"I'm guessing I overdid it a bit," he chuckled. Earning a half hearted glare from her.
"gods, you've never been this intense. What got into you tonight?" she asked.
" I don't know, really," Naruto said, rubbing the back of his head. " I guess it was just a good night. I had a heap of stress, you broke into my house-"
"You gave me the keys."
"Whatever, like I said, a good night."
Diana stared at him silently. "Are you really that displeased that I'm searching for an actual lover?"
Naruto's smile dropped. "Diana.."
"No, Naruto. You can't just talk and tease your way out of this," she said. "Just be honest. Please."
He sighed."It's rather selfish of me but I can't stand the thought of someone else being with you. I can't exactly say I love you but the thought of someone aside from me being able to fuck you annoys me to a degree I can't say I understand."
Diana smiled slightly. "Well, I doubt anyone would be able to do so anyways. It's safe to say you've got me addicted to you, mister uzumaki and it's your duty to supply me with my fix."
Naruto grinned. "That, I can do...hey you want to go again? All this talk about fucking has me fired up again."
Diana stared at him shocked. " Good grief Naruto. You just got finished and you're ready to go again?"
Naruto's grin widened. " If you remember correctly, I only nutted once and once is far from enough. I wanted to take out my stress through sleep but you've so generously offered another means for me to do so. A means I'll gladly utilise till I'm satisfied."
"I can't stand."
"I'll hold you up."
".. Alright but be gentler this time."
"No promises."
Diana sighed happily as he lifted her up and lined himself with her sex again. This was wonderful.
Now how was she going to tell a philophobe that she'd started falling in love with him?
Uzumaki Naruto sighed as he finished his noodle dish. It was, in his opinion, a good way to end a long and mostly boring day.
He'd spent hours at the watchtower on monitoring duty with only one event disrupting the draining monotony of spending hours playing 'i spy' in space.
Even worse was that he didn't have the usual somewhat lively people to spend time with.
Wonder Woman had gone to Washington DC to stop Cheetah from gaining possession of some crystal that was worth millions and possessed magic properties.
Was it the gem of Cyttorak or the ruby of Skath or something? He didn't know and didn't care either.
The ever jovial Flash hadn't shown up at all. Something about celebrating his wedding anniversary with his admittedly hot wife, Iris.
He had to admit he had some fantasies about her but that was all they were and would remain; fantasies.
Barry was a bro. You didn't do your Bro's wife even if she was a 7 or above.
Green Arrow was absent as well. He claimed it'd be strange if Barry Allen's multi millionaire friend, Oliver Quinn didn't show up to the man's own anniversary.
That and he had an emergency meeting at 8:00 am. Knowing the man, he just wanted to spend more time with Black Canary or laze around in his mansion
Green Lantern claimed he'd been called to aid in the shutting down of a smuggling ring in the Dxik's'nhelsh system.
It must have been a very large ring because he'd been gone for three months, leaving behind a pregnant Shayera whose temper had become even worse than usual.
Naruto just hoped he'd come back soon because the woman kept looking at him funny whenever they were alone together.
Getting raped or pummeled by a pregnant thagnarian wasn't on his list of things to do before he died.
Superman had gone to space. Well, farther into space. The remains of Krypton to be specific.
He'd gone to explore the remains of the planet and its sister planet in the hopes of finding something about his world before it was destroyed for safekeeping.
They may be gone now but Kryptonian technology and artefacts were still considered advanced and were worth a large fortune regardless of what market.
Naruto just hoped the man would give him an alien blender or ancient painting to sell.
Batman wasn't paying him anything and the man only granted allowances for transport and few other things.
Superhero work wasn't doing it in the way of bills. Maybe he'd go the way of Booster Gold, start a YouTube channel and stream himself live as he fought people.
It was in times like this he wished the Ryo were worth more and wouldn't raise a lot of eyebrows at the bureau de change, 'unofficial' money changers and banks.
Last thing he wanted was people researching him because he brought millions of ancient coins to convert to dollars.
It had been a bit of a surprise when instead of coming back with a shipload of metals, vehicle parts and weapons and appliances and other things, Superman returned with an unconscious blond teenager.