More Information

Leo flipped another page, and the author's discussion shifted toward a more intricate topic—one that dissected the structure of the Six Great Clans.

"There are several branch families within the Six Great Clans, and since these clans have existed for thousands of years, the number of branches in the modern day is downright ridiculous.

Take the 'Su' Clan, for example. It alone has over 120 branch families. And while every single one of them shares the same prestigious surname, that doesn't mean they share the same level of power or influence on the universal stage.

Broadly speaking, only the direct descendants of the gods backing the clans are considered 'Main Branch' members—the true young masters and mistresses of their lineage, while the rest are glorified diplomats riding on a famous name at best

To put things into perspective:

A true main branch descendant commands the same level of respect as a Universal Government Major. Meanwhile, branch family members, at best, hold influence comparable to lieutenants—strong enough to push around weaker recruits, but powerless in the presence of real authority.

That being said, empty pots rattle the loudest.

And it is the branch family members, not the direct descendants, who are often the most arrogant and entitled.

Lacking the strength of their main branch cousins, they rely on their surname to throw their weight around—intimidating the weak, currying favors, and generally making nuisances of themselves wherever they go.

If you're a recruit below the rank of lieutenant, avoid confronting them.

But if you are a lieutenant or higher?

They can't do jack shit to you—so enjoy putting them in their place."

The book explained, as Leo smiled slightly reading this page.

Although he did not know the author of this book personally, he definitely enjoyed his personality and way of explaining things.

"Just as the Righteous Alliance has its Young Masters—the heirs of the Great Clans—the Evil Cult has its own equivalent.

But unlike the Young Masters, whose status is determined by bloodline, the Evil Cult grants its title based purely on potential and strength.

They call them Dragons.

A Dragon Candidate is an individual who displays exceptional talent and the potential to inherit the techniques left behind by the Timeless Assassin.

While the exact criteria for selecting a Dragon Candidate remain a mystery, what is known is that every single one in history has been a walking catastrophe.

The moment someone is identified as a Dragon Candidate, they become the most wanted individual in the universe, second only to the Evil Cult's own god.

Hunting and eliminating a Dragon Candidate is considered a prestigious military achievement, often fast-tracking an officer's career within the Universal Government.

That being said—never engage a Dragon Candidate unless you have reached at least the Grandmaster level.

For all Dragon Candidates are among the most feared warriors the universe has ever known."

The book explained, as Leo soaked in all this information like a sponge.

The 'Dragon' candidates and the evil cult was yet another organisation he had no clue about, and gaining some more context about them felt crucial to participate in future conversations around the academy.

"With that, we cover everything that is to be covered regarding the universal power structure.

The only thing left to explain now is warrior potential–" The author wrote, as he shifted to a new topic entirely.

"In this universe, not everyone is born equal, and your genetic potential plays a huge role in how far you can progress as a warrior.

About 85% of the universe's population don't even possess enough talent to someday break into the 'Master' warrior realm, while only 1 in 3000 Master warriors ever become 'Grandmaster'.

This means that if you reach the 'Master' warrior realm, you are already top 15% of the universal population, whereas if you reach 'Grandmaster' realm, you are already near the pinnacle of what life has to offer.

Genetic Testing is free at most universal government facilities for government employees, and depending on your aptitude, you may or may not be recruited by private guilds/ mercenary groups or Great Clans.

An officer with higher Genetic Potential will always be prioritised for promotion over a lower potential officer, and hence if you ever find yourself with a junior who is more talented than you, be kind to them, for they will someday surely surpass you—" The author explained, as Leo absorbed the information with peak interest.

Although he had no idea about what his own genetic potential looked like, understanding the politics around it seemed important.

"As a rookie officer, I made the mistake of altering my DNA by mixing it with that of a cat.

Night vision was one of my weaker suits and hence, I accepted a Genetic Modification serum. However, that was my biggest mistake.

By accepting genetic modification, I sacrificed my potential to someday become an exceptional warrior for some short-term gains, and it is a decision that I greatly regret till date.

Hence, to all the rookies reading my book, I warn you to not make the same mistake as me, and keep your natural DNA pure.

Beast-Enhancements, while looking like an easy fix to your lack of strength at the low power stage, is an inferior method to grow stronger in the long run, and will hinder you the further you progress.

Hence, it is my suggestion you don't do it, but the choice is ultimately yours–" The author noted, as Leo raised his eyebrow at the warning.

Recalling how almost 50% of all recruits in the academy entrance test seemed to have undergone some form of Beast enhancement or the other, Leo doubted the authenticity of this observation.

However, since the author had no reason to lie in his book and seemed like a genuine guy, Leo decided to accept his advice for now, albeit with a grain of suspicion.


Suddenly, a single sharp ding rang across the library, interrupting Leo's chain of thoughts, as the librarian's voice boomed across the silent walls.

"Alright, reading time for the day is over, vacate the premises at once!" He said in his old husky voice, as all the students gathered within the library closed their books and proceeded to vacate the premises at once.