The growl resonated through the ruins, low and menacing, and sent a shiver racing through Aiden's nerves. His fingers involuntarily curled around the hilt of his dagger as he met Elena's glance. Tenwa's ears pricked, feline eyes narrowing.
"We are not alone," Tenwa spoke softly. His claws lengthened, shining in the faint moonlight filtering from the broken ceiling.
Aiden's heart thudded as he gazed into the darkness outside the chamber. There was nothing at first. Then, the shadows writhed. Forms moved, creeping closer, their breathing rough and unsteady.
Elena gasped. "They're watching us."
A figure emerged, lit by the unnatural light of the runes in the chamber. It was human-like—but barely. Its form was a monstrous combination of man and animal, its limbs stretched out, its skin pulled tight over bulging bones. Its eyes, recessed and empty of reason, fixed on them with a killer's hunger.
And then more came out of the shadows—distorted figures, each different but with the same ghastly destiny. Some walked hunched over, like wolves; others slid along like reptiles. Scars marred their bodies, a testament to their previous lives before the curse remade them into abominations.
"They were villagers once," Tenwa growled. "Now, they are the damned."
Aiden had only a second to absorb the words before the monsters attacked.
The first, vulture-like and scraggly-feathered and taloned, dived at Aiden. He rolled away, ducking as the creature's claws raked against rock. Another attacked Elena, its wolfish muzzle curled into a snarl. She sidestepped, her dagger flashing in a wild arc.
Tenwa danced like a ghost, his feline grace permitting him to dart between the attackers. His claws ripped through the side of one of the beasts, sending it screaming into the ruins. "We must move! We cannot fight them all!"
Aiden struck at an oncoming creature, managing to scratch its leathery hide only with the tip of his blade. "Where do we go?"
Tenwa's eyes darted about before settling on a fallen archway. "There—into the ruins! We can lose them in the tunnels!"
Elena caught Aiden's wrist. "Come on!"
They sprinted, weaving through the shattered remains of the village, the abandoned hot on their tail. The earth shook beneath their feet as the creatures chased them with unnatural haste. Aiden's lungs seared, but he didn't dare slow down.
Tenwa went ahead of them, dodging the debris. He swung around, holding out a hand. "Come on!"
Aiden and Elena moved forward, the beasts fast on their heels. As they reached the archway, the biggest of the damned—a twisted creature with a man's head and a boar's body—issued a maddened roar and charged.
The shock sent a tremor through the earth. Aiden just had time to push Elena through the corridor before the impact of the creature's charge destroyed part of the archway. Debris and dust filled the air.
Aiden coughed, his eyes blinded by the cloud of dust. When it had passed, his stomach fell.
Tenwa was beyond the wreckage.
Elena leapt to her feet. "Tenwa!
The feline warrior was among the beasts, his feet planted firmly in place despite the dire odds. His golden eyes met Aiden's, his face inscrutable.
"Leave," Tenwa instructed, speaking calmly amidst the mayhem. "I will locate you."
Aiden gripped his fists. "We can't abandon you!"
But Tenwa was already in motion, cutting through the damned with relentless efficiency. The creatures slowed, hesitant to close in on him due to his speed and power.
Aiden's arm was pulled by Elena. "We must leave. He's stalling."
Aiden clenched his teeth, forcing himself to look away. With a final glance at Tenwa, he took Elena's hand, and they dived into the darkness of the ruins.
The roar of combat receded behind them, to be replaced by the unsettling stillness of the old tunnels.