What cute rabbits?

We returned to the train tracks, where only the great freight train could be seen, derailed by the violent impact. This train transported various materials within the country and to neighboring nations: firewood, steel, precious materials, and other essential goods. It was an impressive train, with twelve cargo cars and five operators who worked in the engine cabin, located in the first car.

"Are you guys okay?" asked Reia in a worried but firm voice.

"The grass on this side cushioned the fall," the two men responded almost in unison, though their voices betrayed a hint of confusion.

Aiden's pants were torn at the knees, as was his vest, revealing a few bruises and bumps from the violent fall.

As the scene unfolded, it occurred to me that I hadn't yet shared some important details about the characters and setting. Let me take a moment to paint a clearer picture for you. Aiden, on the day he ran away, was dressed in a striking red vest, a fitted black polo shirt, worn-out jeans, and spotless black sneakers. Slung over his shoulder was a navy-blue backpack, perfectly coordinated with his outfit, carrying essentials like food, underwear, socks, spare pants, and other necessities.

If you're curious about where this story takes place, we find ourselves in Austria—a country renowned for its baroque architecture, winter sports (though it's autumn at that moment), enchanting music, and awe-inspiring landscapes. Our protagonists are nearing the border with Italy, their journey unfolding against this picturesque backdrop. With these details in mind, let's return to the heart of the story.


"Podbe, are you okay?" asked Aiden as he observed the small canine attentively.

"Yes, it didn't hurt much. I think I have more resistance to pain," Podbe replied with a mix of pride and confidence.

At that moment, both of them stood up and turned to face the scene before them, horrified. The train was practically split in half, with everything it had been carrying scattered everywhere. The area where they were was almost deserted, a remote place where hardly anyone lived, if anyone at all.

The train workers also got to their feet, staggering slightly from the impact. They ran toward where Podbe and Aiden were, but before they could reach them, thick, sharp vines emerged from the ground with startling speed, trapping the five operators and dragging them underground.

"But, what just happened?" the three exclaimed in unison, their faces painted with astonishment.

From the three holes left by the vines emerged three small white rabbits, with black eyes like those of any common rabbit. These animals had been sent by the extraterrestrial who attacked the agent, guided by the energy emanating from the artifact fused inside the puppy that now resided in Podbe.

"What adorable little creatures!" said Podbe enthusiastically, wagging his golden tail.

"They're the calmest and gentlest animals there are," added Aiden with an innocent smile.

"I hate to ruin the fun, guys, but I don't think they're as cute as they seem," Reia retorted in a serious yet somewhat sarcastic tone.

"Why?" both asked in unison, looking at her with curiosity.

The rabbits' eyes began to turn red, as red as the blood coursing through veins. Their small teeth elongated into sharp fangs, and their tender paws transformed into claws as sharp as blades. Reia received a message from the system that said: Eliminate the demonic rabbits while protecting your new master. Reward: instant level-up, plus one point for each rabbit exterminated.

"You heard me, Podbe, we have to eliminate them," Reia said in a firm tone.

"Eliminate them?" he repeated, confused. "How can I eliminate them if I only have a bit more strength and am slightly faster than before? That system sure is crazy to give me this kind of quest."

The rabbit from the middle hole launched a direct attack toward them, running with its claws extended like deadly daggers. Aiden and Podbe managed to avoid it at the last moment thanks to Podbe pushing Aiden with a precise headbutt. The other two rabbits began to extend vines from their snouts, unfurling them like dark tentacles.

"Oh, so that's where those plants came from," Reia remarked with a mix of sarcasm and concern.

"Aiden, go to that tree behind us. There's no time to lose. Can you walk and climb it, right?" the dog instructed in a hurried but determined voice.

Aiden nodded quickly and began running toward the tree, though his gaze reflected anguish at leaving Podbe alone.

"What are you going to do, Podbe?" the boy asked, worried about the little canine.

"Reia, what can I do?" Podbe asked, seeking guidance.

"You have more strength, defense, and agility than a normal dog. Try to separate the rabbits. The one that attacked first must be the leader; go after him first," Reia responded swiftly.

The dog, slightly larger than the rabbits, ran toward the lead rabbit and rammed it with a headbutt, but the other two rabbits quickly blocked his path, forming an impenetrable barrier.

"How am I supposed to tell them apart if they all look the same?" Podbe said, visibly frustrated.

"I don't think so," Reia replied. "Look, the first one has a cap."

"To me, they're all gray," the puppy retorted, remembering that, as people say, dogs see everything in black and white or shades of gray. However, something crossed his mind. "But there's something we dogs have, and that's our sense of smell. I had forgotten about that."

He began sniffing the air attentively, moving his nose with precision.

"I know now," he finally said. "The first rabbit gives off a different scent than the other two. It smells like damp earth, while the other two smell like dry earth."

"But I can't attack it because the other two are shielding it," Podbe reflected, analyzing the situation.

"Maybe if we used a feint," Reia suggested cleverly.

"Yes, why not?" the canine responded, determined.

