Chapter 3

"Perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not, but what do you stand to lose by giving it a shot?" If I'm being honest, you receive the money and New York adores you even more. "If I'm not telling the truth, then at least you penetrated my facade," she argued.

Once more, she was correct. He had nothing to risk, but he might gain a sense of guilt for touching her like that.

To entice him more, she gradually licked her upper lip, gliding the tip across it just enough to moisten the layer while leaving the purple-painted lip visible.

As the tongue reached its limit and withdrew, the edge of her lower lip was tugged under her canine and released, carrying the most mischievous of suggestions; her lips remained slightly parted in a sensual way before returning to a flirtatious grin.

Setting aside his pride and remorse, he silently apologized to Mary Jane and placed the bag of money down as he drew near.

The ring at the bottom of her zipper glimmered in the moonlight, the sole metallic element on her uniform.

He glanced up at her one final time and then looked down again.

It was a moment of total commitment. The index finger curled into the ring and gently pulled down, exposing increasingly more of her skin as the city's noise faded away in his thoughts, with only the sound of separating leather and the gradual unzipping echoing around him.

The outfit was so snug that he could discern every shape and curve of her figure, yet when he perceived it merely as skin, his body reacted with a shiver.

She neither helped the situation by swaying her hips leisurely, nearly imperceptibly, arching her abdomen back and forth, showcasing her muscles as they moved alluringly.

He quickly lifted his gaze to meet hers directly and assertively stated, "Stop that."

Her lips formed an O in response to the strong command. "Ooo, I adore a man who is completely in charge," she joked, sending him a kiss without using her hand.

Shaking his head, he tried to disregard her as much as possible while he kept unzipping her.

The zipper went up to the very top of her pelvis before it halted. He exhaled with relief that it didn't escalate, but now the challenging aspect began.

"Alright, which leg is it?" he respectfully inquired. He didn't have to reach in and discover he was putting on the wrong leg. It was a fifty-fifty chance, but he wasn't fond of those probabilities.

"That's correct, Spidey," she candidly responded. She chose to give him a little help, hoping that later he might return the favor.

Nodding, he started to slide his fingertips beneath the snug leather. She purred and smiled slyly as his hand started to explore her suit.

She moved her leg slightly when he touched her, but it was entirely unintentional, and he somewhat recognized that in a smug manner.

Taking another deep breath, he pushed his hand fully into her suit, making a desperate attempt to steer clear of the cat's pussy. Nevertheless, he could sense the warmth radiating from it, even with his glove on.

This confused him. Was she genuinely feeling aroused at this moment? He glanced at her and noticed a face of lost composure, her lip being lightly bitten; the instant he noticed her, she reverted to her confident, alluring smile.

She was truly attracted to him! Throughout this entire period, he believed she was merely playing games with him.

Even with his well-built muscles and courageous deeds, Spider-Man consistently viewed himself as the unassuming Peter Parker, whom only Mary Jane seemed to be interested in.

He needed to distract himself from that because he was beginning to react in his trousers too.

The suit was so snug that there was no space for any movement, thus his arm had to dive straight down.

Once more, he mentally apologized to Mary Jane as he moved nearer, body to body, and extended his arm around to start lowering it further.

A smirk formed on her lips as he stayed so near, and he attempted to look away, fumbling in her pants while searching for the strap securing the bills.

He located it by running his fingers along it to reach the outer thigh and discover the money. However, there was not a single one! He quickly glanced at her again, and she smiled and shook her head.

"Inner thigh, web head," she joyfully corrected, murmuring into his ear with the most seductive of voices.

Her voice had become sultry and captivating, with a gentle purr enriching the backdrop of her speech.

Naturally, of-freaking-naturally, he mused. No, it definitely wasn't straightforward and couldn't have been her outer thigh, not Black Cat.

It needed to be on her inner thigh, just beneath her. He cleared his mind and focused on baseball.

Swallowing hard, he started to shift his hand once more and aimed it toward the area between her legs.

He started to sense the feel of the bills and let out a breath of relief. She was being honest. Now, to extract it.

It was snug between the leather and her thigh, but as he gently pulled, he started to extract it, though not without accidentally brushing his forearm against her wetness.