Podbe began to attack the two monstrous moles with fierce energy, while Lidia, along with the others, hurried to pull Eduard away from the battlefield. Each blow from the colossal creatures shook the hallway, breaking the walls and widening the surrounding space. Fortunately, the columns remained intact; otherwise, the ceiling would have collapsed on top of them, burying them under tons of rubble.
Billy, always vigilant, approached the sign that read, "You are here," with an arrow pointing to the second floor of the inverted pyramid. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the laboratory was located on the seventh level. He looked at the others with urgency and said:
—We need to go down to reach Aiden.
However, everyone was absorbed in Podbe's battle. Even Maria, who usually maintained a serious demeanor, couldn't help but get distracted watching the little canine fight with bravery. Billy felt a pang of admiration as well, but quickly grabbed Maria by the hand to bring her back to reality.
—Once she was back, he looked into her eyes and firmly told her: —We need to go down.
Maria nodded, though her voice carried a hint of concern. —Yes, but first we need to deal with what's in front of us. I don't know if the puppy can last longer than Eduard.
At that moment, Podbe unleashed one of his most devastating attacks: Firehead. Suddenly, flames engulfed his head as he charged toward the enormous moles, striking one of them forcefully in the stomach. The creature roared in pain, writhing as if struck by lightning.
Reia, in her characteristic analytical tone, informed him: —Minus twenty mana, you have sixty mana points left. You have two minutes of hardness remaining. Then she added: —That attack was effective, but you need to be precise.
The puppy responded with a mental bark, clearly annoyed: —Don't state the obvious. I need more space to evade them or make them separate.
Meanwhile, Lidia observed the scene with a mix of awe and admiration. She thought to herself: —Now I understand why Marie wanted this animal so badly. It has extraordinary abilities. No ordinary dog can do something like that, at least not that I remember.
Despite his enhanced speed, Podbe was beginning to feel the strain of facing two enemies at once. A claw nearly grazed his tail, but his small size allowed him to slip away easily. However, the mutated moles, now aware of his strategy, kept a strategic distance, making any attempt to approach them more difficult.
Four claws were launched toward him, but Podbe used Firehead twice in quick succession. Reia, not missing a single detail, informed him: —Minus forty mana, you have twenty mana points left.
The puppy growled, frustrated: —Damn it. We only have one last chance. If only I were stronger...
Maria, suddenly remembering the bottle with the potion Eduard had given them, pulled out the flask and poured a few drops into the exhausted Podbe's mouth. Instantly, the canine regained his energy. From being on the verge of collapse, he returned to his initial state, even appearing more agile than before. Elena and Lidia exchanged astonished glances as they watched Eduard, after taking another sip of the potion, stand up as if nothing had happened.
Lidia murmured, intrigued: —What's in that bottle?
Eduard, now recovered, instructed them decisively: —Fall back and give me space. I'm going to support the pup.
With a powerful blow from his large gloves, Eduard sent one of the moles flying toward the shattered door. He looked at the puppy and said: —Alright, boy, go for the other one. I'll hold this one.
Podbe barked in approval and began charging toward the remaining mole. As he ran, he told Reia: —I have an idea.
—What is it? —she asked, curious.
—I'm hoping the mole will launch its claws. Then I can use them as a ladder to reach its head. If the attack to its stomach hurts, maybe its weak point is the head or the heart. One of those should stop it.
Reia analyzed the mole in front of them and nodded: —You can go for the head.
—Yes, absolutely —responded Podbe, determined.
The puppy ran even faster. When the mole launched its claws, one after another, Podbe climbed them with feline agility. Once close to the mole's head, he leaped and activated his attack. Internally, he thought: "Firehead," though only growls and barks could be heard from the outside. The impact was precise, and the enormous creature collapsed to the ground, vanishing in a cloud of dust.
Reia quickly informed him: —You've leveled up to level five. Your mana points have been restored, but your hardness ability has ended. You'll need to wait an hour to reactivate it. Also, Podbe, you've earned a point to upgrade your stats; we'll look at that later.
Everyone was impressed by the little canine's talents. Eduard, with a proud smile, gave him a thumbs-up and said: —I'll keep this one busy. Do you think you can handle the other?
Podbe nodded in approval. The last mole, now alone and furious, charged forward with ferocity. Eduard blocked its claws while the mole tried to bite him. Taking advantage of the distraction, Podbe ran toward the mole's stomach and unleashed his attack.
—Minus twenty mana points —Reia announced.
The mole staggered, but Podbe didn't give it time to recover. With a precise leap, he lunged directly at the opponent's heart and let out a triumphant bark, thinking: "Firehead." The blow was accurate, and the beast collapsed to the ground, vanishing just like its companion.
Reia announced: —Minus forty mana points.
Everyone celebrated with joy and relief. They patted Podbe's head, saying: —Good boy.
After the brief celebration, they began moving toward the door. They found a staircase and started descending. During the journey, Reia and Podbe discussed the rewards obtained from their victory.
Reia read the notifications aloud: —You've earned one skill point, leveled up to level six, and gained another skill point. Congratulations! You've emerged victorious and completed the additional quest. You've earned an extra skill point.
—Alright, Podbe, where do you want to allocate them? —she asked him—. Normally, Aiden helps me with this, but this time I'll let you decide.
The canine studied the skill tree, which more closely resembled a dog's paw, with all the abilities locked. —Let's see… —he murmured thoughtfully—. One in intellect, another in perception, and one more in strength.
The canine gave his approval. Two branches of the skill tree are activated: —Strength level four plus Intellect level two has unlocked Steel Bite at level one. Mana required: ten.
—Awesome —said the canine, excited.
—But there's more —added Reia—. Strength level four plus perception level two activates Detective Mode at level one.
Podbe tilted his head, confused: —Detective Mode? What's that? I understand the Steel Bite, but Detective Mode...
—According to the specifications, it enhances your senses and allows you to see through walls, like the superhero Aiden told us about —explained Reia.
—Yes, like that one —she added—, but since it's level one, only non-reinforced walls.
The dog felt a little sad: —I wanted to be like the superhero Aiden always told me about, but oh well, I'll have to wait.
He softly barked as they continued descending, leaving behind the echo of his determination.