The dog approached the rabbits, pretending he was going to attack the leader. Just as the other two rabbits took up defensive positions to protect him, Podbe suddenly retreated and, with a quick motion of his hind legs, struck the rabbit farthest from the leader, causing it to cross paths with the one acting as a shield. Taking advantage of the momentary chaos, Podbe ran toward the leader again and this time lunged at him without hesitation. The lead rabbit unsheathed its sharp claws and leaped toward him, but before it could touch him, Podbe lowered his head and delivered a powerful kick with his hind legs, sending the rabbit crashing to the ground with a dry thud.

"You've taken half of the rabbit's health," Reia announced in a professional tone.

"How do you know that?" Podbe asked, looking at her curiously.

"I can visualize the health of your enemies and the level they're at. For now, that's all you need to know. Go and hit him again to finish him off," she replied confidently.

But before Podbe could land another blow, the other two rabbits launched their vines toward him from their snouts. The vines, sharp as whips, captured the puppy's hind legs and began dragging him toward them while their leader got back on its feet and fled quickly into one of the holes. However, Podbe didn't give up. With a precise bite, he broke one of the vines, freeing one of his legs.

"It works! Great!" Reia exclaimed enthusiastically. "I think they're like their tongues. Go for the other one too."

"Oh no, you're not getting away, little bunny!" the puppy growled with determination. Once free, he ran toward the rabbit still holding the vines and, with a powerful headbutt, struck the creature in the back. It disappeared instantly, turning into smoke before their eyes. The other two rabbits stood motionless, as if confused. They probably communicate telepathically or something similar, Reia thought.

"Well, let's go for the other two," Podbe said decisively.

Without a second thought, he returned and delivered a headbutt to each of them, first to one and then to the other. Both rabbits vanished just like the first, leaving the area free of threats.

"Great job, Podbe! You did it!" Reia congratulated him proudly. "Let's check the reward you earned. Aiden, you can come down from the tree now."

Aiden carefully climbed down and ran to Podbe, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you for saving me, little hero," Aiden said with gratitude in his voice.

"Those bunnies were nothing to me," Podbe responded playfully, though his golden tail wagged with pride.

"Yes, you're my hero, little pup," Aiden added with a warm smile.

Reia interrupted, ever practical:

"Yes, good job defeating them. They were level three, one level higher than you. Well, now that you've completed the quest, we can upgrade your abilities."

"Abilities?" Aiden asked, intrigued.

"Yes, abilities. As Reia explained, every time I complete quests, I can level up and gain new abilities. I see why I need them now. The system shows a screen with all the things I can improve," Podbe explained enthusiastically.

"Oh, but I can't see any screen. I guess only you and Reia can see it," Aiden said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"But you can hear me," Reia interjected gently. "I'll tell you what appears."

"Alright," Aiden replied, accepting the situation.

"Well, Podbe, you're now level three. You have one point in strength, one in vitality, and zero in the other two, which are intellect and perception."

"How many points have you earned, Podbe?" the boy asked, curious.

"Three. What if I put one in each of the missing ones and one more in strength?" Aiden suggested thoughtfully.

"Alright, as you wish, master," Podbe responded with a mischievous smile. "One for each of the missing ones and one for strength."

"Update complete," Reia announced firmly. "There's an active attack: Firehead."

"Firehead? What's that about?" Aiden asked in a teasing tone. "It must be because of all the headbutts you threw during the fight."

"Well, explain to us what this new attack is," Aiden and Podbe said in unison, looking expectantly at Reia.

"Well, it seems that by increasing strength and activating your intellect, you've unlocked this ability, which costs twenty mana points every time you use it," Reia explained in a didactic tone.

"Interesting," Aiden and Podbe said together, exchanging glances filled with curiosity. "We need to activate more attacks, yes we do. Let's go for it."

Both began walking with determination, but Reia stopped them with an unexpected question:

"And where exactly are you going?"

The two looked at each other, bewildered. The truth was, they had no idea where to go.

"Those creatures will probably keep appearing," Aiden reflected. "You'll need more power, that's for sure, but… where do we go next? It's not like we have a map in our heads."

"Wait! I do have one in the system!" Reia exclaimed, quickly checking the information. "Aha! We're in Austria, almost reaching the border with Italy. If we head south, we'll get there."

"Where should we go?" they both asked, looking at each other uncertainly.

"I need some clue about my father," Aiden said pensively. "I don't even know what he looks like. My mother didn't leave any clues in that letter. And what about the people who hurt you, Podbe?"

"Well… I don't know either," the puppy replied with a tone of barely concealed frustration.

At that moment, a notification blinked before them: Go to southern Italy and you will find the clues you need to understand your past. Gain twenty experience points if you find what's necessary.

"Wow, that system sure is timely," Podbe commented with a mix of sarcasm and amazement. "Well, I don't have any clues about myself, not even where to start."

Further down the message, it read: Requires both of you to go and find clues.

"Are you serious?" Aiden asked, surprised. "Apparently, you're linked to the system, I don't know how. But it's a good sign, isn't it?"

"Well, let's not waste any more time, onward!" Podbe exclaimed with renewed enthusiasm.

With a resounding "yes" echoing in their hearts, they began heading south, determined to face whatever was necessary to uncover their hidden truths.