

Naruto, Itachi and Anko stood at the front of their class with smiles on their face as their fellow students called and told them well done. After a year at the academy, the teachers there along with the council knew that despite only being nine, that the three were more than ready to become genin. All three easily outclassed the others in the class and that keeping them in the academy would be a waste of their talents.

Yugao, Hayate and Hana clapped the loudest to their friends and had sworn that they would do their best to catch up with the trio by next year.

"Now the real path of being a shinobi begins," Naruto said as Itachi nodded like he normally did while Anko grinned a big smile.

"It's about time too. I was beginning to get so bored here that I thought my head was going to roll of my shoulders from the boredom."

"I am honoured to have the three of you in my class for the little time that you were here. Good luck in your shinobi careers. I know that all three of you are going to go far," their sensei said as he bowed back.

"Thank you sensei," they said at the same time.

"Your new Jonin sensei has told me that you will meet them on the roof and that they will be there in ten minutes time."

The three nodded, gave a wave to their three friends who did the same before they exited the class room.

As they got out of the room they nodded to each other before maing the ram seal with their hand and shunshined to the roof.

They had learnt that move from Hiruzen after Naruto had asked him to teach him a jutsu during one of their breaks from fuinjutsu. He had thought about it for a few minutes before settling that Naruto was ready to learn the Body Flicker technique. Once he taught it to Naruto, the blonde boy then taught it to the others. Hana, Hayate and Yugao struggled with it and was still trying to learn it while Itachi and Anko had it down within a few days.

Arriving on the roof the three sat together on the floor. Naruto read a book on fuinjutsu; Itachi stared at the clouds while Anko twirled a kunai around her index finger.

"So any idea who we have as our sensei?" Anko asked the two boys.

Both shook their heads. "No idea but I hope they are strong whoever they are. I can't wait to get some more training done," Naruto said showing just how much of a training nut he was. Thankfully it was not on the level of a certain spandex wearing Jonin.

"Whoever they are, I am sure they are capable. Hokage-sama would not have put us with someone who could not handle the task." As they nodded Naruto gripped his hand a little tightly on the sword that he was carrying in his right hand before he placed it in his lap.

After two months of the order going out from Torino at the shinobi store, the katana that he was waiting for finally arrived. And when he first saw it, he could not help but admire how beautiful and different it was. Torino even said it must have been one of Masamune's finest work.

The blade was 27 inches long and the metal was much to his surprise black with a distinct red edge and its hand-guard had flower-like edges. The handle was a dark purple colour while the sheath was plain black but had two Uzumaki spirals in red going up the side. One of the first things Naruto noticed was that it was a little bit heavier then other swords but he was told that was due to the metal of the blade being harder and denser then other blades which would give it more physical strength. He knew it would take a bit of time to get use to it but since his weight seal were now up to thirty pounds on each limb he knew the weight of the blade would not be a problem.

When he had received it, he, Hiruzen, Shizune and Tsunade had marveled at how elegant yet powerful the blade looked with all three claiming they had never seen a blade quite like it. After receiving it he had given it a name that he knew would one day make this blade famous.

The Shusui

Everyone else agreed that the name just fit the blade. He made a storage seal on his wrist similar to his where his mother kept hers since he wanted to keep the Shusui on him at all times.

He tried to show Kushina the blade but she only looked at it while it was in its sheath much to his annoyance. He debated in his head whether to ask her to teach him Kenjutsu but due to past experiences of wanting to ask either Kushina and Minato to train him, he decided against it and figured he would eventually come across a style that worked for him. Until then he could practice with it none the less.

When it was not sealed up, it was strung to his side. He didn't want to strap it since it just felt right staying in his hands.

"If I ever meet Muramasa, then I must give him my eternal thanks for this," he thought.

As he thought about his sword, an energy signature he recognized appeared to be heading towards them at a great speed.

Itachi and Anko saw him tense up a little and were now on alert since they recognized when Naruto could sense someone. While they readied to defend themselves they saw Naruto quickly relax indicating whoever it was they were not hostile towards them.