Chapter 1.6/The Journey

Times passes to 18

our chapter start with the appearance of the lugas who had built up with more charm and a spare in his hand.Beside him we saw a beautiful lady with the ribbon type od silk which was floating side her who was Isuki.

they were heading at the entrance gate of the Yutas city.awhile they reached the entrance,we saw a ceremony for the blessing and goodbye for the journers who goes to earn money and power.They were gazing and looking different different events.

Suddenly Someone called name of Lugas and Isuki

Oh Isuki isn't it miss.Taila

Taila rushed over them and said does I am late.

Nope replied by Lugas.

They enjoyed many events and at the leaving ceremony miss.Hindrika and mister.Fazun came there to say good bye to their daughter Isuki.

while Lugas and Isuki are leaving with an ride in camel Mister.Fazun shouted to Lugas take care of my daughter,boy.