No Turning Back


The hurried sound of boots clicking was all that was heard in the long, dark hallway. Noel strode as though someone was hot on her tail as she continously turned to look behind her.

It took three good years before she was able to get to this point. The constant training and sneaking around had finally paid off.

The days spent trying to earn the trust of those on top and every other person whose trust was needed. Vicious it may seem but she did have to admit that she formed some really good relationships.


Getting to the final passage, she hurriedly turned left towards the only door in that passage.

Looking back, she bent into a squat as she proceeded to bring out the lock pick from her pocket. She had sneaked out to this place after setting off the fire alarm and by calculation, no one would be down here anytime soon. Besides, it was a forgotten place which seemed to hold the secret of the organization.

After fiddling with the lock for a few minutes, it was finally open and with a creaking sound, she was able to enter inside.

Although she wasn't so sure she could find what exactly she was looking for, she was still a hundred percent sure it was here.

A stupid faith.

Jack would always call it but it was their only means at the moment. All sort of logic had failed, so why not try intuition?


The room was shrouded in dirt and dust, cobwebs lining from one point in the room to the other. Without a little as delay, she walked towards the stack of files on the old and abandoned table by the corner.

She gritted her teeth as her search was only resulting in futility. She looked from one folder to another, lots of secrets but none of what she was after.

She turned to walk to the other side of the table to check in the drawers beneath. The drawer on the left was her first option but she was shocked back by the mice which tried to scurry away the moment their hiding spot was exposed.

With a sigh, she turned to the right trying to pull the globe-like handle but it seemed as though it were locked. Having hit another dead end, she tried to look around for a key but.....

"Push in the handle." A voice rang out in her head. Having gotten used to the voice, her previous headaches obviously didn't arise.

"What do you mean by pushing it in, have your inactiveness finally made you retard that you don't know how a handle works again or was there no handles in your time?" She shot back her frustration showing heavily in her words.

"No much talk and just push. If there weren't any handle in my time, this drawer wouldn't have one." The voice replied with sass and sarcasm.

That's true.

Without much though, she push in the handle and was surprised to here the sound of walls creaking. She looked up and on an O'clock range, she saw the wall had opened, revealing a passage between it.

"What are you waiting for, move in."

The voice prompted, bringing her back to herself. She hurried in after which the wall shut back. A bit startled, she tried turning towards it but was interrupted by the voice that showed her the opening mechanism within, calming her greatly.

She strode in and was stunned by the lab like room. The room though looking neater than every other place she's been to, also seemed out of use. The lights kept flickering and there were still hints of dust around.


In the middle of the room laid what she had been after all these years. The pale body of a male lay on the operating table with lots of tubes and wires connected to it.

She was stunned by the youthly face and couldn't help taking a few steps forwards.

"I can't believe it's here." The voice brought her back to herself. Scolding herself for being distracted, she replied with a roll of the eye.

"Why else did we go all through these troubles?"

"We need to figure out how to get you back into your body." She commented as she walked around the body.

"You got into my head by contact, so maybe if I just make contact with your body, you'll be able to get in." She said as she looked at the body.

"It's worth a shot." Getting an affirmation, she readied herself as she placed her hand on the chest of the body.




Nothing seemed to have happened and this rose her frustration level to hundred.

"Why isn't it working?" She asked as she tried again, this time linking hands with the body. There still was no change at all and this led to her rough handling the body a bit.

"Careful, that is my body." The voice informed only to be shut by her shout of...

"Then shut up and get inside already." In her frustration and rough handling, she had cut herself and wasn't even aware of that fact. The voice tried to tell her but understanding her plight, he, himself felt bad.


The sudden sound from outside brought her back to her senses.

Did they already figure something out?

The sudden thought lead to her seeking for a perfect spot to hide. The group entered and looked around briefly. Still seeing the body on the table, they breathed a sigh of relief as they looked at the room once again before leaving.

After a few minutes, Noel came out of her hiding spot with a sigh of relief. She looked towards the entrance again as though making sure no one was still outside before walking again towards the body.

Having calmed down, she tried to think rationally of how to solve the problem at hand.

"How do we get you back in?" She asked silently but received no response after some minutes.

That's odd.

"Jack?" She called but received no response once again.

"Jack." She called again, this time almost driven into panic mode. She complained when he spoke 'too much' in her head yet his silence was.....


Under panic, she didn't notice the sudden movement in the room early.

"What in the....."