Genesis still looking at the screen could not see the commotion behind him. An enemy was stealing the baby. Genesis ran towards the person, but it was already too late as Allus had already pinned his neck to the ground, making the man bleed slightly.
The man was heavily interrogated by Jae and was declared as not an Agent, because the Agents only want to kill them for the sake of the White Room.
'Maybe the white room is some kind of robot hive mind.'
Genesis thought quietly.
Jae ordered all the people on the blue team to stay in their positions and everyone followed as Jae and Noel asked the commanders and knights questions. The session was not that long as Jae and Noel trusted each other enough to assume they were not Agents.
After the long round of questions from the king and queen, Genesis gave a proposition.
"The Agents want to create a conflict between us. If the white room makes you go mad, why would the Agents not want to do the same? It doesn't matter how they kill us they just want to see us dead for the pleasure of the white room."
"The question is why the the white room wants us dead and how good are the Agents at cloning someone? For the first question it is just an assumption, but it could enjoy the death of others, which is hypocrisy from the square headed creature. It said it wanted us to evolve so the white room could be different from the creature entirely, it may even be an exception from the creatures rules. The second question is a bit more tricky to prove as it requires us finding out one Agent undercover to undercover the answer of the question."
Said surprisingly from Hana who was standing in the background of people.
Jae and Noel took both their takes into account and while that happened, the assumed by Genesis, king of the other team ordered his people to stay on this side as well. There was a treaty between Jae and the other king, whose name was Hank. As the two kings took their wisest associates, that being Genesis and Hana and the one person from the other team being named Alto.
Hank was a fairly tall man, with broad shoulders, a mustache along with dark brown eyes and having no hair upon his head. He looked like he was at a barbecue when the world flipped over wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans, as well as all his previous features he had rich albino skin and brave and confident personality.
Alto however was a more interesting character as he looked to be a copy of Genesis. Everything was the same, down to their height and weight and even age. He was shy, as he constantly fiddled with his fingers, he had a darker skin tone, closer to Hank than Genesis though. He was wearing a bright blue shirt and he had black sweatpants, it was all you could see under his armor, he was skinny like Genesis but definitely not as strong as he could barely carry his own weight from all the pressure under the armor, he pitch black eyes, eyes that never betrayed, eyes that never lied, eyes that never changed. His hair was an average black as well and it was scuffed up and messy some of it blocking his vision.
Together in harmony Alto, Hana and Genesis worked together making theories, plans and defense and offense options, some were more viable than others, but an outstanding theory they had was hope. When the side of the blue team had hope the Agents were released and when people feared the malice was released. Genesis wondered if that was why Jae and Noel gave out those award winning speeches to give out hope and to stop the Miasma of Malice. However it was just a theory a White Room theory.
Another theory that came up was if the Miasma of Malice was to be released again, would the Agents swap bodies, if so that would make finding them harder. A theory that counteracted the previous theory was if the malice would make the Agents more aggressive and maybe reveal some tentacles. One more of many theories was would happen to the bodies of those taken over by Agents, would the Agents dissolve them in time? Did the Agents already dissolve them and clone them. Would the Agents hold back all their power of corrosiveness to blend in and cause a case of chaos.
The strategists came to a consensus and agreed to see what would happen when the Miasma of Malice came in again. They gave their reports to the king and queen.
The kings of both side were a bit skeptical to let the malice come in again, as although now having experienced it, everyone was not immune to it, especially not the other team. The queen agreed to try the idea with her take being that the more time they wait the more time the Agents get to adapt. The kings eventually agreed to this plan after hearing out the queen.
They gave no encouraging speeches as the people were more and more unsure of what they should do. A person on the other team even tried stealing the flag, which was an obvious ploy to discourage the teams and like a moth to a flame the Miasma of Malice came. It took a while before the lights turned off and Genesis saw the Agents leave the body of those they were in. One was a citizen from the other team and the other was a commander from their team and because the lights were off everyone grabbed a weapon or ran out of sight of an Agent.
Genesis turned in the direction of Allus and knew that they were thinking the same thing, they threw their weapons into the air and when the tentacles came flying at immeasurable speeds, they gripped tight their weapons and Genesis managed to stab an Agent in its head, leaving it half dead as it managed to dodge some part of his sword, but when Allus stabbed his Agent with his spear it proliferated turning into an extra Agent before the lights blinded them and they took the bodies of some other unassuming victims. The Miasma of Malice was in the room for a short time so short it didn't affect anyone's mind.
