The Astral Express glided smoothly through the stellar current, surrounded by the vast immensity of space. From the window, Aleph watched the stars flicker in the distance, their reflection shimmering on the glass.
It was a peaceful silence, almost strange after everything that had happened on Jarillo-VI.
For the first time in days, there were no battles. No strategies to plan or enemies to face.
Just… peace.
Aleph rested his head on his hand, his gaze distant.
"If only I could get used to this..."
The sound of footsteps pulled him from his thoughts.
"What are you doing here alone?"
Stelle appeared beside him, holding a bag of snacks in one hand and a bottle in the other. She plopped down in the seat next to him and started eating casually.
Aleph raised an eyebrow at her.
"Aren't you supposed to be playing video games with March 7th?"
"She kicked me out after we won 20-0 in Brutal Combat." Stelle shrugged. "Dan Heng is looking up information, and Pom-Pom is overseeing the cleaning. Welt and Himeko said they had things to discuss."
Aleph nodded slowly.
"So that just leaves the two of us."
Stelle offered him the bag of snacks.
"Want some?"
Aleph took a handful without hesitation.
"Not bad."
They sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the tranquility of the train car.
"Have you gotten used to being here?" Stelle suddenly asked.
Aleph blinked.
"Here on the Astral Express?"
Aleph leaned his head against the seat, thoughtful.
"I suppose so. Though, I won't lie, at first, I felt a little out of place."
Stelle nodded slowly.
"I get that. My first days weren't easy either."
"I know, March 7th told me every detail. How did you even manage to get into the ventilation ducts?"
"...Trade secret."
Before they could continue their conversation, the train's communicator chimed.
"Attention, passengers of the Astral Express! Pom-Pom requests your presence in the conference room. Quickly, quickly!"
Stelle sighed and stood up from her seat.
"Time to get to work."
Aleph stretched before getting up.
Together, they walked toward the meeting room.
The group arrived at the Astral Express's meeting room, where Pom-Pom was waiting for them.
Himeko and Welt were already there, reviewing some documents on their terminals.
Pom-Pom gave a couple of hops on the table to get their attention.
"I hope you're not slacking off!"
March 7th crossed her arms with a playful smile.
"Come on, Pom-Pom, have we ever given you a reason to think that?"
The little train conductor stared at her.
March 7th looked offended, but before she could protest, Himeko spoke up.
"Alright, listen up, everyone. Our next destination is the Herta Space Station."
Stelle tilted her head.
"Why? Is something important happening there?"
"Exactly," Welt confirmed, adjusting his glasses. "There are a few situations that require our presence there."
Aleph raised an eyebrow.
"Let me guess… another problem with a Stellaron?"
Himeko shook her head.
"Not at all. This time, it's just a routine visit. We want to make sure your situation is stable, and Herta also wants to compare you and Stelle to see how different you are and how your bodies react."
"...Wait… are they going to open me up on an operating table?" Aleph's expression turned a bit worried, sweat forming on his forehead.
Himeko chuckled slightly.
"No, they'll just run some tests similar to the ones we did. The difference is that these will be more professional and thorough."
Aleph let out a sigh of relief.
Dan Heng, who had remained silent until now, looked at Aleph seriously.
"Before we get there, there's something I want to ask you."
Aleph looked at him curiously.
"What is it?"
Dan Heng crossed his arms.
"I've been checking the Astral Express's databases, and so far, I've only found similar beings, but not a single match for what you summoned during the fight with Cocolia."
Silence filled the room.
Welt and Himeko turned their attention to Aleph, interested in his response.
Aleph sighed and leaned on the table.
"I figured someone would ask about that eventually. Luckily, I already have a way to explain it."
March 7th leaned forward, intrigued.
"Yeah, yeah, tell us! It's not every day someone summons strange creatures out of nowhere."
Aleph looked at Burroughs.
"Summon it."
[At your command.]
A blue flash illuminated the room, and in an instant, Centaur appeared before them.
Dan Heng and March 7th instinctively tensed.
Himeko observed calmly, while Welt studied the demon with interest.
Centaur looked around before fixing his gaze on the group.
