"Even now, they are all she can think about," Naruto thought a little bitterly as he looked down at the ground as he shook slightly.
Shaking his head a little Naruto began to walk away and just made his way home while Itachi gave him a sad glance while Mikoto just wondered what had him so down.
Meanwhile Tsunade and Hiruzen, who had heard what Kushina said looked at Naruto with sadness in their eyes.
"We need to talk to them about this Sarutobi-sensei; look at Naru-chan, even if he doesn't necessarily show it the way they treat him is effecting him. I heard from Shizune that he is distancing himself from the twins, it's like he doesn't want them to get to close to him." said Tsunade, worry clear in her voice. "While I agree with you, Tsunade-chan, the question still remains; how would we get them to see what they are doing to young Naruto? I doubt they even realize that their actions, or rather, inaction is causing him any sort of grief." He replied, also worried about the young boy that he saw as a grandson. "At moment the only thing we can do is wait and see if they will realize their mistake before it is too late."
Naruto stood at the north gate of Konoha as he waited for his team and sensei to arrive so they could go on their mission.
Today marked their first C rank mission ever and Naruto could not help but feel a little excited.
The night the Kumo shinobi had attempted to kidnap the Hyuga heiress, the Hyuga Clan as well as the shinobi council had been extremely thankful towards him, Itachi and Anko since if it was not for Naruto and Itachi holding the ninja back and Anko going to warn the Hokage then they may have lost the Hyuga heiress.
As a reward, they made the rescue a completed A ranked mission and all three genin got the pay. It also set a new record as Naruto, Itachi and Anko became the youngest team to ever go on an A ranked mission.
Mikoto of course gave them a small scolding but they knew that was just the mother in her talking. Though she was extremely proud of her first genin team and knew from that moment that Naruto, Itachi and Anko would go on to do great things.
They had their test the next day, which was basically to let Mikoto see their level of strength.
She was not disappointed and, on more than one occasion, had found herself on the defensive before managing to push them back and subdue them. It made the trio realize that Mikoto was a very powerful woman who had rightfully earned the title of Fire Mistress of the leaf. Since then for the next six months, they went on simple D rank missions all around the leaf village. They came up with a simple routine, which was to perform D rank missions in the morning, and then they would break for a lunch break before meeting up again for a few hours in the afternoon to train.
Mikoto had managed to find certain aspects with each of the three to help train them in which she was thankful for since she was not the type to leave one out while focusing on the other two.
With Itachi she helped him with his ninjutsu and genjutsu since they both had the Sharingan. Anko was taijutsu and she would spend a good hour or more just blazing it out with the girl while also focusing on her elemental ninjutsu, which she decided to learn after seeing the two boys use theirs for the first time.
Not surprising she had fire element as well which was a bonus. With Naruto she struggled with for a short while before she could also help him with his taijutsu and kenjutsu. Though she used a tanto as a weapon other than a katana, the dynamic were similar plus it gave Naruto plenty of time to practice his kenjutsu skills against his sensei and improve them.
As Naruto thought of his skills he looked down to the ground and stared at his two hands.
He had always wondered what could help him stand out from his parents and teachers since they were all very world-renowned. His father had the Hirashin, his mother had her Kenjutsu and both had fūinjutsu, Mikoto had her fire jutsu, Tsunade her healing skills and super strength, Jiraiya had his toad jutsu's, Kakashi had his chidori, Itachi his Sharingan and Sarutobi with his bojutsu and decades of experience.
He had wondered what would set him apart from the rest. And it was one month ago when he finally found just what that was. Flashback
Naruto panted a little as Tsunade threw another punch towards which he managed to jump to the side and dodge at the last second.
He regained his footing and charged towards Tsunade.
This was one of their normal taijutsu spars that Tsunade began ever since she began teaching him. They were in a small training on the Senju compound that they used recently over the few years since Tsunade was the last of her clan and she did not want to see her ancestral home collect dust.
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