Chapter 4

Ayla had supported Derrick for the longest time, she had met him by chance at a fruit market.

He had forgotten his wallet, and she had helped him out, he seemed to be very kind to her when she had done that.

Ayla had been stoked when he had asked for her number, the first date that she and Derrick had gone to was not all that great, but she didn't mind.

As the dates progressed, she was the one who seemed to always be footing the bill. Then it grew gradually to her, supporting him in other ways.

He made promises in return that when he finally made it, they could get married as he wanted to make sure he could take care of her.

They had decided to wait on sex until they got married. At first, they had tried but she was afraid, and Derrick did not try to push her a bit.

She had told him to give her a few months, then she would be ready but he had proposed a better proposal to wait until they got married. He did not want to pressure her.

At that time she had been very happy thinking that he wanted what was best for her and that he was so considerate of her feelings, yet that had all been a lie, to not go further with her.

Her best friend Sammy, beautiful and attractive, she had a lot of experience when it came to men.

She did not trust him one bit,

"Ayla a guy like Derrick, there is no way that he is not cheating on you."

"Why must he be cheating? He cares about me."

"If he was attracted to you, he wouldn't want to keep his hands off you."

"What makes you think that he is not attracted to me?."

"It's not like that Ayla and you know it, he is not drawn to you physically and emotionally."

"He is different from all the other guys, he cares about how I feel, what makes me comfortable and what doesn't."

Sammy sighed, "But I know his type, he is using you and every time he is here, he just grifts. Does nothing to help or alleviate his girlfriend's burden."

"You don't know him like I do."

"Can't you see that you rarely kiss, or touch."

"We do at times, you are not with us all the time."

"I get that but he is never all over you or longs for you. He seems to be doing everything mechanically."

"Can we drop this Sammy? I have my beliefs and you have yours. It's my relationship and I will see how to move forward with it."

"Why is he making you pay for everything?"

She sighed and knew that Sammy would not let it go any time soon. She understood that her best friend cared so much about her, but it was also very annoying.

"He is trying to get on his feet and he says as soon as he does, he will change Ayla and I don't want him to hurt you badly."

"You will see Sammy. He is saving up for an engagement ring as he studies. He has hinted many times that he wants to get married."

Sammy folded her arms, "How has he?"

"I see that he is browsing for rings."

"Funny how he does it when you can see it. Or how he leaves the most obvious clues."

"Then tell me why he would do that Sammy? What does he have to gain by giving me false hope?"

"He does it to satiate you."

"Sammy, is it so hard for someone to love me? I know that in the looks department, I lack but I have more to offer."

"I know that Ayla but Derrick takes the offer literally by using you. How is it fair that you pay for everything? He does not want to search for a job to help out and I'm afraid that he is going to work you to the ground. You need to save your money, it can't be all going to Derrick, you are not his parent."

"I'm okay with it Sammy, really. I know that you are worried about me but everything will work out."

"No, stand up for yourself Ayla, you're in a relationship and he has to do his part."

"He does do his part, Sammy, he supports me emotionally."

"That's about it, so why don't you try to have sex with him again? See how he reacts."

"Why should I?"

"Do you plan on being a virgin forever?"


"I mean he is attracted to you and it seems as if you are now more comfortable with him. Why not give it a shot?"

Ayla nodded, Sammy did have a point, she was not as afraid as she was in the beginning.

She did not know how it would go unless she gave it another go. She wanted to please him in every way and she too wanted more intimacy.

Making love sounded wonderful to her now that she thought about it.

"Fine, I will try."

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