[Universe 1879]

On a isolated Planet, a war had just broken out which now resulted in the extinction of life on the planet.

The green grass is covered in the blood of the last millions of the Sentint lifeforms that all died in one massive battle that lasted for almost a decade. Far up above the battlefield on a cliff lies two divine beings called Eternals.

Elknoe: [He is 241cm tall, broad-shouldered, and a muscular man with lightly-tanned skin and white hair. His hair is of an uneven length, the longest strands reaching his shoulders. He wears a black armor that's made from the energy of the all-father; the Celestial of creation. He has yellow glowing irises in his eyes and thin eyebrows.] Argh, Damn! [Disappointed, he kicks a pile of rocks off the cliff] Linity was right. It's been Almost a decade later and not ONE of them survived by doing a cowardly act. They all died fighting. [He smirks at looks at his brother; Agregore who has an annoyed expression written all over his face.]

@Agregore is the proper pronunciation of Aggregor's name.

Agregore: [He has a lean and muscled physique, his skin is naturally pale, has white short spiked hair with two long bangs on the sides of his face reaching his neck, he is 241cm tall and has yellow faint glowing irises in his eyes. He wears a grey robe with a grey tattered and dirty hooded cowl scarf, with the hood on his head. He has white baggy pants on with a blue sash wrapped to keep the pants in place and has yellow bandages wrapped individually on each of his forearms.] Yeah. [He crosses his arms.]

Elknoe: Ah well! [He turns around] let's head back home— [He walks pass Agregore; patting his shoulder once.]

Agregore: Right... [He takes in his last look at the Aftermath of the war before looking back at Elknoe walking away with a bit of worry in his tone he asks him,] Hey El... Are you getting the feeling that... somethings coming?

Elknoe: [He stops walking] N-Not really— [Turns his head to Agregore] Why you ask?

Agregore: I... I don't know. I just felt this sudden chill in my body.

Elknoe: Hm. You probably disturbed by the realization that the entire civilization died fighting or— [He snaps his fingers] It's a sign that maybe Dad eill make you the first of us kind to become a Celestial.

Aggregor: R... Really? [He looks down at his palms.]

Elknoe: Nope. [He chuckles slightly] Just pulling your wings. You could be just feeling tired or cold by the atmosphere or something.

Agregore: [he looks up at Elknoe walking into a portal he created. The portal is brightly white and in a rectangle shape.] Y-Yeah... You right. But... [He clenches his fist] You could be wrong... and frankly, [He looks back at the direction the battle had taken place] Noone, not even Dad... is right about anything nowadays. [He says to himself before walking into the portal.]