Dangerous Revelations

Already on the way, the kids were awestruck because it was their first time traveling through the air and also their first time leaving since they had been at the orphanage. When they were in the car, they could only look inside it to avoid being spotted by Lidia and Rino. But this time, they were included as part of the crew, thanks to Mr. Eduard. The ship began to vanish into thin air once they crossed the border, thanks to its camouflage.

Inside the ship, Lidia, Rino, and the two children were asking Eduard questions about how he had ended up in that situation because of Agent B. Eduard simply looked at them with a serious expression until he commented that it was the result of a fight with some house protectors, extremely strong individuals. Ezequiel, lost in thought, wondered what those individuals were made of. He didn't want to ask Eduard anything, but it seemed as if Eduard had read his mind, because he began explaining to everyone that those individuals were constructed with alien components and a touch of magic. Depending on their level, they could be stronger than an elephant, he noted. The others were astonished by the explanation when the pilot interrupted to indicate that they had arrived at the location they had been given.

Soon, the craft descended, and they positioned themselves behind the house where Adia was staying. Eduard got out first to avoid a repeat of what happened at Adia's house, smiling at Ezequiel as he did so. He inspected the area; the two dragon statues at the door scanned him, just as they had done with Adia and Aiden, and let him pass. Once inside, he began calling out for Adia, but no one answered. He walked over to one of the walls, and a section rose to reveal a computer. He typed a few things and said, "I see, so they're on the move." He stepped outside and told the others that they needed to follow this trail by land. From the ground emerged a vehicle, large like a truck, black, with two doors and four wheels.

Eduard asked the others to disembark and quickly board the vehicle to catch up, as the newly emerged vehicle had a system to track Adia's carriage. Everyone obeyed and exited the ship. Marie told the pilot to leave and, before getting off, handed a package to Ezequiel. He opened it and found a new shirt and jacket. He thanked her, and they headed toward the land vehicle. The vehicle wasn't small on the inside; it felt like a room, as if another dimension existed within it. But from the outside, it was just a small vehicle. Once inside, Eduard closed the doors, and another robot, similar to the one accompanying Adia, greeted him and requested instructions. Eduard instructed it to follow the trail input into the car's system, and the robot confirmed before setting the vehicle in motion. Eduard indicated to Ezequiel that he could change in one of the compartments.

In the mountains, Adia's team was in their carriage. Along the way, Elena's father told Adia that he had a video on his phone, one that his wife had recorded to expose these people. She instructed him to play it on a kind of projector box that displayed the video for everyone to see.

The video showed a laboratory with various specimens, some humanoid and others animal-like or something in between. As the video progressed, a female voice could be heard in the background. Elena recognized it as her mother's and felt a flicker of happiness at hearing her voice once more. The voice explained that these experiments were abominations of nature, created by the company Radar. They abducted people no one would ever search for, especially babies, children, and teenagers, who could tolerate the power they were injected with, as well as stray animals. The images were horrifying, and Elena's father had to cover her eyes several times. Elena's mother continued speaking, stating that this company was a front; over the years, it had gone by many names, one of the most recent being Oceans, along with others like X or Sigma, the bold reporter commented. She concluded her report by saying this had to stop, that someone needed to put an end to it, and that this video had to reach the right hands. Nora Ribs signed off, and before the video ended, she expressed her love for her daughter, saying, "I love you, my beloved, my little Elena." Upon hearing this, Elena grew sad, and her father simply hugged her.

"Gat, so it's a front company. Those damn people at Oceans know how to hide. That's why I couldn't track them down," he said angrily, punching his fists together. "It's one more reason to stop them once and for all," he added.

"Well, we've arrived," said Mike Laros, Elena's father. Adia instructed her robot to stop. Everyone present was puzzled because there was nothing in sight, but he explained, "We can't go any further without being detected. Once they see your vehicle, it will be destroyed," Mike stated. "It's better to proceed on foot," he added.

Everyone got out of the vehicle, but before advancing, they noticed another vehicle approaching at full speed. Adia assured them not to worry. "Apparently, that crazy old man has come. I don't know why, but the more of us, the better," she thought as she watched the vehicle approach.

From the vehicle emerged the team that had come with Eduard. He approached Adia and greeted her, asking what she was doing in these parts, to which she responded with the same question. Both laughed.

"I see you're wearing your old suit."

"Yes, I have to save the boy. They've captured Aiden."

Marie interrupted the conversation.

"Where is the dog that was with them?"

"The dog?" she asked, looking Marie in the eyes. "And who are you people?"

"Relax," Eduard reassured her. "These are my allies; they've come to help find Aiden."

Before Marie could respond, Ezequiel covered her mouth with his hand and nodded at her.

Everyone introduced themselves, and Adia explained the situation. Podbe approached to inspect who they were.

"That's the dog; we must take him," Marie said to Ezequiel.

She signaled to Lidia and Rino to take the canine, but Adia blocked their path with her staff. Tension rose between the groups until Gat stepped forward and, recognizing Ezequiel, said:

"Master, what are you doing in these parts? Weren't you on vacation?"

Ezequiel was surprised to see him and asked the same question. They began exchanging words:

"No, you first."

"No, you."

They went back and forth like this for a while until Adia and Marie smacked each of them on the head.

"Alright," Ezequiel said, "we've come seeking the trail of that dog. It has something that can help us with Agent B Twelve."

"Is Agent B Twelve in trouble?" Gat asked.

"What, don't you read the reports?" Marie replied, slightly annoyed.

"Well, miss, and do you know who she is?" Adia interjected.

Another argument broke out until Eduard separated them all with his large hands. Once calm, Ezequiel explained the situation regarding Agent B Twelve, or Nick, as he was known to the select few who knew the agents' real names.

Once the situation was clarified and understood by Adia and Gat, they both indicated that they couldn't hand over the dog without the owner's consent—Aiden, whom they needed to rescue from Radar, a company under Oceans.

"Oceans?" Ezequiel and Marie said, surprised.

"Yes," Gat responded. "We're here to save the boy so that what happened to many young people in the past doesn't happen to him."

An atmosphere of distrust towards the agents lingered.

"If there's no other way, Marie, we'll save that boy," Ezequiel argued, siding with Adia.

Everyone decided to set aside their differences for now and proceed with the mission.

"Everyone has the opportunity to have a new beginning. No matter where you are heading, if you move forward with love and happiness, you will always find a new dawn."