Chapter 1

Uzumaki Naruto wearily walked into his apartment with a fatigued sigh. The last few days had been purely stressful for him.

On Monday, he had been looking into a human trafficking operation in Japan before receiving a call to help with an earthquake in a location in the United States.

The rumbling had just begun to fade when he had to save the protege group from the now demolished Cadmus facility, much to their discontent, and he arrived only to be ambushed by a teenage Superman who mistook him for an adversary and lunged right at him.

An issue that was resolved through a rapid application of magnet release.

The view of a growling Kryptonian performing the worm was what greeted the rest of the league upon their arrival.

It was revealed that the teenage Superman was, in fact, a teenage clone of Superman.

What a disrespectful remark. Everyone attempted to replicate Superman, yet no one was interested in cloning him.

He could breathe flames, stroll on water, and adhere to surfaces.

He resembled the Spider-Jesus of ninjas, yet no one considered him intriguing enough to replicate.

Of course, they wouldn't obtain a chakra clone even if they tried, yet still.

Ultimately, Batman continued to place the duty of guiding them on his shoulders. Everyone else would have backed him if Black Canary hadn't stepped forward.

Bless her and her large, circular, likely very tender, heart. Sure, heart. He wasn't staring at her cleavage in any way; that was beneath him.

By Tuesday afternoon, he was back in Asia and starting over since it was revealed that he had been investigating the disappearances of young girls and children.

Out of frustration, he transformed the investigation into an extensive operation that lasted two days.

On Wednesday, he discovered the mastermind of the entire operation, Akio Sasashi, in Tokyo and to his dismay, the individual had employed the league of shadows for his protection. It's no surprise he kept vanishing.

In a brief confrontation that resulted in unconscious assassins and Akio losing his left leg, he was on the verge of bringing him to the authorities when Katana nearly severed his head.

Although he would typically support the idea of allowing someone like him to perish, he genuinely required the reward on his head, which specifically stated alive.

Certainly, it wasn't a noble motive, but being kind doesn't cover expenses, and Batman was quite frugal with cash when he wasn't using it for upkeep and fixes.

The ensuing confrontation was abruptly halted when a somewhat aware Akio concluded that he preferred death over imprisonment and detonated the explosives he had placed throughout his home.

The resulting blast left him with an unconscious Katana, charred clothing, and similarly scorched equipment, resulting in no money.

This meant he needed to wait for her to awaken before hurrying to the closest zeta beam.

That turned out to be a continent distant. Damn.

And here he was, back in his home on a Thursday night, prepared to collapse for a few days or at least until he received a call to return to duty.

While making his way to the bedroom, he observed that the kitchen lights were illuminated.

Although he might not possess a photographic memory, he was quite confident that he turned off all the lights before leaving the house.

Holding a kunai in his right hand and performing the hand signs for the meisaigakure no jutsu with his left, he quietly entered the kitchen.

As he walked in, he examined his home invader thoroughly and sighed internally. Diana. She was comfortably seated in his favorite chair, engrossed in a romance novel.

And she had consumed five bowls of his ice cream and was now on her sixth and final one. Darn it.

He executed the technique and materialized before her, startling her into jumping and throwing a punch at him, which he effortlessly dodged.

"Naruto, I've asked you to quit using that technique to surprise me," she half shouted. "Eventually, I will detach your head from your body because you picked the wrong time to joke around with me."

Naruto sighed in annoyance. "Of course, if someone intrudes into my home, I'm expected to charge in blindly to fight an unknown individual." "As far as I know, it might be Darkseid."

"I seriously doubt Darkseid would invade your home to reach you," Diana said flatly. "Significantly reduced wait in your kitchen for your arrival."

And even if he opted to pursue both, do you truly believe a method of invisibility would suffice to evade being noticed?

"Forget about that," he dismissed her, prompting her to frown.

"Why did you find it essential to break into my place instead of just calling me like a regular person?"

"Unlock your door?" "You provided me with the extra keys!" She looked at him with disbelief.

"I'm quite certain I did not." In his defense, she had visited here several times and never used the keys even once.

He had always been present or they would meet up (in more ways than one).