Chapter 3 “The Village“

Chapter 3

Made by ‹Julian›


Made by binding two ant parts together. 

Is sharper than most normal blades, because of the harsh enviroment the ant lived in.

'Could these eyes show me information on the things I look at?' Julian tested this theorie out by looking at the other eye, that was still in his hand.

Made by ‹Ω›



Age: 250000 Years

Made by using huge amounts of compressed Soul power and fusing it with the creator's accumulated knowledge. 

Can analyse magic and after analysing, destroy the magic. [The comprehension speed is related to the speed of analysing]

'It's indeed how I thought. This will really be helpful!' Then he ripped out his other eye and replaced it with the second eye. After having connected his body with both eyes, there was another piece of information in the appearing text.

Made by ‹Julian›


State: Rough

Made by binding two ant parts together. 

Is sharper than most normal blades, because of the harsh enviroment the ant lived in.

Sharpness: +5 Piercing: +2

'Hmm... This information isn't very useful. I don't even know what a basic "Sharpness" aspect is, but if I can get to a civilisation, I could get enough information on that.'

After analysing the spear, Julian took the stones out from the Void. 

Obtained from ‹Earth Boar›


Age: 5 Years

Can be obtained by killing a Minor Rank Beast. Contains large amounts of spiritual energy.

Obtained from ‹Terraconis' Cave› 


Age: 20 Years

Contains large amounts of Crystalized Earth Energy.

'Energy Crystal and Beast Crystal? This really isn't my home world. I would've guessed so by the giant ants, but there was still some possibility. Right now, the chances of this being my home world is near zero.'

With this conclusion, Julian went on and took the boar's tusk out of the Void.

Obtained from ‹Earth Boar›


Age: 5 Years

A tusk from an adult Earth Boar.

Piercing: +5

After looking at all the items, he started to craft some clothes out of the boars skin.

Made by ‹Julian›


State: New

Boots made from the earth boar's hard skin.

Protection: +2 Speed: +5

Made by ‹Julian›


State: New

A jacket made from the earth boar's hard skin.

Protection: +5

Made by ‹Julian›


State: New

Pants made from the earth boar's hard skin.

He put on his newly made clothes. And was happy with the results.

After putting back all the various items, including his weapon, he continued on into a random direction.

He continued travelling down the mountain for a few weeks.

One night, he had almost fallen asleep, but he had a feeling, that someone was watching him. Carefully looking around without moving his body, he couldn't see anything. But he noticed something else. It was dark. Completely dark. This would not have been very abnormal, since it was in the middle of the night. But ever since he had fused with the "Eyes of Knowledge", Julian could see in dark. 

The surrounding were dark and had an eerie feeling to it, so Julian put up his guard, ready to teleport any second. Behind him a creature with a black cloak and a scythe was floating over to him.

It nearly had no aura, so it was very hard to notice it's presence. After positioning itself behind Julian, it raised its scythe swinging down at Julian. But after slightly coming in touch with Julian, he teleported a few meters away.

*Huff* 'If I hadn't slowed down time, I would have been completely ripped apart! How come I didn't notice it until it touched me?' 

Looking at the being in front of him, a bunch of informations appeared in front of him.


Age: 200 Years

A being created from negative emotions. Lurks in the dark of the night, in search of prey. It's cloak veils it from being noticed.

An extremely rare species.

'It's because of its cloak?' Julian started to drool in the thought of defeating the Wraith and taking it's cloth. There was just one problem. How should he defeat it?

Instead of thinking of a plan, he just took out one of the boar's tusks and teleported behind the wraith and tried to stab it. But instead of piercing the wraith, he struck through the air. The Wraith couldn't be hurt by physical attacks. 

Julian realized that and stopped trying to defeat it. 

'If I can't defeat it, I will just steal its cloak and run away', he thought while grinning devilishly. The Wraith swung it's scythe around, trying to hit Julian. But with him constanly teleporting, it was an impossibility. After a while, Julian started making his move. Teleporting behind the Wraith again, grabbing its cloak and trying to rip it off.

