Chapter 0.4 “How it all started 4“ 1.1 The Prologue


Brutal Content included

Chapter 4 Prologue

The wide open door was completely empty. The lights in the house were off aswell. 

Julian was closing in and saw more and more details. The door wasn't opened from the inside, but broken open from the outside. The doorframe had a few holes in it. Three in total. The entrance room was empty, and even though it was a warm night, Julian could feel shivers down his spine. When sitting in the car of the uber he had already felt that something was wrong, very wrong, but he didn't know what it was and just ticked it off as a feeling and nothing more. 

His footsteps quietened and he moved onto the kitchen. When he saw the scene there, his heart dropped and tears started building up in his eyes. His knees weakened and he fell to the ground. His eyes already unable to see clearly because of his tears. 

Blood stained the walls and floor. His father and mother laying on the ground. Their lifeless eyes staring at him tears of blood running to the ground. Julian felt a mix of emotions, that brought him close to insanity. Seeing his parents ont he ground. Dead. Bullet holes penetrating their chest head and shoulder. Someone used 3 bullets on each of them and left them to bleed out.

Although Julian couldn't think properly anymore, because of the shock, he had only thought left. Julia. She wasn't among his parents, so she must have hid somewhere. In despair and hope about her still being alive, he stood up and ran up the stairs. 

In that moment he noticed something. Standing up and running took what felt like hours. His ability had activated on it's self again. This time stronger than anytime before. He ran up the stairs as fast as possible, wanting to go even faster. But he couldn't. His mind was trapped in hope and despair at the same time for hours. After what felt like an eternity, he finally arrived on the second floor. Running toward his sister's room. He got there and opened the door, looking inside. Noone. The room was completely empty, except for the furniture standing around. 

He thought that maybe she was kidnapped by the murderer, but then he had one more string of hope. He gathered all his strenght and jumped toward the door on the opposite side. His room. His hand immediately went to the doorknob. But he still had to wait many minutes before it actually reached it.

Turning it, it felt as if his ability was getting stronger and stronger. His mind getting more and more frustrated. Ripping the door open, he saw something he wanted to immediately forget. 

Yes his sister was there, but somone else aswell. A man with disheveled hair, an unshaved beared and a knitted suit with black-gray stripes on it. The man looked as if he was completely drunk. In his right hand he held a 9mm pistol. And in his left... He held Julia by her neck. A bullethole penetrating her belly. Blood flowing out of her mouth. Seeing this, Julian flew into a rage. Sprinting towards the man and Julia. His sister's head slowly turned. "Brothe-" she wanted to say something but was cut off by a disturbing noise. 


The unknown man flicked his hand and Julia's neck deformed before she was dropped to the ground. Laying on the ground there now was a dead body. Julia's body. 

At that moment, Julian's eyes turned from brown to a glowing blood red.

The unknown person, surprised by Julian's appearance, lifted his gun and pointed it at him, pulling the trigger. Julian wouldn't have been able to escape the bullet, that would've hit him directly in his head, even with his mind working on super-speed. But his body was able to accelarate slightly more than normal. Escaping the lifethreatening bullet, but still getting his cheek obliterated by it.

The man wanted to fire his weapon again, but nothing came out. The magazin was empty. He had already wasted his last bullet and could only fight with his hands now.

But with Julian having trained in martial arts his whole life, as well as being in this adrenaline state, he could easily dodge the man's first punch, thowing him to the ground with a hard punch to the stomach.

Julian climbed on top of the man and beat him up for multiple minutes. His ability still not deactivating. Feeling that he wasn't satisfied with just punching, he went to another tactic. Julian took one of the man's hands with his right hand and a finger with his other hand. The man, confused of what he was doing, tried to stand up. But before he could do anything, a "krrghh" sound came from his hand and the man began to scream. 

"AARRGGGGHHHH", his eyes bloodshed from the pain.








After crushing all of his fingers in his hand, Julian went to the other. Slowly snapping every finger. While doing this he had an expressionless, cold face. 

His eyes large and the pupils tiny but still glowing with a deep red. Feeling no remorse about what he was doing, he continued. 

The man, hoping that this torture would soon end, was trying to hold in the screams of pain.

Julian had now broken the man's fingers, hands, toes, feet, ankles and legs. Bones sticking out of his limbs. But he still didn't feel any better. So he went and took all of this murderer's senses.

First he took his sight. Shoving his thumbs against the man's eyeballs, slowly pressing forward. *Pop* The man's eyes popped out of their sockets. The man was already unnconcious from pain, so Julian stopped. But not forever. He went down to the kitchen, took a bucket and filled it with ice cold water. Upstairs he put down the bucket again and shoved the man's head into the water, instantly waking him up.

After waking him up, Julian continued. Taking the eyeballs into his hands and squeezing them until they had the consistency of sludge. The man, screaming in pain and agony, knew that he should have never even broken into this house.

After destroying the man's eyesight he went on to his hearing. Tightly grasping the ears he ripped them off for good. 

Then he moved to his smelling, ripping his nose off.

The man was now unrecognisable. Everything from his limbs down was broken and turning bruised. His face completely absent of his nose, ears and eyes. The eyesockets have already sunken in and made him look dozens of years older.

Julian, still not feeling pleased at all, teared the man's mouth open and shoved his hand inside, grabbing the lowest part of his tongue and ripping it out as if it were the guts of a fish. Then he put his hand in again, scratching out the remaining tastebuds, on the upper side of the mouth, with his nails.

The man had now lost his sight, hearing, smelling and taste. Now, only the sense of feeling remained.

Julian picked up the man's head with both his hands and looked at it one last time, before breaking his neck.

The man's head dropped to the ground. Everything below his neck stopped hurting, only the face was still as painful as before. With the dislocation of the spine the heart stopped funtioning, just as the rest of the body. The lungs, liver, stomach and so on all stopped within seconds because of the disconnection of the brain. The tense muscles of the man slowly relaxed and stopped working.

The brain, lacking blood, stopped working and the man died.

Julian, who still had his ability on, turned to his sister. Tears were flowing down his cheeks and dropping down from his chin.

In the dinstance there was a policehorn quickly approaching. One of the neighbors had probably noticed the commotion and notified the police.

He kept crying. 

Soon a young police officer stood at the entrance of the room, pointing his weapon at Julian.

"Hey! You! Hands stand up and hands behind your head!" Julian followed the instructions after wiping his tears. His expression still as dark as before.

The police officer looked at the situation, but when he saw Julia and ecspecially the man, his fear made him make a hasty decision. As he was scared of what Julian might do, he fired the firearm and it hit Julian in the chest.

The police officer had only just been promoted to police officer and naturally hadn't seen such a cruel scene before.

Realizing what he just did, the police officer tried to keep Julian alive while calling for an ambulance on the handheld tranceiver on his shoulder

(police radio).

But he was already bleeding out and going to die.

Julian didn't feel any pain as his adrenaline refrained him from feeling so. Julian knew he wouldn't survive and thought of all his regrets.

'I should have spent more time with my family instead on those stupid hobbys' 'I should have stayed at home and not have gone to the party' 

'I should have protected my family' 'I should have been there faster' 'It is all my fault' ...

In the end, he died because of bloodloss and mental exhaustion.

Chapter 4 END Prologue