their age to perform such as feat, he watched with slightly widened eyes when Itachi performed the Fire Style Fireball Jutsu which engulfed he area in a large fireball.

The two boys sat there for what felt like a couple of hours until the sun slowly began to come down and both knew they had better get home before their families got worried.

Saying goodbye and saying they would try and meet up again the next day, the two new friends made their way home.

At that time no one would realize that at that moment, two of Konoha's future greatest legends had just met for the first time. Uchiha Clan Compound

Itachi walked into the clan compound and slipped his sandals off before making his way into the kitchen.

Arrive inside he saw his mother his mother sitting around the table with Sasuke strapped into his high chair while she tried to feed him his mushy pea's though he looked like he did not want any if the tiny glare on his face any indication.

"No," he said making Mikoto sigh before smiling and looking towards her eldest.

"Hello Itachi. How was your day?" She asked as little Sasuke spotted his big brother and gurgled happily at him.