But instead of him running off into the distance with the cloak, the cloak was stuck to the Wraith. It was just like Julian and his new eyes. They weren't really part of his body, but after fusing with them, they were a part of him.

He had to think of a way to seperate them, before he could snatch the cloak. The Wraith never stopped striking at Julian. Trying to hit him relentlessly.

'Maybe if I put the cloak into the void it will be seperated from the Wraith, since living beings can't enter the void?'

Instead of finding a more plausible method, he just went with it. Julian teleported behind the Wraith once more, before grabbing the cloak. This time, instead of pulling of the cloak, he imagined putting the cloak into the Void.

And for sure, the cloak entered the Void. The Wraith roared loudly before dissipating. The scythe it had dropped aswell to the ground as it wasn't part of the Wraith, but just a weapon it used.

*Phew* 'Well, that was anticlimatic.' He went ahead and took the cloak out of the void.


State: Perfekt (Ripped)

A cloak that covers a Wraith and compresses the negative emotions. If it is somehow taken away from a Wraith, its negative emotions will dissipate along with itself.

Has the ability to significantly decrease the user's noticeability. It veils the user's true ability and strength perfektly, making him look like an ordinary (Creepy) person.

Noticeability: -50


State: Perfekt

A once normal scythe, used for harvesting crops, that was corrupted by the negative emotions of a Wraith.

Sharpness: +15 Piercing: 10

Liking the abilities of the items he obtained, Julian put on the cloak and leaned the scythe against a nearby tree. Now, he had a mysterious and intimidating aura.

With the cloak he wouldn't be disturbed as often when he was sleeping. So, since he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep on that day, he went back to his selfmade strawbed.

The sun's beautiful light woke him up from his slumber. After being woken up he just laid there, thinking of what he was going to do now.

'Since I have already gotten clothes and a nice weapon, I might aswell search for civilistaion.'

After getting rid of his strawbed and killing the campfire, he went on along his way to find a town, street or other things made by civilized people. At the end of the day, Julian was finally able to exit the mountain and it's forest. Now entering a huge field of wild grass. Some forests spread across his sight.

Looking back he only just realized how big the mountain actually was. The hole which he crawled out of was only about half way up the mountain. It's height reaching beyond the clouds like a skyscraper. The width spreading dozens of kilometers across. 

He went down the field travelling against the dawning sun. A red glow highlighting him and his suroundings. The weren't any buildings or light pollution anywhere in sight. It was very different from his home town, where everywhere you looked, a building stood or a streetlamp shone. Even when he was on a camping trip with his family, he didn't feel the way he did now. Maybe it was because he didn't have any futuristic items on hand or maybe it was because he was alone, but whatever it was. It made him feel relaxed and unworried about anything.

(I think it was because he didn't have to worry about taxes or working a 9-5 job)

As the sun sunk completely behind the horizon, he had already set up his camp. On top of a hill and under a large beautiful tree. The field of grass went on for hundreds of meters, so his sight was void of any interferances. 

Laying down, the stars started to glow bright. This was a normal view for him, ever since he came outside of the cave. It almost looked as beautiful as the time when he exited the void. 

The stars could be seen much clearer than in his homeworld. It was a constellation of big and small, bright and dark stars, which were wrapped in a purple-blue nebula.

After staring up at the stars for a few minutes, a little speck of light down a valley near him shone into the corner of his eyes. It was a magnificent mix of red, orange and yellow lights.

'A city?' Altough he could see the lights, they were quite far away from him. He could only see the rough shape, but not the details. So he wasn't sure what kind of city it was.

Since he wasn't really tired, Julian made his way down the hill after taking his beloongings with him. After going down to the valley, he could see the details of what he saw exactly. A normal human wouldn't have seen as far away, but with his eyes he could see clearly for hundreds of meters.

It was a village in a medieval style. The houses were mosly made out of wood, stones and clay. The village itself was encased by a small stone wall, that was 3 meters high. 

