When I got to my room the first thing I did was open only fans.
And no, it's not time to masturbate.
It's time to make money!
Mia had sent me her email and password a few hours ago, so it was Time to upload all the pictures I made today.
I entered everything, and just like that, "Mimi's" account was all mine.
First thing I did was put a banner and a profile picture.
This is by far the most important part for discoverability aside from social media talk. If the first impression is bad, it's over. So I have to make sure this one is good.
I finally decided on one of the first ones I took after she took her clothes off.
It's Fairly simple, a standing up shot of Mia, her body leaned forward to show off her cleavage. Her hips where also in view, letting everyone know that her behind is just as impressive as what's in the front.
To top it off, she was winking at the camera with that signature coquettish smile drawn in her plump pink lips, a perfect representation of the wild devilish allure she holds.
I made the banner one of the fully clothed photos, and wouldn't want to reveal too much.
And just like that, mere seconds after setting up her profile "Mimi" got her first ever follower.
Who the fuck is sniping?
Well, I guess that makes me know I did a good job.
Next thing I began uploading all the free photos.
I took hundreds, but decided on only uploading ten of the very best, and then keep posting more of them with time.
I also made sure to put some simple yet alluring descriptions.
And next, it was time to upload the very first batch of 10$ pictures.
I uploaded 10 as well.
I thought about putting the lip slip as a 20$ picture, but decided against it. Doing scummy things like that so early into the plan would damage the accounts reputation fast.
Next, it's time to start promoting Mia's page.
The plan is simple. First, I'll be buying four premade accounts on different forums and subreddits, so I won't be promoting my account on completely new accounts.
This is for a couple of reasons. Many people are iffy to blatant attempts to promote things, and they will avoid engaging at all. A new account is basically the #1 sign of bot accounts promoting stuff.
Appearing to be a normal person that found Mia's account would make it much more believable, and these kinds of people would naturally gravitate towards it.
Each of these accounts would post different things at different times, each one sharing a different photo of Mimi's free pictures and sharing the link to the only fans.
The post itself would go something like:
["Look at this hidden gem I found 👉"]
I would also pay moderators of these forums to highlight the posts. This can make some people suspicious, but at the end of the day it's worth it because of the amount of new eyes Mimi's account would receive.
Afterwards, I'll just let the internet do what it does best.
It took me quite a few hours to do everything, but at the end everything was done and I went to sleep, my heart racing in anticipation of tomorrow.
The vibration of my phone woke me up.
Who the hell is spamming my phone? Still half asleep I turned it on, seeing that it was Mia's contact, sending me a text every couple of seconds.
It's 8 am on a sunday, what the hell does she want.
I was about to block her, before a sudden notification woke me wide awake.
[Mia Ellis has sent you 5000$ through cash app]
what the fuck.
I jumped out of my bed, blinking at least a dozen times to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.
No, this is real.
What the fuck.
I've never seen that amount of money in my card, oh my god.
I called Mia immediately after making sure what I was seeing was true.
Seems like she was thinking of doing the same, because she didn't even let a single ring go through before she took my call.
Her voice came ringing through the phone, excitement clear in her voice.
"Come to my apartment!"
"Yes now!"
I tried to rebel, but before I could utter a single word she cut the line.
I tried calling her back immediately after, but every time it rang she declined my call.
["What is happening"] I texted her myself.
["3324 Promenade Ave #101 Apt 801"]
[Can't you tell me here?]
She left me on seen.
What's up with girls leaving me on seen?
Well, I guess I have no choice now.
I took a quick shower, dressed with anything I saw, made sure to carefully pack my camera and then ran down the stairs.
Luna was already up, probably getting ready for her morning run.
"Addy? You're up early?" She questioned, confusion etched on her face.
She was making breakfast, or so it seems.
"Yeah, I have to go," I said while putting my shoes on, a sentence that seemed to confuse Luna for a second.
"Ohh, is my addy finally meeting up with a girl?" She spoke, obviously teasing me for my utter lack of vagina.
I thought about lying and saying that I wasn't, that would have very much saved me at least four hours of interrogation.
But I thought I would play with her a little.
"Yeah" I responded simply, watching as her eyes grew wide, before I opened the door and ran towards Mia's direction.
I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as Luna's faint voice came from inside the house.
An extremely surprised, almost panicked
I arrived at Mia's apartment in just a few minutes and had to stay outside for some time, catching my breath.
I rang her apartment soon enough though, and unlike before, she didn't say a word and just opened the doors to her apartment.
"Feeling mysterious I see" I joked, but no words came from the other side.
I entered the metal box and clicked her floor's button, knocking on her closed door once I arrived.
She opened it almost immediately, her pale white hand grasping me before she pushed me inside and closed the door behind her.
Mia had just woken up. her hair is still disheveled and her make up is off.
A fact that made me realize she didn't use any, except for some eye liner.
She's still in her pajamas, a pink, unicorn shirt and pants that made her look quite cute if I may say so.
She didn't say a word, she just grasped my hand once more and then pulled me with her.
She ran upstairs, almost tripping before she landed in front of one of the four bedrooms in the small hallway.
She opened the door, guided me inside and then finally let go of my hand.
She ran to her laptop, opened it and then walked back in front of me.
She turned the computer around so I could see the screen, and right in front of me, "Mimi's" total account earnings showed themselves.
She made 10000$ in the first fucking day.