Just Friends, Always Have Been

(Author note: No but actually if you are below the age if 18 don't read this)

"You know, people think we're dating," Kikidori muttered as he shoved his books into his locker.

Ere'ana, standing beside him, snorted. "Yeah, well, people are dumb. Just because we share a dorm, sleep in the same bed sometimes, and hug all the time doesn't mean we're fucking."

Kikidori side-eyed her. "You really had to phrase it like that?"

She grinned. "What? It's true."

Their friendship had always been like this—unfiltered, close as hell, and confusing to literally everyone else. They had been inseparable since daycare, and by the time high school rolled around, it was just natural for them to share a dorm at their boarding school. It wasn't even weird anymore.

At least, not to them.

Other people? Whole different story.

"You guys are basically a married couple," one of their classmates, Renji, said as he leaned on the locker beside Kikidori's. "Like, if I didn't know better, I'd think you two were sneaking around at night."

Ere'ana rolled her eyes and threw an arm around Kikidori's shoulders. "Yeah, yeah, if we ever decide to bone, you'll be the first to know."

Kikidori groaned. "Can you not? You're making it weird."

"You make it weird by being so damn touchy," Renji shot back.

That was the thing—Ere'ana and Kikidori were always hugging. If one of them was sitting, the other would drape themselves over them. If they were walking, they'd have an arm around each other. It was just how they were.

And, yeah, maybe it made other people uncomfortable, but that was their problem, not Kikidori's.

Ere'ana leaned in close to Kikidori, her lips almost touching his ear. "You know what makes it even better?"

"What?" he asked warily.

She smirked. "I could totally tell people you have a tiny dick, and they'd have no way of proving me wrong."

Kikidori shoved her off. "What the fuck, Ere'!?"

Renji burst out laughing, and Ere'ana, smug as ever, looped her arm back around Kikidori's waist. "Relax, Kiki. It's not like I'd actually say that."

"You literally just did!"

"Yeah, but to Renji, and he doesn't count."

Renji wiped a fake tear from his eye. "I feel so fucking valued right now."