"So, you finally seek answers," he said in his deep, resonant voice.
Aleph gestured with his hand.
"Please, explain to them what you and Nappea are." They had spent all night rehearsing—now it was time to see how well his demon could support his master.
Centaur nodded.
"My kin and I are entities from a dimension different from this one. We are warriors, scholars, and guardians, depending on whom we are assigned to. In my master's case, our existence is bound to his will and power through an ancient contract between our species and the humanity of his original planet."
Dan Heng narrowed his eyes.
"Does that mean you've always been with him?"
Centaur shook his head.
"No. Only when he allows it. We are summoned according to his needs and desires."
March 7th frowned.
"Then… you're not like the Fragmentums or creatures of the Stellaron?"
"No," Centaur replied firmly. "There may be some among our kind who pursue a similar goal, but most of us are different and as varied in species and personality as any other sentient beings. Does that answer satisfy you, Lady of Roses?"
Himeko touched her coffee cup, thoughtful.
"Curious… You don't seem like chaotic or violent entities."
Centaur smiled slightly.
"On that, I must disagree with you. We demons have a natural longing for battle and conflict. However, once we have a master, we follow and fight for them regardless of that instinct."
Aleph snapped his fingers. Centaur bowed politely before vanishing in a flash.
"What did you think?"
Dan Heng remained silent for a moment before nodding.
March 7th puffed her cheeks.
"That was really vague!"
Aleph shrugged.
"If I told you more, I'd have to kill you."
March 7th rolled her eyes.
"Very funny, old man."
Pom-Pom gave a few more hops on the table.
"Alright, alright! If the mystery is solved, get ready. We'll be arriving at the Herta Space Station soon."
Himeko stood up and looked at Welt.
"We'll meet with Herta as soon as we land."
Dan Heng nodded.
"I have things to do."
In the blink of an eye, he vanished from the room.
March 7th sighed.
"I'm going to check the new cameras. Maybe this time I can take a picture of Stelle without her looking like she's about to murder me!"
"Good luck with that," Aleph said with a mocking smile.
And with that, everyone began to disperse.
Shortly after, Stelle received a message on her communicator.
It was from Asta.
[Asta: "Hey, Stelle. We're busy preparing everything for Tornelium and Ruan Mei's arrival. There are some things that need to be moved to the storage rooms, but all the staff is occupied. Could you help me with that?"]
Stelle showed the message to Aleph.
"I'm going to help Asta."
Aleph glanced at the screen and then smiled.
"Want me to give you a hand?"
Stelle nodded without hesitation.
And with that, the two of them set off toward the location Asta had given them.
The atmosphere at Herta Space Station was livelier than usual. Technicians and staff members rushed back and forth, adjusting equipment, checking data, and making sure everything was in order before the arrival of the Genius Society members.
Aleph and Stelle walked leisurely through the metallic hallways toward the storage rooms. Asta had granted them access through their devices, so they had no trouble entering.
The inside of the storage room was massive, with endless rows of metal shelves filled with boxes, sealed containers, and stored machinery. The lighting was dim, giving the place a somewhat mysterious air.
Stelle looked around curiously.
"Huh… I didn't think Herta Station had this much stuff piled up."
Aleph nodded.
"Yeah. This looks more like a junkyard than a storage room."
They kept walking as they searched for the materials they needed to move. However, something at the far end of the storage room caught their attention.
Among stacks of dusty boxes, there was a circular metal structure with disconnected cables and a damaged control console.
Its design was unlike anything else in the room.
Aleph raised an eyebrow.
"…What the hell is that?"
Stelle stepped closer and tapped the structure lightly with her finger.
"I don't know. But it looks important."
Aleph had Burroughs project the group chat screen and uploaded the photo he took.
"Let's ask Asta."
He sent the message with the attached image. It didn't take long to get a response.
[Asta: "Oh! That's an experimental dimensional portal Herta never tested."]
Aleph and Stelle fell silent.
Finally, Aleph typed a response.
[Aleph: "What?"]
[Asta: "Yeah, Herta designed it after watching a sci-fi movie. But she got bored before finishing it, so she left it incomplete and never activated it. It's supposed to connect to other dimensions, but since it was never tested, we don't know what it would actually do."]
