The Shadows of the Past

The voice still lingered in Aiden's ears as he walked through the ruins, his heartbeat pounding. The others pressed on ahead, oblivious to the call of his name. He lingered, looking back over his shoulder into the darkness. The logical part of his mind shouted for him to ignore it—to remain with Elena, with the half-human refugees.

And yet, something within him pushed onward.


The whisper recurred, more proximal, drifting on the air like specter breath. His hand contracted around his blade as he took a step in the direction of the darkness. The ground below him grew cold, leaden, as though the ruins themselves condemned him to this course.

Elena called out in front of him. "Aiden?"

He gritted. "I… I'll catch up. I just need to scout something out."

She scowled but assented, hesitating before joining the others in the deeper tunnels.

Aiden reversed direction towards the voice.

The air grew heavy, redolent with the smell of ancient parchment and burning embers. His footsteps thundered as he walked through the constricting corridor, the runes on the walls glowing softly, leading him deeper.

Then the passage widened into a massive, ancient hall.

Stone pillars stood tall at the edges of the chamber, worn and broken by time. The faint outline of murals covered the walls, scenes of the village prior to its downfall—scenes of villagers in prayer, warriors proudly standing, scholars huddled in study. But as Aiden approached, the paintings changed, their colors turning dark, their forms contorting into grotesque forms.

The curse.

The whispers increased. Not a single voice, but many.

And then, the shadows shifted.

The air rippled like heat off stone, and the hall was suddenly no longer empty.

Aiden retreated as ghostly forms materialized before him, pale yet alive, re-living moments in the past.

There was a grand council at the center of the hall, their countenances serious.

There was a man with robes of dark red speaking in command. "The corruption grows. If we don't act, it will destroy us all."

Another, a silver-haired woman, shook her head. "You would punish the evil, but what of the innocent? Will you put them into the flames too?"

Aiden's breath was taken. These were the villagers—before they were cursed.

The red-robed man's face contorted with wrath. "Silence allows evil to flourish. If we do nothing, we are as culpable as those who sin.

Whispers circulated in the council. Some nodded. Others looked away, unsure.

Aiden's gut churned. He had heard these words before.

"A village falls not due to the evil-doers. It falls when the righteous remain silent."

Tenwa's words rang in his head.

This was it. The moment the curse was sealed.

The vision danced, and in an instant, the council vanished. The villagers were in their place, huddled in terror. Fire raged around them as black tentacles of magic swirled in the air. Screams of terror filled the air as they grabbed their chests, their bodies contorting, reforming into grotesque monstrosities.

The curse had not just fallen on them.

It had been invoked.


Aiden stepped back, his heart racing. Someone had placed this curse—not as punishment, but as judgment.

And whoever had done it… had made sure no one would be able to escape.

The whispers swelled into a deafening roar, and then—silence.

The vision disappeared, leaving Aiden standing alone in the desecrated hall. His fingers were numb-cold against the hilt of his dagger.

Who had done this? And was the curse really irreversible?

He spun on his heel, running back the way he had come. He had to locate Elena. She needed to know.

But as he emerged into the tunnel again, the whisper came back, gentle and wise.

"You are not ready for the truth."

Aiden's blood chilled.

Elena's Lessons

Elena watched as Kael demonstrated how to tie a makeshift snare using thin strands of vine. The half-human girl's claws made quick work of the task, her movements practiced and fluid.

"If you're going to survive here," Kael said, tightening the knot, "you need to stop thinking like a human."

Elena raised an eyebrow. "I am human."

Kael smirked. "Not for long. This place changes you."

Elena frowned. "You mean the curse?"

Kael paused before giving a slow nod. "The longer you are here, the stronger it becomes. It talks in your veins, biding its time for weakness." She moved her fingers, and they reflected the light like knives. "Some of us fought. Some… failed." 

Elena gulped. If Kael spoke the truth, then even she and Aiden were not secure.

She looked at the others—half-human survivors who had learned to live in their new bodies, some of them with wings, others covered in scales or fur. They moved differently, their senses keener. Would she and Aiden one day turn out like them?

Or worse… become forsaken?

Kael completed laying the trap and motioned to Elena. "Your turn."

She dropped to her knee beside her, copying the gestures as best she could. For all else that might fail them, learning to do these would keep them living.

She hoped only that Aiden was out of harm's way.

The Attack

Too late came the warning.

The cavern was assaulted by a choking snarl followed by the clash of something big against rock.

Kael flinched with his ears. "Back."

Elena had hardly drawn breath before monsters poured out from the shadows.

They were not like the abandoned ones she had encountered before—these had more severe mutations, their bodies swollen with jagged, unnatural growths. Their eyes shone with something worse than hunger.


They were not here to hunt. They were here to kill.

"Elena, go!" Kael pushed her back just in time as a grotesque, bear-like creature charged, its claws swiping through the air.

The survivors ran, some grabbing makeshift weapons, others using their animalistic agility to evade.

Elena's heart was racing. Aiden wasn't present.

She flashed out her dagger, bracing herself. If she needed to live, she would need to defend herself.

The creature let out a roar, its eyes focusing on her.

And then—it leapt.