The Agent that died was lying on the ground and after a few minutes of arranging and recollected themselves the lights turned back on. The Agents were getting smarter, at least Genesis thought they were, what if they were always this smart and only endured the battle for so long to grow bigger and bigger and then when they were few left they did what they were best at blending in.
Luckily Genesis knew that the Agents were not able to control themselves when influenced by the Miasma of Malice. Although it seemed as if the White Room directly supported the Agents as they turned the lights off as the Agents were about to strike. It was either that or the Agents could control the White Room directly. However they controlled the lights it seemed like the theory of them being a hive mind was more and more alluring.
However the thought of the malice kept coming to his mind. Now they knew that the hope of the people in the White Room depends on whether or not the malice will spill. They could formulate a plan by breaking the rules that the White Room set in place.
The intellectuals gathered again discussing about many new theories that came up when the Agents proliferated. A prominent one was if the Agent absorbed too much would they be forced to split. Another would be that the Agents only came to kill and maybe their tendencies would slip up when making jokes or just generally being near people, so the theorists presented their research to kings and queen and they were impressed by it.
Together they made a plan. The plan was simple each person has at least one good friend in this room cowards excluded. They would give their portions of food to those who seemed more malevolent and if they proliferated they would kill them instantly. However everyone needed to be on board in the plan, so they threatened death to those who refused to not agree on the plan, though it may seemed harsh but it was the only way that would not waste time.
When it was lunch the kings commanded everyone of their subjects with a stern voice to save your food until the evening and the subjects followed. They took all the edible material of the table and kept it until the evening.
When it was time to train they noticed one of the axemen being slightly more ominous as they would face their weapons, towards comrades playing it off as a joke, it was so obvious that Genesis thought it was a ploy.
Being bold Genesis made up an excuse to challenge the man as a repercussion. The man accepted, Genesis did not know the man's name, but he had average features, having brown hair, a dangerous look in his eyes and a mischievous grin. He was quite short as he looked to be younger than Genesis by about 2 or 3 years.
Genesis felt bad for the kid, because he was one of those who came out of hiding not too long ago. The child was raring to fight Genesis, he wore no armor and only had two throwing axes in both hands.
The battle began and the child recklessly charged at him and Genesis slammed the hilt of his sword down on the child's neck, knocking him to the ground. He then proceeded to kick the child with his metal boot, leaving a scar on the child's face. The child tried to get back up, but Genesis fully convinced he was an Agent didn't let him, as he struck the child's face with the sheathed sword over and over, until his face was filled with blood.
Genesis bent down to the child level and said.
"I know what you are."
After saying that he decided to leave, the other people were a bit taken aback by the situation especially Lautaro who he thought knew Genesis better.
"What is there to ask? It is trying to kill us I am trying to keep us safe."
"I know you are but doesn't mean the kid doesn't feel the pain."
"If the kid felt it enough the Agent would come out."
Genesis and Lautaro bickered and squabbled until they were called to the king as they were to reveal more information if they had any. Genesis reluctantly agreed to share the information about how the White Room released the malice when Allus struck the ground with his spear and about when Lautaro was under the influence he said something about a retaliation.
They talked more until Jae decided to add more unto his plan. When they finished eating their meals if none of the Agents split then they would ordered to stab their swords into the ground and let the malice reveal them for a while and then in the state of disharmony they would potentially kill the Agents.
Genesis agreed on the plan, however it took a bit more skepticism from the theorists to agree. What if the Agents grew to strong under the influence of the Miasma of Malice. What if the Agents merged to be one super Agent. But regardless of all the doubts the plan was a surefire way to eliminate the Agents, even if people would die.
'People were bound to die in this place anyways.'
Genesis coldly thought as though he was a hitman, uncaring and uncared for. The plan was set in motion. The commanders, knights, kings and queen were on standby barely eating.
It wasn't until the boy with the two axes split into three that chaos began.
The instant he split Lautaro and Allus jumped on two of the boys, Allus eliminating the clone before it could annihilate him with its tentacles, Sephina who was not too far away shot the bow hitting its mark and killing the other clone.
They spared the boy as he said he wasn't a clone and there was a surefire way to prove it. There was only one clone revealed and there were two Agents, so Jae took charge and stabbed the ground, Hana and Noel following soon after.
Suddenly Genesis found himself in a dark space with another him, a fake him, the Agent of him.
'Oh God, why did it have to be me?'