[Newcastle upon Tyne]
The sky is filled with dark clouds making the atmosphere more windy with the chances of it raining. Zack Riley arrives to the area and sees the demon Seku appear walking out the entrance door of the castle with the shard of the nexus held with gloves, surprising the man as he walks up to her and grabs her wrist aggressively and demands answers from her.
Zack: How did you get here and retrieve the shard so fast?
Seku: (She pulls her arm out his grip) Heh, You kidding? I've been in there looking for the damn thing for 4 hours!
Zack: 4 hours? But I just saw you at the hotel like... 6 minutes ago!
Seku: Seriously? Urgh... think it could be the alterations?
Zack: No. There was no tremor or distortion seen or heard.
Seku: Then what could it be?
Zack: ... (He looked at the shard.)
A orange portal appears 60 meters behind Zack before he could answer.
Seku: Hey, looks like your friends finally found a way here faster.
Zack: Hm? (He turned around to see the portal.)
Aggregor walks out the portal and looks at them with his head tilted and eyebrows furrowed.
Seku: Klaus? (She walked forward surprised and glad to see the man infront of them but is held back by a palm from Zack.)
Zack: That's not your boyfriend. (An electric aura forms around his body.)
Aggregor: Mmm... This place... RADIATES the presence of... (He looked at the shard of the nexus in her hand emtimg a glowing blue light that catches her attention too.) The first shard... (He looked up at Seku.) You have something I want, demon. Hand it over and I won't kill you.
Seku: Tch... (She looked at Aggregor at a hypnotised state, not ever breaking eye contact with him as she tries to form words in her mouth.)
Zack: The shard doesn't belong to you, Aggregor.
Aggregor: Ah... Zack Riley. Didn't the Red death catch you?
Zack: I've been brought back from the dead.
Aggregor: Really? I'm surprised that happened. Even more surprised that YOU out of all the other beings stronger than you were chosen to be in the battle world.
Zack: Heh. That's funny coming from a spirit that had to sneak its way to the realm.
Aggregor: (He chuckled.) Like your fellow human friends? No... I was let in, Zack. Junn King let me participate in exchange I had to find another vessel... One that you all know too well... Gabriel Kelly.
Zack: Why would King do that?
Aggregor: For Entertainment he said... At first, i found the idea to be completely stupid and waste of my time but then it hit me... after the first hour of slaughter, I witnessed something interesting... A-and I "agreed" with Junn. It is entertaining to see you all fight and die hopelessly in the hands of someone you know too damn well.
Zack: Yeah? Well that's not gonna happen. (He extended his left palm to his side and conjures up a 100cm long double-edged battle axe that He wields singlehandedly.) Nah... because you see, this is MY world. And I've waited for all this time to finally have a chance to kill you.
Aggregor chuckled under his breath before shaking his head.
Aggregor: You demis... Humans... DEMONS... You all never learn do you? You all can't beat me. No matter how hard you try, no matter who you bring... I. WILL. ALWAYS live. It's just how I am. A god... YOUR true God.
Zack: (He scoffed) There's only one true god... (he extended his axe forward, firing a surge of lightning from the axe towards Aggregor.)
Aggregor had his right palm extended absorbing the surge of lightning for a brief second before disappearing and reappearing in a matter of seconds with his right knee raised and now pushed deep into Zack's stomach.
Bits of saliva and blood flew out of Zack's mouth with the electric aura disappearing instantly while his grip around the battle axe handle loosens.
After lading the knee strike, Aggregor pulled his knee back and down and struck the side of Zack's face with a fast elbow that turned into a lunging straight punch towards Seku who acted fast and leaped back with her left palm extended forward before clenched closed into a fist that's pulled back to her chest.
"Chains capture..." She said before red and steamy chains appear wrapped around Aggregor's arms to the sides of his body.
Aggregor: ?! (He planted both his feet to ground, preventing himself from falling forward after getting caught by the chains during his leap.)
Aggregor made a quick grunt as he tries to break out the chains by pushing both his arms away from his body but fails.
