Chapter 0.2 „How it all started 2“ 1.1 The Prologue

Chapter 2 Prologue

The man called Duran laughed. "Hahaha! Wow, man, you really surprised me just now. You're really good at sneaking up on people."

"I heard you wanna fight?" Julian smiled as he put on small black boxing gloves. "Then let's fight!"

Duran grinned "Don't get too full of yourself, little shit"

Duran was one of the most respected fighters of the club, so he was naturally annoyed to get a match request from someone who was one and a half heads smaller than him. But since Julian always stole the eyes of the other fighters, he long wanted to beat him up.

Julian ignored him and passed by.

The room was about 80 square meters big and had a big boxing ring in the middle. Around it black mats were spread on the ground for the matches with smaller importance. The ring itself covered about 12 square meters, which was much bigger than the regular boxing rings. Along the walls 4 boxing machines were placed for the fighter to test their punch strength. One boxing machine for each side. The walls themselves were coloured light-gray. 

Julian walked to the boxing ring to watch the ongoing match. There were many other boxers watching the match besides him. About 25 or so. The rest was either at the boxing machines or on the mats.

Two men, who were aproximately 1.80 tall, were throwing their fist at each other. Both of them didn't have their shirts on and stood there only with their sweatpants. Both of them were sweating crazily, making their stripped muscles shine in the lighting. The one with short, dirt-brown hair was throwing multiple punches onto the face of his opponent, who skillfully blocked them in a defensive stance, waiting for the man with the dirt-brown hair to lose energy. After noticing some delay in the sequence of the punches, he made his first move.

Before the man on the offense could throw another punch to the face, he was struck hard in the chest. Falling unconscious for only a few milliseconds. But before he could regain his posture, his opponent kicked his feet against the man's face knocking him out.

The judge went up to the man with bright-brown hair and lifted his left hand up into the air shouting "And the winner is... Romeo!"

The crowd clapped cheeringly.

The winner was gasping for air as he noticed someone jumping into the ring. "Hey! Get out of my ring if you don't want to get beat u-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, a cold feeling crawled down his spine. Instead of arguing further he quietly went down the ring. 

The people outside of the ring started to whisper "It's that monster." "Who is going to be the victim this time?" "Hopefully he won't take someone from the crowd." "I heard he has a winning streak of 97" "What? Even though it hasn't been that long since he joined?" "Yeah, since he joined he hasn't lost even once." "That isn't even the craziest part!" "What is cazier than never having lost even once?" "I've heard from a friend that he hasn't even taken a single hit in his matches" ...

As they were talking about Julian, another man, who was about 2.00m tall, stepped on the ring aswell. His ripped muscles bulging. His biceps, triceps, sixpack, neck muscles, chest muscles, back muscles, thigh muscles and calve muscles were overflowing with a powerfull and intimidating aura.

"Hey am I seeing this right? Isn't that Duran?" "Duran? The one who is known to be able to take everyone out with just one hit and who is unmatched in speed?" ...

"A match between imense streangth and speed and unimaginable rafinesse and reflexes? This is going to be interesting..." "Who do you think will win?"

"Surely Duran will win, altough reflexes are good and all, if they can't react in time then you're finished" "I can only say three words — David vs Goliath"

Both of the paticipants stood in their corners glaring at each other. The judge whistled the game on and Duran and Julian rushed to the middle.

Before reaching each other, Julian activated his ability.

Duran thrust his fist forward, locked directly onto Julians chin. The punch was so fast that most of the bystanders couldn't even see it. But Julian, having slowed down time in his mind he could easily dodge by dropping to the floor into a frog-like position. 

Although his mind can accelerate his body can't follow his thoughts, because of human limitations.

But even though he can't move as fast as his thoughts, his strength is still to be admired, even if his body isn't showing it. When he trains at the Gym he can lift over 60 pounds with one hand. When hitting the boxing bag he was able to score a whopping 973.

Duran could lift 120 pounds with each hand and always scored a total of 999 at the boxing machine.

After getting into a frog-like position, he jump upward. His jump power was immense and he could jump over Duran. As he was overhead above Duran, he grabbed his head and slammed it into the floor before landing on his feet. 

