(Rodova Military Academy – 2nd Floor, Administration Building, Teachers' Staff Room)
As Leo made his way toward the staff room, his mind lingered on the aftermath of his fight with Su Yang.
Revealing his memory loss to Su Yang had been a gamble. A weakness exposed. A vulnerability laid bare.
But in the end, something good had come from it.
Major Hen had given him a lead—a professor who might have the ability to help him recover his lost memories, and if it actually worked out, Leo felt like it could be a game-changer.
'If I can recover my memory without relying on the ones who erased it… then I can take back control of my life—'
That thought alone filled him with a renewed sense of determination.
Optimistic, he reached his destination with a soft smile tugging behind his bruised lips.
Taking a steady breath, he stood outside the staff room and calmly called the name of the instructor given to him.
"Instructor Muiyan Faye."