Chapter 1 - The Children of Naruto [1]

- And what did you say to her, man?

- I said...

Shikadai didn't even have time to react. In an instant, Boruto tripped over someone and the two of them rolled along the ground, crashing several meters ahead amid a deafening crash. Before he could process what was happening, another noise - less intense, but still worrying - came from right behind him.


- Ouch!

Shikadai froze for a second. He looked forward, wanting to help Boruto, but his instinct screamed that there was another threat right behind him. At the last second, he jumped to the side, his eyes widening at the sight of...

- ...a girl?!

- There, my ass. Damn...

- Who are you?

- Let me go, you...!

Boruto's indignant voice came from a distance. Shikadai turned in time to see two blond haired men rising from the ground.

- Fuck!

A boy as blond as his friend, but a little taller, ran towards them. Shikadai reflexively pulled out his kunai.

- Shikadai? Hanami? - The blond boy held the girl's shoulders, panting. - How did you end up here? What happened?

Shikadai frowned.

- Do you know me?

The blond blinked, confused.

- What kind of joke is that, Shika? Wait... - He let go of Hanami and grabbed Shikadai's shoulders. - Did you hit your head? - He ran his hands over his friend's shoulders, neck and arms, examining him.

Shikadai stepped back and raised the Kunai again.

- Hey, man! Stop touching me! What kind of joke is that?

The blond turned red with anger.

- Kidding? Fuck you, Shikadai! This isn't funny at all! Did you pull Hanami? Did you hide in a shadow?

- Hanami? - Shikadai repeated, lost.

That's when Boruto finally arrived, running from the other side of the field.

- Who the hell are you? - he growled at the blond. - And why did you throw yourself at me?

Shikadai looked from his friend to the other blond, then back to Boruto, repeating the movement a few times.

- Dude... he's identical to you. Identical.

- Identical my ass! I can't be that ugly!

- And I say the same! - The blond snorted, crossing his arms. - The same as that rude man? No way!

They both stuck out their noses and turned their backs to each other, indignant.

Hanami watched them both and repeated Shikadai's gesture, glancing from one to the other a few times before declaring:

- He's right, Shin. Apart from the scratches on your cheeks and your eyes... you look like twins.

When they realized each other's presence, they slowly turned their necks, as if reflected in a mirror. As soon as their gazes met, they dropped their arms in shock. Yes, it was almost like looking at your own reflection, except for a few details.

Silence hung over everyone, heavy with awe, until Shikadai broke it:

- Here comes our train, Boruto. We need to catch it.

Before they could move, the new blond boy grabbed Shikadai's wrist, his voice carrying a mixture of confusion and urgency:

- Wait a minute... You know him, but you don't know me?

Shikadai frowned, without hesitation:

- Yes, of course. I've never seen you before in my life.

The stranger looked at the girl next to him. His eyes reflected the same astonishment. Boruto, for his part, watched the approaching train. As Shikadai prepared to jump, Boruto grabbed his arm.

- Shikadai, wait! We need to understand what's going on. This guy... He's identical to me.

Shikadai sighed, impatient:

- Damn it, Boruto. I don't want to get into trouble.

- Please.

Shikadai glanced at the three of them - each one more terrified than the last. Finally, he exhaled sharply, clenching his fists before grumbling:

- What a mess! - And he stayed.

The four of them stood still, watching the train go by. The strong wind, driven by the moving machine, made their clothes flutter. The deafening noise of the irons on the tracks echoed around them, but between them, the silence was almost abysmal.

It took them a few seconds to recover after the train finally disappeared over the horizon. No one knew exactly what to do.

Hanami let out a groan, running her hand over her own ass.

- Damn... I bet it's already purple.

The burst of laughter came instantly. The blond next to her bent over, laughing uncontrollably.

- What are you laughing at, asshole? - she snarled, clenching her fists. - Do you want to be punched?

- By the gods... - he could barely speak, holding his stomach. - Every possible way to fall... It had to be on your ass, Hanami?! After two weeks of practicing just to learn how to fall properly... Mom will love this story!

- You won't tell her!

- Oh, of course I will. And forget it, Dad's not going to save you this time, silly.

Hanami took a step forward, her eyes sparkling.

- Shut up now, Shin! Or I'll...

- What are you going to do, girl? Throw a frog at me? - Shin teased, unable to hold back his laughter.

Shikadai and Boruto looked at each other, confused by the argument.

- Why, you... - the girl lowered herself onto one knee and began to form a hand seal.

- ...Shadow Jutsu?! - Shikadai's eyes widened. On impulse, he ran up to her and slapped her hands together, undoing the seal.

- Ouch!

- Who taught you that?

- It was you, Shika! What the hell, it was you!

Shikadai, normally calm and rational like his father, was not easily shaken. But this took him by surprise. He exchanged an alarmed glance with Boruto before saying, seriously:

- Okay, guys... there's something very wrong here. We need to talk.

Boruto wanted to go to the burger shop, but Shikadai thought it would be more prudent for them to walk away into the forest. It was too strange, too frightening, to discuss in a public place.

- So your name is Shin? - Shikadai asked, trying to process the situation.

- That's right.

- And yours is Hanami?

- Yes.

Boruto narrowed his eyes at Shin, assessing him.

- Could it be that you're me in the future?

- Only if your eyes change color when you ejaculate, genius.

- Hey, I'm already 13!

- Can you stop talking about it in front of me? - Hanami rolled her eyes, laughing as she feigned indignation. - I'm a girl!

Shikadai sighed, returning to the main subject.

- How did I teach you this Jutsu, Hanami? It's my family's secret... I should never have done that.

- Well... you're my best friend, Shika. And... well... - She looked uncomfortable, the words coming out hesitantly. - "It's not like I know how to control everything like you do.

- So you just did the handstand as a bluff, did you? - Shin laughed with an arrogant smile. - Did you really think I'd be scared off by that? Really, Hanami?