Aleph looked at the machine with renewed interest.
"So this is a dimensional portal, huh?"
Stelle tilted her head.
"Huh. Sounds dangerous."
"Yeah…" Aleph crossed his arms. "But it also sounds interesting."
Stelle nodded, both of their eyes gleaming as they stared at the device.
Despite their curiosity, neither of them attempted to touch the machine.
They knew better than to mess with something even Herta hadn't tested.
Besides… Himeko might get mad if she found out they caused a disaster.
After finishing moving the boxes Asta had asked them to, Stelle found a ball among the stored objects.
She picked it up curiously.
Aleph looked at her and grinned.
"What? Feel like playing?"
Stelle nodded enthusiastically.
"Well, why not? It's not every day we have free time."
And so, the two of them started passing the ball to each other inside the storage room.
At first, they did it gently, but little by little, the game escalated.
Aleph threw the ball with a bit more force.
Stelle caught it with ease and sent it back with twice the power.
Aleph jumped to catch it, but as he landed, he slipped slightly and stumbled over a nearby box.
"Oh, shit!"
Stelle tried to stop the ball, but in the process, she also tripped…
…And fell straight onto the portal's control console.
A mechanical sound suddenly activated.
The console screen, which had been dead before, lit up with red lights and emergency warnings.
Aleph blinked with a somewhat dumbfounded expression.
"…Oh, no."
Stelle remained on the ground, staring at the console with a blank expression.
For some reason, Aleph thought he saw her pouting.
A buzzing sound began to fill the air.
The portal's metal structure emitted a purple glow, and the energy inside it started spiraling.
The sound grew louder.
Aleph and Stelle exchanged glances.
Then, they looked at the portal activating in front of them.
Then, they looked at each other again.
"…We're screwed," Aleph said with resignation.
Stelle nodded slowly.
The air in the room began to distort.
Aleph tried to run to the console to shut it down, but before he could touch it, a gravitational force yanked him violently toward the portal.
"Oh, come on!"
Stelle was also pulled in before she could react.
And in an instant…
The storage room fell silent.
The portal shut off abruptly, as if it had never been on.
Moments later, Asta checked her communicator and frowned.
[Asta: "Aleph? Stelle? Are you still there?"]
But she got no response.
Because they were no longer at Herta Space Station.
I was inspired by BlueRacer_2728's idea for this Omake. I know, it's not exactly what you said. But I'll eventually make that Omake.
Omake: The Closet Pervert
Act 1: The Awakening of Forbidden Desire
It all started with a simple scene. Something ordinary. Something everyone else considered completely normal… but for Firefly… this was the beginning of her descent into the abyss.
Firefly had never been someone who was easily impressed.
She had been through too much to be swayed by nonsense.
War, chaos, destruction… none of that had broken her.
But this…
This was killing her.
The Astral Express floated peacefully in the void of space, traveling through the stars on its eternal journey.
Everything was calm and harmonious…
Until Firefly saw it.
In the common room, sitting on one of the sofas, were Aleph and Stelle.
The scene, in theory, wasn't strange at all.
But then…
Stelle, with a blank expression, stretched, let out a soft yawn, and without a word…
Sat on Aleph's lap.
And he, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, wrapped an arm around her and continued what he was doing.
Firefly blinked slowly.
What she had just seen…
That… that wasn't normal, right?
She looked again, hoping she had imagined things.
But no.
There they were.
Stelle resting against Aleph's chest, her eyes half-closed, while he gently patted her head with one hand.
In his other hand, he held a book… which he was clearly not reading at all.
Firefly felt something in her brain short-circuit.
Himeko's voice sounded beside her.
"Oh, that. That's normal."
Firefly slowly turned to her.
"Aleph and Stelle are always like that," Himeko said calmly, as if talking about the weather. "They cuddle all the time. March 7th sometimes says they look like a mix between a cat and a raccoon."
Firefly still couldn't process it.
"But… but… why?"
"I don't know. I guess they're just comfortable that way," Himeko replied, taking a sip of coffee. "At this point, no one bothers questioning it."
