I live fruitful and easy life. Being born into royalty is honestly like winning the lottery. Im grateful for the life i currently have. Waking up everyday with food on the table, being able to eat three square meals, buying anything my heart desires. I really am on top of the world. I could never even image what it would be like, living on the other side of the world down below, in poverty, makes me sick even just thinking about it. Although i do always wonder, why is there poor people in this world, who suffer everyday, who constantly have to fight for survival. I know its possible for there to be no pain and suffering in this world. For everyone to be equal and live in a world full of peace and harmony. Oh well that's the last of my concerns. The kingdom of Relkia, my home, one of the wealthiest nations in this world. Also known as the land of the gold, due to its vast natural resources and prominent gold reserves. 

"Mr. Rikard, your presence is requested downstairs in the throne room", said the maid as she knocked on my door.

" Why, i have no business there, its just a court hearing, you know im never involved in those matters"

The maid said nervously " Yes i know, but your father has requested for your presence"

" Okay, im coming" i sighed

i walked downstairs to the throne room, i could heard loud muttering coming from within. I opened the door and went to sit on the chair next to my dad, who failed to even acknowledge my arrival once again.

"Bring her in, this lady who is said to be a witch, causing havoc on the streets of upper capital " commanded the king

At this moment in time, I started to show a bit of interest, I've never heard of any cases like this particular one about a witch, all that stuff is fairytale to me

The large doors at the front of the throne room opened wide, two guards escorted her in. Her hands were tied behind her back, she was tall and slim, with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, her clothes were tattered and she was barefoot with feet so dirty, it differed from her actual complexion. She wasn't what i was expecting.

"Aren't witches meant to be old and wrinkly" I whispered to my dad

He looked at me with confusion, like he also thought the same

" There have been reports and sightings of you causing havoc on the streets of the capital, doing unpleasant and ungodly things, why have such allegations been brought up against you, answer like your life depends on it, because it does" said the king boldly"

The so called witch stood there in utter silence, looking around at the throne room, and the spectators that were seating around. I could sense the demeanour of the entire room shift from that very moment. She had this ominous aura emitting from her, that i could feel creeping on my skin. As she finished scanning the throne room. We locked eyes, eyes there were soulless, like nothing I've ever seen or witnessed before. I quickly looked away out of fear, as i felt like a darkness was about to swallow me up

A loud sigh was let off before the lady spoke " King of the mighty Relkia, those allegations against me, what do you think, do you think it's true. That i a pure innocent lady, would have such supernatural powers, enough to wreak havoc in the capital your having a laugh"

There was silence around the throne room, before my dad could even speak again. She lady started laughing

The entire throne room was silence, trying to get an understanding about what they were witnessing. I was also confused at what was going on, i waited anxiously for my dads reply but he didn't say anything, he looked at her and didn't say a word, like he was anticipating something else.

"Sorry for my laughter king, i just couldn't help but find it funny. If you're wondering what's funny, is that im laughing at the naivety of all of you guys. You claimed im a witch who's causing havoc on the streets with supernatural powers, yet you only restrain my hands with handcuffs, now that is stupidity"

" this so called golden kingdom we live in, that's just built on lies and deception, I couldn't take it anymore, you guys at the top claim, to be prosperous due to the vast gold our nation has, but i know that's not true. You make your riches by selling us people at the bottom of Relkia, to other nations as slaves"

The throne room still remained silent, everyone listened carefully to what the lady was saying. At this point i knew she wasn't all there in the head, what is she talking about, she must be mad.

" she's just a crazy lady", shouted one of the spectators

The lady continued her rant " the only way to survive in the gallows of Relkia, a world in which none of you are accustomed to or even aware of. You have to become someone or something you never ever thought you dare become. You have to completely disregard, the person that you was, when you was born into this world. Darkness is what surrounds us all in the gallows, and when you're surrounded by darkness for a long time. You forget about light, you forget that it even existed. Should i tell you what lives in darkness. Evil, evil is what people become after they have spent their whole lives in darkness, it's the only way to survive. So much so it's become the norm of our world. The word evil in which im referring to isn't just, people being unpleasant to others or even killing others, i mean real evil, which goes way beyond that"

At this point the lady had the deep attention of every body in that throne room. I felt really uneasy about where this was heading, I could sense something sinister coming from that lady.

"But we don't have a choice do we, in the gallows we are just trying to survive. Trying to avoid being captured and turned into a slave by the higher ups, is the least of our problems. We had no other option but to turn to it and let it consume us"

The lady looked down at the ground and remained silent, she didn't utter a word no more. Everyone in the throne room was still in awe at what they had heard, so was my dad. I was also trying to get an understanding what she was saying. I couldn't quite make out, what she was explaining to us.

All of a sudden the throne room doors bursted opened, and all the windows in the throne room, had shattered. Panic erupted in the throne room immediately. People were pushing and shoving, trying to make a run for the exit. The big doors shut and did not open. At this point, i looked to my dad and i was panicking

" Dad what do we do" i said hysterically

No reply, i looked at my dad's face properly, he had a look on his face that i had never seen before. He had frozen in fear

The lady shouted " letting me in here was a foolish mistake"

Within the blink of an eye, her hands were released, the handcuffs snapped in half. People scattered to the far ends of the room trying to get as far away as possible. In an instant the shards of the broken glass, were sent flying around the room, piercing anyone in its path. People dropped like prey before a predator. The witches hands were moving in a the direction of building guiding the shards towards the civilians. Within the blink of an eye, everyone in the throne room was on the floor lifeless. It was just me and my dad.

The witch walked towards us, i was frozen, I couldn't say a word or even look at my dad. "It has taken over me, I didn't chose to be like this" she said frantically

She chanted a spell, speaking a language in which i have never heard"

My eyesight slowly faded, like I was going blind, everything had turned to darkness. I felt an opening below me, like I was being swallowed by the earth.

Moments later, i woke up laying on the ground, i felt rain beating down on my body. I opened my eyes. I was in an alley way, but i had no clue on my whereabouts or what happened. Im still in disbelief about what just happened, im shaking frantically, remembering vividly at the horror i was just a part off. I began to walk out of the alley. It was dark and quiet. As I approached the end of alley. I looked up and saw the castle at the very top of the hill.

It seemed like i had been teleported. I was not familiar with this area of the city at all, it was dark and quiet, almost like it was a completely different world. I quickly remembered what the witch was talking about, is that what she referred to as the gallows.

I continued to walk through the darkness on high alert, looking around at my surroundings at every given moment. All of a sudden i felt a sharp pain, in my stomach.

"Nice jacket, its mine now" said the dark figure as he scurried off

I immediately fell to the floor, clutching at my stomach in pain. I felt blood gushing out of me, I grunted in pain. Is this really it, is this how i die. I feel so cold, im tired now. I just want to go to sleep for a bit. Maybe when i wake up I'll feel better.

"Get up, Get up"