He dropped her on the passenger seat of the gold sport car and went to the driver's seat and zoomed of. While riding Arya noticed he was wearing a hand glove on his right hand only.
"What fashion is this?" She asked reaching out to the handglove, but Ryu evaded her touch and chuckled nervously.
"It's a dress code you like it?"
"I don't know.." she answered wondering why he didn't want her to touch it. They drove in silence through out the rest of the ride . The Royal family had built the academy for gifted people,to help them train their powers and use it for the defence of their kingdom. Finally they reached the Palace and Ryu parked his car.
"Are you sure you will be able to walk on those? or should I just carry you in" Ryu asked
"Don't worry I can manage, we don't want to stain your majesty regal" she said with sacarsm. Immediately Ryu got out, a red carpet was spread out for him.
He smiled and held Arya waist " If you don't want to mess up, it's advisable you follow my lead " he said and winked at her.
Arya reluctantly stayed beside him and they both walked down the red carpet.
" We welcome prince Ryu Jun Kyle of Azurean" the announcer cried and a crown was placed on Ryu's head.
" And his partner Miss Sophia..... err" the announcer paused not seeing a surname.
" Just forget it"Ryu said and lead Arya down the stairs, of course everyone was staring and wasn't perplexed to see another new girl by Ryu's side.
"Elijah!" Arya gasped as she spotted Elijah among the crowd but suddenly frowned when she saw a girl with dirty blonde hair clinging to him.
"I don't care, I have to greet my friend" she thought and removed Ryu's hand from her waist immediately they came down from the stairs and then she waved Elijah over.
"Hi Riri, glad you could make it " Elijah said giving his bright smile that she liked so much.
"It's our welcome party, I wouldn't want to miss it" she said with a returned smile .
" Oh, hey Prince Ryu"Elijah greeted noticing the prince.
" Greetings Lord Elijah " Ryu greeted back. Elijah clingy par(partner) came to carry him away after eyeing Arya and giving Ryu a big smile.
Ryu also took her away from the spot.
"Why did you take my hand off?" Ryu asked trying to hide his annoyance.
"I didn't want Elijah to think something is going on between us" Arya replied casually.
Ryu looked at her in astonishment and made a small laugh of disbelief, many girls would have killed to be in her position and here she was, not wanting to let people think they were in a relationship. The sound of trumpet interrupted his thought and he looked up and saw his father entrying the hall.
"All welcome KING DARIUS JUN KYLE OF AZUREAN" the announcer cried and everyone in the hall bowed as the handsome king waved majestically.
"I now know where you got your good looks from" Arya said, her remark pleased Ryu and he smiled.
"Are you admitting that I am handsome?"
"Look, are those your siblings?"Arya gestured towards the three children running in as the announcer said their names and maids were running after them. She also used it as an opportunity to avoid Ryu's question.
" Yes they are"
" Awwn so cute..."
" And stubborn" Ryu completed then called out their names sharply.
" Alex!, Alexis!, Lex!, Can you three stay put? " He said.The triplets attention turned towards him and they chorused
" Big bro!!! " And dashed towards him, Lex fell on the way and Ryu face palmed his self while Arya giggled.
He lifted Alexis and Alex as soon as they got there, while Lex hugged his legs.
" Who's this? "Alexis asked noticing Sophia
" This is my par"
"Another one!!!" They chorused together again drawing people's attention to them.
" Sshh!,... Come on Arya let me introduce you to my dad"
" Sure"Arya smiled, Ryu had a nice family and he was so lucky, she thought.
" Greetings King dad"Ryu said with a small bow.
" Ryu" the king said and pulled him in for a hug then ruffled his hair.
" Daaaad! "Am no longer a kid, it took me hours to style my hair" Ryu grumbled and straightened his hair back. Arya smiled,she knows where Ryu got his silky white hair from now, even if the king's hair was longer, to his waist actually.
"And who's this lovely lady over here?" King Darius asked smiling at Sophia.
"Dad this is Arya my new par"
"Greetings my king" Arya said and did a little curtsy.
Soon visitors started arriving and the king left them to welcome his visitors, while the triplets followed suit running towards the food table.
"Aren't you going to go after them?" Arya asked
"Don't worry , it's already dusk, when they eat , they sleep immediately" Ryu explained and quickly added.
"It will soon be time for the dance, stay put "he said and she nodded feeling the goosebumps that crept up her flesh.
Daven and Xavier approached them with their Pars that wouldn't stop giggling as they saw Ryu.
" Hey Ryu " Daven said with a wink.
" What's wrong? "Ryu asked suspicious.
" Nothing much, just that Misha's dad is here" Xavier said, Ryu rolled his eyes making Daven and Xavier chuckle.
" Why don't you be a good son in-law and go greet him" Daven proposed
They all looked at across the room and saw Misha waving at him to come over, he sighted her dad smiling at him and he faked a smile back.
"If I have to go you are coming with me" Ryu pinned his arms with theirs and pulled them across the room.
The two brunette Daven and Xavier brought with them looked at Arya in a curt manner, holding their noses high in the air they hmmpf! and walked pass her.
Arya looked, flustered.
"What did I do to them?" She asked her self.