Chapter 2 – Return

Jie Yin sat on a chair next to her filming table, put on her laptop and started filming. "Hey guys, girls and everyone out there watching me, your best girl, your graceful rainbow, your ancient beauty, your crystal light and your Dazzling Yin. I'm sure you all know christmas is around the corner, everyone's dancing, singing, smiling, shopping and whatever other things their diong that I don't need to pay attention to. I'm well aware that you all know that the Su family has decided to hold a gala tge day after tomorrow. I have 5 invitations with me, anyone who answers the 5 questions I'm about to ask will get the priveledge of going to the party.... "

"You can get your invitation cards at Blossoming Beauty Store owned by me, goodbye everyone and have a Merry Christmas".Yin said and closed her laptop.

Suddenly, a commotion was heard downstairs, Yin who was playing the game made by her Fourth Eldest Sister Yijun stood up and went downstairs.

" Yin, look who gave us a surprise this morning by coming "Jie Meiling said.

Yin turned her head and saw the person she has been video chatting for 2yrs.She ran with excitement. "Sister Xing I missed you so much, I thought you said you'll come back tomorrow" Yin asked in a more question like tone.

"I wanted to surprise you all so I said that " Jie Xing replied.

"Sister take a seat" Jie Yin offered.

"There's no need to tell me but, thank.. " Xing ws cut off when Jie Yin asked "Did you get my gift? " Xing expression froze for a second.

"So you still can't be kind once? " Jie Xing asked. Yin nodded. "Well I think you need to earn it, you can't remain like this, make me some Jasmine tea" Xing commanded. "Make the Third Miss some Jasmine tea" Yin commanded the servant near them.

"Massage my shoulders" Xing said.

"There's no need for that, you were on a plane, your own plane with your people on it, how could you not have gotten a massage" Yin retorted.

"Make me some pie" Xing said.

"Dear sister, did you forget you dislike pie" Yin replied.

"I do remember and I got used to it abroad" Xing said and Yin just sneered at her. "Whatever" Xing rolled her eyes. "I did get it, your lucky my friends' cousin is the owner of that store" Xing continued.

"What!!!, you're friends' cousin is the owner of Empress Collection Beauty Store, a n international store ranked 6th on the world leaderboard, Xingxing(stars), please introduce us sometime" Yin pleaded humbly with her sister.

"Xingxing you have made both me and your father proud by becoming the 3rd richest person in the world" Jie Meiling said while giving her daughter Jasmine tea. "Yes sis, everyone whose parents are in the business world keep trying to please me, but they all fail miserably at the end of the day, they make me look like a doirway for them" Yin said.

Xing took her eyes of Jie Yin and looked towards her mother. "Mom, where is dad? ". "Your father is with at your grandfathers place" Jie Meiling replied.

"Where are Yijun, Yali and Min? " Xing asked. "Yijun went to get Yue to come over, Yali is having a fight with my swan and Min is coming back today" Yin replied.

"Oh, what a cozy atmosphere" A voice interrupted their discussion.