A drawback of Leo's newly obtained hypervision was how unappetizing it made all food look to him.
If a single grain of rice had been tossed in oil, he could now pinpoint exactly how much of the grain was coated and which minuscule spots remained untouched.
What was imperceptible to the average eye was now glaringly obvious to him, exposing a whole new dimension of imperfections in a person's cooking— as he could see micro-flaws that made every meal seem less appealing.
'This seared meat has uneven charring. Some areas have lost all their natural fat, while other spots still have residual grease from the grill clinging to them…' Leo observed, his enhanced vision dissecting the dish with unsettling precision as without hesitation, he scraped off the burnt and greasy parts before taking a careful bite.
'At least it still tastes the same,' he thought, exhaling slightly in relief.