Firefly looked at them again.
Aleph yawned and shifted slightly on the sofa, making sure Stelle was comfortable.
Stelle murmured something inaudible and snuggled closer into his chest.
Firefly covered her mouth with a hand.
This wasn't right.
This was too sweet.
But not in a cute way…
It was sweet in a dangerously seductive way.
Firefly swallowed hard.
Himeko looked at her curiously.
"Something wrong, Firefly?"
Firefly felt a cold sweat run down her back.
"No… it's nothing."
She couldn't let anyone know what was going through her mind.
Because if they knew what she was starting to think…
…they'd see her as a complete degenerate.
And so… Firefly's first trigger had been activated.
She didn't know it yet, but…
This was only the beginning of her descent.
Act 2 - Impure Thoughts
A pure mind is like a tranquil lake… but once a single stone falls onto its surface, the ripples spread uncontrollably. Firefly didn't know it yet… but her lake was about to turn into a damn tsunami.
Firefly tried to forget it.
She really tried.
But the image lingered in her head.
Stelle curled up against Aleph's chest…
Aleph gently patting her head…
Both of them breathing in sync as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Every time she closed her eyes…
There it was again!
It was like a scene straight out of a romance novel.
But they were siblings! Wasn't that incest?!
Firefly felt a shiver run down her spine.
But then, an idea crossed her mind.
…What if they weren't actually siblings?
Firefly froze.
No. No. NO.
That was a dangerous train of thought.
Aleph and Stelle looked practically identical in appearance and had very similar attitudes!
How could they resemble each other so much without being family?
There was no doubt about it.
There was no way there was anything romantic between them!
To clear her mind, Firefly decided to train.
Nothing like unleashing a barrage of destructive fire to forget weird thoughts.
But then…
Dan Heng passed by in the hallway and noticed her tense expression.
"Firefly. Are you okay?"
Firefly almost choked on her own saliva.
"WHAT?! N-Nothing!"
Dan Heng frowned.
"…You seem troubled."
Firefly swallowed hard.
Shit! She needed to change the subject fast!
"I-It's just… just that I saw something weird a while ago…"
Dan Heng raised an eyebrow.
"Something weird?"
Firefly thought quickly.
She couldn't tell him the truth.
She couldn't say her mind was filled with impure thoughts.
"Yeah… uh… I saw Stelle sitting on Aleph's lap… and…"
Dan Heng sighed.
Firefly blinked.
Dan Heng crossed his arms.
"That's not unusual."
Firefly blanked out.
"…Excuse me?"
Dan Heng nodded calmly.
"They sit together all the time. Stelle curls up on Aleph like he's her portable bed."
Firefly felt her world tremble.
"And no one thinks that's weird?!"
Dan Heng blinked, confused.
"…Why would it be?"
Firefly felt her head spinning.
Was she the only one who saw something wrong with this?!
Not knowing what to do, she fled the conversation.
Dan Heng watched her leave and frowned.
"What a strange reaction…"
He shrugged.
"Well, not my problem."
And he went back to reading his book, completely unaware of the mental hell Firefly was going through.
Firefly reached her room and shut the door with a slam.
She leaned her back against the wall and took a deep breath.
This wasn't normal!
People didn't just accept these things without questioning them!
Even if they were brother and sister… those things weren't done!
But then…
Another image crossed her mind.
Aleph and Stelle… but this time… it wasn't just a casual hug.
It was something more.
Stelle looking at him with her golden eyes, expressionless yet filled with something deeper…
Aleph smirking mischievously as he whispered something in her ear…
And then…
Firefly's eyes snapped open.
"What the hell was that?!"
That was way too specific!
That wasn't just a casual image!
That was a damn erotic fantasy!
Her own brain was betraying her!
She covered her face with both hands, feeling like she was melting from embarrassment.
Since when had she developed these degenerate tendencies?!
She wasn't like this!
She didn't think about these things!
She was a warrior, for the love of the stars!
She couldn't deny it.
Her mind had crossed a dangerous line.
And the worst part…
Was that she had liked it.