In the wall a gate stood. Two long-haired, blonde people with bows in their hands and a lightfooted metal armor stood seemingly on guard. Another feature about them made Julian very surprised. They had pointy ears.

'Are they elves?' Julian could only come up with that solution.

Elves are beings who are known to be very close to the spirits of nature. In the fairytales they would use a bow and arrow as their main weapon. They are very quick and can easily cross a forest through the trees. In the fairytales their appearance is always the same. Blonde hair, pointy ears, blue or green eyes. Some of them even having yellow, orange or red eyes. But one thing every story about elves has in common is: They detest humans. 

In stories and legends they were always against the human kind. It was most likely because of the human's natural behavior. Greed, gluttony, pride, lust, envy, wrath and sloth. The human's behavior contained one of these sins. Although there are some exceptions, they don't amount to all of humanity.

But while the humans are a race that has many infights and are almost uncontrolable, the elves live in harmony together.

Julian wanted to immediately head towards the village, but he was then reminded of the hate of elves for humans. If he went there in human shape, he would be attacked right away. Maybe they would think of them as a spy or invader.

'Hmm... Since they hate humans, then maybe I should just change into an elve.'

After thinking of that, Julian sat down onto the grass and started to change his appearance. He made his ears pointy, but he didn't think it would be necessary to change his hair and eyes.

'I mean, there should be elves with other hair colours than blonde, right?'

Then he started walking towards the village. 

The guards had also started to take notice of him. They were taken aback after seeing a concealed person walk towards them.

Julian had covered himself with the cloak completely, the power of the cloak shadowing his face, making it unidentifialbe. He thought that maybe they would just let him through.

The guards started readying themselves for combat.

"Iwi, nfrt nḫn?" The smaller and thinner guard asked the other in a strange language.

"Dɜm, nfr mḥw it rḏt it. Snḥw it rḏt mḏt wꜥt, sḏm it pꜥt nwt!" The bigger and more muscular answered the smaller.

Julian was about 80 meters further from the village walls. But suddenly he got a bad feeling and saw that the elves were drawing their arrows from their quils and alining them with their bows.

Julian was flabbergasted by the elves actions, as they fired their weapons. Before the arrows could hit him, he activated his ability to slow down time. The arrows slowly floated towards him, as he moved slightly to the left and dodged the arrows' trajectory.

He deactivated his ability for a second to let the arrows hit the ground, before teleporting right in front of the guards. Standing less than two meters away from both of them.

"AHHH, pꜥ ḏꜥmt!", the big guard screemed. The thinner guard only stumbled back onto the ground, his legs completely gave up on him.

'They seem to speak another language... Since I can't tell them that I'm no threat, I'll have to show them.'

Julian slowly lifted the cloak, revealing his handsome face and pointy ears.

"Nfrt, rḏt nṯr wꜥḥ ḥr ḥsb mḥt. Nfrt, pꜥ ḥr ḥr pꜥt pꜥy mꜥꜥt. Nfrt, wꜥḥ mḏt pꜥt." The muscular spoke before giving way to Julian, gesturing him to enter the village. The small guard also moved out of the way, still intimidated by Julian's teleport.

After realizing that he was alowed to enter, he walking into the village.

"Ṯm nṯr ḏd wꜥt!? ḥr pꜥt ḏꜥmt nṯr? ẖtp wꜥḥ nfrt! Wꜥḥ ḏd nṯr, pꜥw nꜥt ḥr ḏfꜥt ḥr mwt!" The guards started to mumble after he left. "Jꜥ, wꜥḥ ḥr ḥsb mḥt wꜥḥ nfrt, ḥr nfrt nṯr wꜥḥ nfrt. ḏfꜥt ḥr pꜥt ḥwꜥ, wꜥḥ ḥr mwt, pꜥw nfrt!"

Julian entered a longstreet, bustling with elves. Some of them were shopping, selling or just looking around.

Chapter 3 END