

Deciding to wash up in a moment, he quietly made his way to his father's office and delicately turned the handle.

Walking into his father's office he looked over to the giant bookshelf. The bookshelf was a giant store of various jutsu's his parents had mastered as well as documented. His main attention though was on elemental ninjutsu. He remembered his father had told him once that he had a wind element which was rare in Konoha while his mother had water element. Looking at the shelves his eyes stopped at one that read c ranked water ninjutsu.

He took it and opened it and stopped at the first page. On each page was a name of a jutsu while a small containment seal lay beneath it. He looked through the first few pages before one stuck out for him.

"Water Style: Water Bullet Technique," he read aloud and figured that would be perfect. Thank to his studying fuinjutsu and completing level one already, he pressed his hand against the seal and in small puff of smoke a small scroll lay on top of the page.

He quickly put the book back where it was and hid the scroll under his shirt before quickly leaving the office and heading to his own room. He doubted his parents would know since they did not check the books over often and he would put the scroll back soon. He would quickly copy the contents of the scroll onto a blank scroll he had in his room and then put the original back where it belonged.

Next day

Naruto followed along the path towards the open space in the forest that he had met Itachi at with his shinobi pouch strapped once again to the side of his pants while on his left was two scrolls. One contained his little seal making kit that he practised with almost every day. The other one had the copied contents of the water jutsu scroll that he took form his parents water scroll.

He put the original back into the storing book and put it back where it belonged when his Father had left for work while his mother was feeling the twins. He knew he might be in trouble if his parents ever found out but he figured what they did not know did not hurt him.

"Plus it is not like Tou-san or Kaa-chan really spend time with me anymore," he thought to himself. Though he did not hate his little brother and sister and did in fact love them both dearly, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous towards them. Since they were born just over two year ago his parents focus was mainly on them. He wished Kushina and Minato just made some time for him, no matter how little that might be.

Shaking his head of the negative thoughts and following the path he took the other day, he felt Itachi's energy signature just like yesterday and he knew the Uchiha was close by.

Walking into the small area he saw Itachi standing in the center of the opening with his back to Naruto. As Naruto walked towards him, Itachi picked up on his footsteps and turned around. When he spotted Naruto he nodded at him.

"Morning Itachi," Naruto greeted happily as Itachi nodded back towards him.

"So what were you going to work on today?" Naruto asked while Itachi was about to speak before he saw the scroll strapped to Naruto's side.

"What are the scrolls for?" Itachi asked with his eyes gazing towards the two scrolls in curiosity.

"Oh well," Naruto said as he began scratching the back of his head in slight nerves. "This one contains my fuinjutsu equipment since I was thinking of getting some practice in," he said as Itachi nodded his head. One of the thing Naruto had told him about was that he wanted to surpass his parents in fuinjutsu so he knew how much Naruto would have to practice to do such a thing. "And this other may be a water jutsu that I may have taken from my dad's office," he said biting his lip as Itachi looked at his friend with a slightly amused look.

"So you stole it?" he asked with an eyebrow raised on his face. For a seven year old he could be oddly serious.

"Not stole, borrowed. But I did put it back."

"Then how is it strapped to the side of your pants pocket?"

"I may have copied everything inside on a blank scroll," he said scratching his chin as Itachi shook his head. He had a feeling hanging out with Naruto as going to lead to some interesting situations in the future.

Shaking his head Itachi reached into his pouch pocket and pulled out two pieces of paper and handed one over to Naruto who took it and looked at it oddly. "Urm what is this for?" Naruto asked looking it over. It was just a slip of small paper that was completely blank on both sides.

"Do you know what these are?" Itachi asked his new friend.