Nodding and smiling at them and saying goodbye, Mikoto shunshined away with Ria in her arms leaving the new genin team alone.
In Hokage Office
Minato sat behind his desk putting a hand through his hair as he sat across from one of the few men in the Elemental Nations that could fight him one on one. On his right was Kakashi and on his left was Jiraiya whilst Kushina was sat next to him. Over on one of the sofa's was Sarutobi with his pipe in his mouth as remained passive but on alert with their guests. The man in front of them was A, the Fourth Raikage of Kumo and the man who Minato had many battle with in the past.
A was a big man with dark skin and whitish blonde hair that was slicked back with a goatee on his chin. He wore his Raikage cloak and hat whilst around his wrists were golden weights and around his waist was a large gold belt.
Beside A there were two men. One had white spiky hair that covered part of his left eye and also wore a standard white Kumo flack jacket. On his back was a cleaver like sword and on his right arm was the symbol for black lightning.
To his right was a Caucasian man wearing the standard Kumo shinobi uniform but had bandages wrapped around the top of his head and his forehead protector covered his right eye.
"Welcome to the leaf village Raikage-sama, I am happy that you made it here safe and sound," Minato spoke as A snorted a little but thanked him none the less.
"Yes well since we are here, we may as well get right down to it. No sense it postponing this," he said as Minato nodded while Kushina kept her guard up.
Since the attempted kidnap on her life by Kumo shinobi's when she was younger, she had always been very weary around Kumo shinobi. To be frank, she did not trust them one little bit.
"I agree. I see no reason why are two villages should have to be at each other's throats nay more and I am more than willing to put the past behind us if it mean the leaf and the cloud can finally see each other as allies other then enemies."s
"I agree as well. As Raikage the safety of my village is my top priority and it will always come first. If it means keeping any ridiculous wars from breaking out again then I will do it." Minato nodded to that as well. Though he and A never exactly saw eye to eye, he was glad that as the kage of his village he understood that alliances would truly benefit one another.
Kumo had always been more militarized then Konoha but then again Kumo had always been a very tightly kit and army like village where as Konoha was a bit more relaxed in that sense but always kept their guard up.
"I am surprised that your brother B is not here. Normally the two of you are inseparable," Minato asked as A narrowed his eyes a little at the comment.
"Bee is a jinchurikii therefore he knows that his place is to stay at the village and be a protector Kumo. As a jinchurikii he is a tool to be used to keep Kumo safe."
The leaf ninja frowned at that but knew that was mostly how other jinchurikii were treated like. "You know I have always been curious to who the jinchurikii of the Kyuubi was. Since you know who Kumo's jinchurikii's are do you not think we should know who yours is?"
That made everyone tense while Kushina and Minato looked at the man dangerously. Something that made the white haired man tense and prepare himself. Kakashi did the same.
"That information is classified Raikage-sama," Minato spoke in a clam and even tone.
"Oh so do you believe that my village does not deserve to know of your weapon while you know ours?" A said with his voice getting a little louder.
Kushina slammed her fist on the table. "Jinchurikii's are not tools that you can control simply because of what they contain. They are human beings who carry a great burden on their shoulders." A didn't look affected by the comment but instead just raised an eyebrow at her outburst while Minato smoothed her by rubbing small circles on her hand.
"You are oddly protective towards them, which leads me to guess that your jinchurikii is someone close to you.
All the leaf shinobi tensed again and were mentally preparing themselves for some kind of confrontation since Kushina face contorted to a looked that showed she was ready to kill.
"Well if you won't tell us then perhaps it was a mistake coming here since you cannot be honest with us when we are being honest with you."
"Honest," Kushina said snorting. "Like how you tried to kidnap me when I was a girl and yet tried to deny it. Yes very honest."
"What my father did when he was Raikage does not fall to me. To be honest I never really understood the big fuss about you Uzumaki. All you were ever good at was fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu. The rest you were just mediocre at."
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]