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New life, New Wife.

I kept hugging her, as she sobbed in my chest. Her body was soft and warm, like a marshmallow, and her voice was like that of an anime character's... probably because she was Japanese.

My body instinctively knew how to comfort her. My right hand caressed her hair and my left hand caressed her back.

But my mind was in a different place.

'If this really is the world of the shitty hentai... then, she's already cheated on me once... Although going by the story, it wasn't really her fault...'

Let me elaborate. The story goes like this:

The main character and a bunch of other soldiers were on a mission. There was some sort of a dispute between them and a native resident. One guy shot the resident. The main character was furious at this and tried to retaliate. But the guy who shot the gun was much bigger than him, so the main character got his ass handed to him. Now, because the gunman beat up his own ally, and because he already had some similar charges on him, he was dishonourably discharged before the main character could return.

Because of this, the gunman was furious and wanted revenge. He found out about the main character's wife, and the rest is self-explanatory.

'But anyway... real life graphics look so much better and different than hentai graphics...', I thought as I looked around.

I really was in Japan. I looked at the sky and saw the fluffy clouds, the street signs were all written in Japanese, the people all looked very much Asian, you name it.

And my- I mean, the main character's wife... Big, bright, reflective eyes, a slightly chubby face, which only elevates her cuteness, and an amazing body... The pictures of her from the hentai depicted all of these...

Seeing her in real life... or maybe not "real life", but seeing her here, in the flesh... I gotta say, she's got all of that.

I grabbed her face and tilted her head to face me. She was both cute and sexy at the same time, I couldn't even understand the logic behind that.

It wouldn't be an understatement to say that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen...

'Wait, what... No, but... I'm sure someone like Jennifer Lawrence looks more beautiful... Oh no... is my mind... being influenced by this hentai's main character?', my worries heightened.

If that was the case, it was extremely bad. I don't handle emotions very well... That's why I spent my last days on earth completely alone, secluding myself in my house, detached from feeling anything at all.

When I feel certain things... I get violent. And I don't really like what comes after...

'*Sigh...* Anyway... Let's proceed with the story for now...', I shelved my thoughts.

"Aoi, let's head inside... I'm quite tired.", I said to my- I mean, the main character's wife.

"Yes, dear... Sorry for holding you up like this, I just couldn't help myself...", she blushed.

"I understand. Let's head inside."

We both walked into the house. It was immediately clear how Japanese houses differed from the rest of the world... But I instinctively knew how to carry myself in there.

"What would you like to eat, dear?", Aoi asked me.

"Anything you cook is fine, Aoi.", I responded. My proficiency in Japanese seemed to be on the native level, despite the fact that I've never even tried speaking Japanese.

I put down my bag on the couch and waited for Aoi to cook something. My eyes instinctively shifted to her, as she put on her apron and started cooking something.

"Say, Aoi... have you met any of my army buddies recently...?", I asked.

To this question, she visibly flinched and started to panic.

"N-no... d-didn't you guys all return t-together? I mean... you were all discharged just a few days ago... right...?", she asked me, while her head was turned away, toward the kitchen sink.

'As expected, she's lying... I already know she's had some insane sex with that guy... what was his name again...? Takeshi something? I dunno, it was Japanse, I don't remember that well.'

All of a sudden, my heart ached again. But this time, it wasn't because I was having a heart attack, no, it was because I was "feeling" something...

'Takeshi Murasawa... Age: 34, Gender: Male, Affiliation: Yakuza...', all sorts of information filled my head, as well as a flood of an emotion I despised...

Grief and sadness.

'Geez... what a pathetic main character... all you feel is grief and sadness...? no rage? or hatred? what about vengeance? *Sigh...*', I told myself, as I started breathing deeply to calm myself.

'Aoi won't tell me anything. And I can't do anything either right now... that guy has all her "activities" with him on tape, after all... classic hentai.', I thought.

'Feeling like this won't do... I need to squash this problem as soon as possible... Otherwise... I might repeat what I did to my girlfriend... to Aoi...', I thought.

'Goddamnit, why do I care this much anyway? It's not like she's MY wife, I just met her today!... Fucking hell... I feel like 2 different people at once...'

As I was thinking all sorts of thoughts, Aoi walked over to the table in front of me and put down a dish.

"Here, dear... your favourite, omelette rice...", she said to me with a blush.

'Omelette rice... Never had it before.', I thought as I picked up the dish and started to eat it.

"Do you like it?", she asked.

"More than I like you? no.", I replied jokingly.

"Hahaha, honey...", she replied.

'Japanese food is pretty good, huh... way better than burgers and pizza, at least... well, maybe not pizza.'

As I was eating, she kept staring at me intently, watching me, almost mesmerized.

"Anything wrong, Aoi?"

"What? no, haha... it's just been a while since I've seen you... You've gotten more muscular...", she blushed.

"Haha, I was fighting in the war, of course I have."

At this, she was visibly slightly appalled.

"... That's not something I like to hear... You being in a war... Do you know how worried I was...? I spent some nights crying myself to sleep... I was so scared that one day, some people will come knocking at our door, and all they'll have is your belongings...", she said as she started to tear up.

I put down the dish and pulled her closer towards me.

"I'm sorry I put you through that... and I'm thankful that you allowed me to go to the military... It had always been my dream to serve our country...", I said.

'What bullshit... I served because it gives some pretty hefty rewards in terms of health insurance, housing insurance, retirement pensions, etc...', I thought.

She climbed up on my lap and faced me.

"You better be thankful... And I'm also thankful..."

"Hmm? why?"

"Because you returned unharmed, silly..."

'Unharmed, huh? Well, I'm not too sure about that...', I thought.

"... Honey..."


"It's been a while since we've been this close..."


"... Kiss me."

'She's not my wife... but if that's what she wants... I'll give it to her, I guess...'

I pulled her head closer to mine and gave her a deep and long kiss.

"*Huff Huff*... have you gotten better at that...? You... you've never kissed me like THAT before...", she said, her face as red as a tomato.

'Hahaha, that's because I'm actually American, not Japanese... No offence to the Japanese men, but I'd like to think I can kiss better than the average Japanese man... Huh, is that racism? Eeehh.'

"Hahaha, did you like it?"

"Yes... But... I want more..."

'Yeah, I knew it.'

"What about the food on the table?"

"I can heat it up for you later... Right now... some other place is hotter than the food... and you need to eat it up as soon as possible..."


And so, I obliged.