Firefly collapsed onto her bed, covering her face with a pillow.
"…I'm doomed."
And so, the second trigger had been activated.
Firefly still had the chance to turn back…
But she wouldn't.
Because her mind…
Was already too corrupted.
Act 3: The Abyss
Every person has a limit. A point of no return where reason is replaced by the most primal desires… Firefly was about to cross it without realizing it.
Firefly tried to control herself.
Seriously, she tried.
After the mental disaster in her room, she decided to avoid Aleph and Stelle.
It was the only way to regain her sanity!
But fate… had other plans.
Day 1 – Avoiding Aleph and Stelle
Firefly entered the Astral Express café, confident that she wouldn't find them there.
But as soon as she took two steps…
She saw them.
Aleph was sitting calmly at a table, holding a cup of coffee.
Stelle, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, was lying with her head on his lap.
And the worst part…
They looked so comfortable!
Aleph sipped his coffee with one hand while gently stroking Stelle's head with the other.
Stelle let out a satisfied sound, like a lazy cat enjoying a nap.
Firefly felt her brain collapse once again.
Why was no one saying anything about this?!
How was it possible that this scene was so common that no one even paid attention to it?!
She tried to turn around…
But then…
"Oh, Firefly, do you need something?" Aleph asked in his usual carefree tone.
Day 3 – Enduring the Madness
Firefly was on the Astral Express bridge, taking deep breaths to calm herself.
But then, March 7th appeared.
"Hey, Firefly! Why do you look so tense?"
Firefly blinked rapidly.
"Huh? N-No reason…"
March 7th stared at her.
"Hmm… Are you sure? You've been acting more nervous than usual lately."
Firefly swallowed hard.
She couldn't confess it!
She couldn't admit that her mind was filled with impure thoughts!
But then…
March 7th dropped a bomb.
"Ah, I know what's happening."
Firefly stiffened.
March 7th crossed her arms and sighed.
"You've fallen into the Aleph and Stelle curse."
Firefly felt a chill run down her spine.
March 7th nodded gravely.
"Yeah. It's a theory I have. Anyone who spends too much time around those two… eventually starts seeing them differently."
Firefly froze.
"…What do you mean differently?"
March 7th sighed dramatically.
"Do you know how many times Welt has caught me staring at them while they nap together? And the worst part is, I'm not the only one. If only I could get them to nap like that for me."
Firefly started to break out in a cold sweat.
"…N-No way."
March 7th looked at her with sympathy.
"I'm sorry, Firefly. But you're already trapped. There's no escape."
Firefly staggered backward.
This couldn't be true!
She couldn't accept this!
There had to be a way to undo it!
But then…
Day 5 – Breaking Point
Firefly was determined to regain her sanity.
No matter what.
…fate hated her.
Because that was the night when…
She had her first completely degenerate fantasy.
It was a dream.
But it felt too real.
A throne.
A golden hall.
She, dressed in a robe of fire, seated like a queen.
And on either side of her…
Aleph and Stelle, kneeling at her feet, looking up at her with devotion.
"My queen…" Aleph whispered, his voice deep and seductive. He was half-naked, wearing only a pair of shorts and a leather collar with a nameplate around his neck.
"What do you desire from us?"
Firefly shuddered.
"Anything…" Stelle murmured with a mysterious smile. She wore something that barely qualified as clothing—covering even less than a bikini.
Her hands moved—one to Stelle's nape, the other to Aleph's.
"Just say the word, and we will obey…"
Firefly jolted awake.
Her breathing was fast.
Her face was as red as a tomato.
And then…
She finally admitted it.
"I'm doomed."
Act 4: Fever
When the mind surrenders to its darkest desires, there is no return. Only the despair of knowing it's already too late…
Firefly woke up feeling different.
It wasn't just embarrassment.
It wasn't just guilt.
It was something worse.
…She felt too comfortable with this.
Day 7 – Acceptance
Firefly had accepted her fate.
She no longer tried to avoid Aleph and Stelle.
In fact…
She sought them out.
In the Astral Express lounge, Aleph and Stelle were in their usual position.
