Academy Life

(Rodova Military Academy – The Morning of the Aptitude Test, Assassin Branch Dorms)

Leo lay in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, his mind a tangled mess of thoughts.

He hadn't slept all night. Not even for a second.

The weight of uncertainty had kept him awake all night, as no matter how much he tried to rationalize it, the upcoming aptitude test gnawed at the back of his mind.

The aptitude test was important, and based on the brief conversation he had with a senior on his way back from the library, it was a test and a background check mixed into one.

The psychological phase of the test, though disguised as a simple evaluation, was in fact a thorough background check, and that thought unnerved him.

Would his background check reveal something… off?

Would the results expose his memory loss?

Would it flag him as an anomaly?

These questions plagued him as he lay motionless in his bed, his eyes bloodshot from exhaustion yet his body feeling strangely alert.

'I need to calm down…' Leo thought, as taking a deep breath, he sat up, rubbing his temples before finally swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

Outside, the academy grounds were already bustling—he could hear the faint chatter of students heading toward the Orientation Hall.

It was time for the day's activities to begin, and hence, without another moment's hesitation, he grabbed his uniform, slipped it on, and made his way out the door.


(Rodova Military Academy – Orientation Hall, Aptitude Test Briefing)

The Orientation Hall was massive, large enough to accommodate thousands of students at once.

And on this particular morning, rows of recruits stood here in organized formations, their expressions ranging from confident excitement to nervous apprehension.

Leo positioned himself somewhere in the middle, keeping a low profile as he observed his surroundings.

Among the crowd, he caught glimpses of familiar figures—Su Yang, still exuding arrogance, standing with his arms crossed, and a few others that sat around him in the canteen.

Funny enough, the whole canteen table seemed to be standing together, whispering amongst each other excitedly, as if they knew each other since ages.

But before any long conversations could take place—


A heavy pressure filled the air as Principal Alric Dainhart stepped onto the grand podium at the front of the hall.

Dressed in a sharp military uniform, the retired Universal Government General carried an air of unquestionable authority, and the moment he stepped forward, all murmuring ceased.

"Good Morning All, I'm Retired General Alric Dainhart, The acting principal of this prestigious military academy" Alric said, as he introduced himself to the crowd.

"You have all made it past the entrance exams, which is admirable, yes, but do not mistake this for an achievement. This is merely the beginning. Making it here is nothing. Surviving here… is what matters." Alric said, as a quiet tension spread across the room.

"Rodova Military Academy is one of the finest institutions in the universe, a place that has produced some of the greatest warriors, strategists, and assassins in history.

Here, you will have access to facilities that most soldiers in the Universal Army could only dream of—meditation techniques that cost hundreds of thousands of merit points, genetic enhancement serums that could change the trajectory of your potential, and training regimens that will push you to your absolute limits."

He paused, letting those words sink in before his tone sharpened.

"But understand this—everything you receive here will be earned.

Rodova is not a place for mediocrity. We do not tolerate weakness, and we do not waste resources on those who do not show promise."

There was a heaviness in his words, an unspoken warning.

Then, shifting gears, he moved on to the real reason they were gathered here today.

"Which brings us to the reason you are all here—the Aptitude Test."

"The Aptitude Test is divided into three components, each one designed to evaluate a different aspect of your abilities. Your performance here will determine your training path, your assigned meditation manuals, and whether you are placed in the Regular class or the Elite Class."

At the mention of the Elite Class, a ripple of excitement and tension spread through the crowd.

Everyone here knew what that meant.

Elite Class students received the best instructors, the best resources, and the fastest track to power.

It was a big deal to be placed in the Elite Class, for it was a proven fact that your environment and the people you surround yourself with played a big role in how you turned out as a warrior.

"The test will proceed as follows—"

"First, we will assess your physical attributes. This includes raw strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, and natural combat instincts. The test is not about your current training level—it is about your base physical potential." Alric said, as he looked across the sea of recruits.

"If you have a weak foundation, your future will be weak as well."

The statement was blunt. Cold.

But undeniably true.

"The second test evaluates your psychology—your mental fortitude, your ambitions, your adaptability, and most importantly… your fundamental nature."

His words sent an icy chill down many of the recruits' spines.

"Here at Rodova, we do not just train warriors—we train leaders. Those of you who hesitate, those of you who waver, those of you who have doubts—will be recognized for what you are. Weak. And in this academy, weakness is not tolerated."

Leo's fingers twitched slightly.

This wasn't a normal academy. This was a machine designed to forge future army Major's and Generals.

A place where doubt and indecisiveness was a liability.

"Lastly, your genetic potential will be analyzed. This will determine how far you can realistically go, and what methods will best maximize your growth. Some of you may possess rare genetic markers—traits that make you unique. Others… may have very little worth enhancing." Alric said, his tone brutal and indifferent.

"Your scores in all three categories will be recorded and analyzed. Your placement will be determined based on your overall performance. For those of you who wish to be in the Elite Class—know that only the highest-ranked recruits will qualify."

A palpable sense of tension filled the room as Alric finished introducing the test.

For some, this was an opportunity.

For others, it was a potential death sentence.

As although everyone had made it into the academy, only a handful were going to make it to the Elite Class.

"Your testing will take place in batches. When your name is called, proceed to the designated area." Dainhart said, as with that he concluded his speech.

Stepping back, the principal let another academy instructor take up the microphone, as she began calling names of all the recruits one after another.

Leo's heart pounded as he watched the first set of recruits step forward.

His name wasn't called yet, which meant he wasn't in the first batch scheduled for physical testing.

However, when the names for the first batch of psychological testing were revealed, he was the third one in-line to be evaluated, meaning, he had to perform the test that he dreaded the most, first.