Turning around he jumped down the ring and left the training room as if nothing ever happened

The people witnessing this were left baffeled. And soon rumors about him beating the number one boxer in the club would spread.

Julian went into the changing room and took his towel, aswell as some spare clothes. He went outside again and headed into the third door of the three, entering the shower room. The showers were completely empty. The floor and walls were tiled and along the walls hung dozens of showerheads. 

He picked one on the end side of the room and put his towel and spare clothes to the side. He pulled on the shower regulator, put his hand under the water to test the temperature and was met with a burning sensation all over. "Ouch!" He screamed while shaking his hand. The water was burning hot. He turned the regulator slightly to the side and ice-cold water came rushing out. His expression turned annoyed.


After getting the temperature right, he put down his used T-shirt, sweatpants, underwear and socks, throwing them to the side. While showering himself he was going through his bucket-list and what was on his agenda.

'Since I am already on the top of the boxing club I can scrap that hobby. Let's see what I've got left. I already mastered taekwondo, judo, karate, boxing, kickboxing, the bow and arrow, beatboxing, the piano, the saxophone, the trombone, the flute, the violine, the guitar, football, american football, artistical design, art, sculpturing, singing, speed running, marathon running, dancing, climbing, exploration, cartographie, callographie, swimming and 3d moddelling, if I include the ones I've learned at school'

For a normal human it would be impossible to master so many instruments, martial arts and other professions. But for Julian it's way easier than for others. Not only do his eyes and brain seemingly slow down time, but they also let him process and memorise bodily funtions and information at an almost godly speed.

When he was only 8 years old he mastered most instruments, and could master the rest much faster than even the greatest geniuses. When he was 12 years old he was able to perform all kinds of sports at a high performance. Now, as he turned 15 he mastered the most famous martial arts in the world.

If he put in some effort he could crush bricks and stones in one hand. But even as he could do something this impossible, there was never a report or anything on the news about him, because he kept everything to himself. So, unbeknownst to the world, a true genius appeared.

'Life is going to be more boring now it seems' he thought to himself, because he couldn't think of any other pschological or physical arts to master. 'I guess I'll focus more on my studies and my family.' When he thought of his family, he couldn't help but smile. Embracing his little sister Julia and getting a welcoming smile from his parents. Eating at the same table together and discussing things with each other.

After feeling like he showered enough, he put out the water dried himself in the towel and put his clothes on. He also put his necklace on, which was a silver necklace with a heart shape, and a red crystal in the middle. He got this necklace from his little sister on his birthday and always wore it when going out. He took the towel and his sport clothes and went back to the changing room and put them in his bag. Afterwards he went outside the 

"senior Fighters" door and waited for Mike, while scrolling through his phone. 

Mike also came out half an hour later and was surprised to see Julian there. "What are you doing here already? I thought I was already done quickly?" "I'm done with boxing, so I now don't have any more things on my bucketlist, except spending time with my family."

"Done with boxing? Already?" mike gasped "Man... I wish I was as skilled as you..."

"Anyway, Mike, let's start heading home now." "Okay"


Julian accompanied Mike on his way home as it laid on the same direction as his house. After saying goodbye he walked further down the street. He was now on a shopping street with many people on it. While walking home he got many admiring stares from girls and women who were on a shopping trip.

Julian was naturally good looking. Dark, almost black, hair. Smooth white skin. Dark brown eyes, even slightly red. 1.75m tall. And his way of dressing was also very eye catching. Black, ripped jeans, a red T-shirt and a loose, black vest. His necklace also showing. 

Many girls thought it was a gift of his girlfriend to fend against other girls. But in truth it was a present of his sister.

A few minutes he entered a small place in the countryside. There were only about 4 families living there. One of which is Julian's family. The neighbors

always helped each other out so everyone can rely on each other. 

At the end of the street there was a dimmly lighted, 2 floor high, house. In the doorframe stood a small shadowy figure that was highlighted because of the houses lighting. When Julian saw this little figure, he smiled and stopped a few meters in front of the figure. He knelt down and spread his arms as if wanting to catch something.

Suddenly the figure started moving.

Chapter 2 END Prologue