Aleph lying on the couch, Stelle using his lap as a pillow, both half-asleep.
Firefly sat in a nearby armchair.
Simply… watching them.
But this time…
She felt no guilt.
Only a small, tiny thought in the back of her mind.
"What if I… too…?"
She shivered.
Day 10 – The Defeat of Reason
Firefly tried to act normal.
But every time she saw Aleph and Stelle…
Her mind created inappropriate scenarios all on its own.
It didn't matter what they were doing.
They drank coffee together.
"They're sharing the same cup… how intimate."
They argued over something trivial.
"Gods, they act like a married couple."
Aleph took off his coat because it was hot.
"…Wait, has he always been that built? Why didn't I notice before?"
Firefly covered her face.
"I can't keep living like this…!"
But deep down, she knew.
She couldn't stop.
Day 12 – Fantasy Becomes Reality
Firefly was in the Astral Express hallway when she overheard a conversation.
"Hey, Stelle, wanna sleep in my room this time?" Aleph asked casually.
"Huh? Oh, sure," Stelle answered, not thinking much of it.
Firefly completely froze.
Her brain processed the words… and then reinterpreted them in the worst possible way.
"Sleep in his room."
"In his room."
No, no, no.
She had to be misinterpreting this!
It had to be something innocent!
But then, she heard something that completely shattered her.
"But if you snore, I'm kicking you out."
"You talk in your sleep, Aleph."
"Yeah, but I say cool things."
Firefly staggered, bracing herself against the wall.
"…Why do I feel like my world is changing?"
Her heart pounded in her chest.
Day 15 – The Final Incident
Firefly had tried to resist.
But the universe had other plans.
That night, she was heading to the café for some water.
She passed by Aleph's room.
At that exact moment…
She heard a sound.
A murmur.
Then, a low chuckle.
…A female voice?
Firefly froze.
Her throat went dry.
Was that…?
She pressed her ear against the door.
"Hey, don't move so much."
"It's your fault, you're so warm."
"Ah, so admit it, Stelle—you like being here."
"Don't make me regret this!"
"Come on, relax…"
Firefly's eyes widened.
Her mind EXPLODED.
What was happening in there?!
Why did it sound so… so…?!
She refused to believe it!
She quickly backed away, her face red as a tomato.
She had to leave.
She couldn't listen anymore.
…But her body wouldn't move.
"Just a little longer…"
"Just a little longer, and I'll know the truth…"
She covered her mouth.
Her breathing was erratic.
What the hell was she doing?
She was acting like a—
Like a pervert.
And then, the door swung open.
"Oh, Firefly, what are you doing here?"
Aleph looked at her curiously.
Stelle was behind him, disheveled and… half-asleep?
Firefly froze.
She couldn't respond.
…Then, her gaze lowered slightly.
Aleph was shirtless.
And Stelle was only wearing a shirt that was way too big for her.
Firefly's brain shut down.
…And she fainted on the spot.
Act 5: The Fall of a Warrior
In the end, it wasn't fire, war, or fate that destroyed her… but her own degenerate mind.
Day 16 – Shame
Firefly woke up in the Astral Express infirmary.
Her head was pounding.
Her body was covered in cold sweat.
And the worst part…
The memories of last night hit her like a flaming train.
No, no, no, NO.
She buried her face in her hands.
"I fainted in front of Aleph and Stelle."
"After thinking… those things."
Firefly wanted to disappear.
She turned slowly, hoping to be alone…
But of course, life isn't that kind.
Aleph was sitting beside her bed, eating an apple.
Noticing she was awake, he gave her a casual smile.
"Oh, look who came back from the beyond."
Firefly froze.
Anything but this.
"You collapsed last night," Aleph continued, chewing without a care. "You looked like you saw a ghost."
"Not a ghost… something much worse."
"Well, anyway, Stelle and I brought you here."
Firefly felt like she couldn't breathe.
"Stelle saw it too."
"They saw me faint like an idiot."
"I have no dignity left."
"By the way…" Aleph tilted his head. "What were you doing outside my room at that hour?"
Firefly felt like her soul left her body.
Why did he have to ask that?!