Aggregor: Ha! Not a bad move, Demon. but mines better. (His irises light up with his teeth clenched as he tries to break out again before suddenly Zack swung his axe cutting into the top of Aggregor's head.) Blargh! Ah... ah...
Tons of blood stream and squirt out and down from Aggregor's head as he has his mouth open, nolonger responsive to anything else.
Zack leaves the axe stuck in Aggregor's head to have another axe conjured and swung with both hands on the handle and with a loud roar as he decapitates Aggregor in one clean swoop causing both the head and body to fall at the same direction.
Seku: Tch... Y-you... you did it.
Zack: No... Something's wrong. This fight was too...
Aggregor: Easy? (His voice is heard all around them, surprising them.)
Zack looked down at the body and head of Aggregor that both fade away in a similar effect as smoke and the real Aggregor appears shortly after with pale eyebags and other discolored spots on his face and neck.
Aggregor: Gotta admit, I expected it to be alot longer.
Seku: Tch... How?!
Aggregor: Are you both aware of the deprimestate?
Seku: Tch... you have access to it?
Aggregor: Yep. Thanks to this Vessel. NOW!
Aggregor snaps his fingers and a shockwave emerged, blowing everything in his vicinity away, including Zack and Seku as they flew back 15 meters, Seku drops the shard during the repel. Zack and Seku's ears ring and bleed as Aggregor locks his sight on the shard.
Aggregor: Ah... Finally...
Aggregor's hand extended, fingers twitching, the air around shimmered, a visible distortion of his will. "TO... me," he hissed, his voice strained. The shard trembled, then began to slide, scraping against the rough ground.
Zack: Tch... No... NOOO! (Zack's voice crackled through the air, charged with raw energy. Before Aggregor could react, a bolt of lightning erupted from his outstretched hand, strucking Aggregor into a stumble, breaking the telekinetic hold on the shard thwt falls to back to ground with a dull thud.)
An angered grunt escaped Aggregor's lips as his yellow irises grew brighter covering his sockets in light as he moved towards Zack.
Aggregor: Wanna see what a real God can do, boy?
Aggregor had his left palm clenched before thrusting it forward and open, causing a bright flash of light to emerge from his palm as he screamed with the tone being a mix of his vessel's voice and a tone that's much more rasper. The flash blasted everything in Aggregor's view, including the castle that crumbled apart with most of its rubble falling onto the streets, attracting the presence of bystanders and drivers.
Zack: (Blasted into the rubble, Zack flew out 100 meters into the air with a battle axe in hand.) Tch... (He looked down at Aggregor's direction with an angered expression.)
Aggregor: With only a snap I could cause your pitiful soul to explode along with the rest of these humans that will follow after but that... would be mercy killing
Zack's eyes light up in a blue glow with his blood now pumping more than ever, He flew towards Aggregor with his axe extended forward, Aggregor charged forward in response.
Clashing, Aggregor evaded Zack's first double hand vertical swing that struck the ground, Aggregor landed two hooks to Zack's face, leaving bruised spots before an Retaliation was attempted in which Zack swung two hooks that Aggregor quickly evaded before landing a jab to the face.
Zack: Ah! (He turned around while stumbling after the jab before an Axe materialized in his right hand in which he turned yet again to Aggregor, throwing the axe to him.)
Aggregor catched the axe by the handle with his left hand right above his right shoulder and immediately throws it back at a much faster pace, diagonally cutting into Zack's torso.
Zack yelped in pain before he could react to Aggregor instant dash attack; bashing his right shoulder onto the Axe, pushing it deeper into Zack's chest while launching the man back 7 meters into the ground. While the shoulder bash worked as intended, it also came at cost got Aggregor as he looked down to see a large cut crossing between his forearm and upper arm.
Aggregor: Hmm... (He finally takes notice of his now pale and peeling flesh on his hands.) I guess there is a limit. What a bummer... (He suddenly hears a murmur and turned to its direction to see a crowd of people watching him from a distance.) Or not.... (He smirked) let's see what happens when I use only the deprimestate.