How was she supposed to answer?!
She couldn't tell the truth!
"Uh… I…" Firefly felt her brain melting. "I-I was… w-walking… around…"
Aleph raised an eyebrow.
"Walking… at two in the morning?"
"In front of my door?"
Firefly felt like dying inside.
Aleph was suspicious.
She couldn't let him figure out the truth!
He couldn't know that she had planned to spy on them while having impure thoughts!
"Are you sure you didn't want to tell me something?" Aleph asked, still smiling casually.
Firefly blinked rapidly.
"N-No, nothing! Just… unimportant stuff!"
Aleph stared at her for a few seconds.
Then, he shrugged.
"Well, if you say so."
Firefly exhaled in relief.
She dodged the bullet!
She was free!
But then…
The door opened.
And Stelle walked in with a tray of food.
Firefly panicked all over again.
Stelle looked her straight in the eyes.
Then looked at Aleph.
And with the most casual tone in the world, she dropped an atomic bomb.
"Hey, did you ask her why she was spying on us last night?"
Firefly nearly fainted again.
Aleph blinked.
"I was just doing that."
Stelle placed the tray on the table.
"Oh. Well, the answer's obvious."
Aleph raised an eyebrow.
Stelle smiled.
"It's because she likes us."
Firefly went completely still.
Aleph blinked slowly.
Firefly wanted to cry.
"Stelle, shut up!"
"Come on, it's obvious," Stelle continued, sipping some water like she was saying something totally normal. "Firefly sees us together all the time. She probably thinks we're adorable."
Aleph frowned.
"And what does that have to do with her spying on us?"
Stelle shrugged.
"Maybe she wanted to know what we do when we're alone."
Aleph stared at her for a long second.
Then turned to Firefly.
Firefly was too red to speak.
Aleph blinked.
Stelle also looked at Firefly…
And then snapped her fingers as if she just realized something.
"Ohhh! Wait, really?"
Firefly buried her face in the pillow.
She wanted to disappear.
Aleph chuckled.
"Oh, wow. Well, I guess you see us as a charming duo. After all, we're the Morning Star and the Galactic Bat."
"…Why is your name first?"
Firefly wanted to scream.
Why wouldn't they stop talking about it?!
Why did Stelle have to be so blunt?!
Why was Aleph so calm about it?!
Then Stelle dropped an even bigger bomb.
"Hey, Aleph."
"If Firefly sees us that way…"
She leaned in with a mischievous smile.
"Should we give her some fanservice?"
Aleph blinked.
Firefly felt her soul escaping her body.
What was Stelle saying?!
But before anyone could react…
Stelle sat on Aleph's lap.
She took his face and kissed him… or at least, that's how it looked from Firefly's perspective.
So casually.
Firefly stopped breathing.
Aleph only sighed. But he couldn't hide the playful glint in his eyes.
"…Stelle, we've talked about this."
"What do you mean?" Stelle asked, snuggling comfortably. "We didn't do anything weird."
"Yeah, but Firefly is literally watching."
"So what? We always do this."
Aleph frowned.
"But never in front of someone who's clearly looking at us like—"
He fell silent.
Looked at Firefly.
Firefly was completely stiff.
Her eyes were shaking.
Her face was burning.
Aleph sighed.
Firefly shot up.
She bolted for the door.
But Stelle stopped her.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
Firefly was on the verge of collapse.
"Nothing, nothing, everything's fine!"
Aleph crossed his arms.
"Damn, Firefly. Relax, it's not like—"
"Don't say anything!"
But it was too late.
Firefly knew it in that instant.
She couldn't go back anymore.
"…Shit," she whispered to herself.
Perversion had won.
Extra Act: The Last Call
In a corner of the Astral Express, Firefly stared into the void.
The expression of someone who had seen the abyss… and liked it.
"…I'm doomed."
And in her mind…
Images of Aleph and Stelle resurfaced.
…But this time, the image was even worse.
A three-way relationship.
Firefly covered her face.
"…Why do I like this so much?"
Her fingers trembled.
And so, Firefly sank even deeper into her degeneration.
No escape.
No redemption.
…And no regrets.