Chapter Nine
Well if anyone heard Li An words, they will call him crazy, because they all knew that Li An had no power, no bloodline origin nothing to write about, even a commoners is far better than him, and yet he dare made a promise to someone that they will not regret, is that not the same as an empty promise.
Well the hall is empty anyway, at least everybody already wrote Li An off, they have nothing to do with him again, they did not want to get acquitted with him in anyway, at least they were far better without someone like him, they even wondered why he was summoned here, when there is nothing to show for it.
Hence every person had all left with their heroes, Bao was gone with Wang Hong and Yao Ji, and the rest, off course he came to this place in a large spaceship, and immediately he had informed his navigator to get ready for movement.
Off course when people see the spaceship, there mouth was opened in awe, off course they knew that Bao was trying to show off, at least his world was the best in the whole fourth dimension, he had always choose the best heroes over the year, and because of this, his Yana World had the greatest development. And once again, he alone had gotten more than seven heroes out of nine heroes.
Well Li An was not counted as an heroes, at least he have nothing to offer anyone. Anyway Bao left with Wang Hong and Yao Ji, both waving at Li An, yes it was a wave of ridicule and warning that they will come back to disgrace him more in future.
As for Gu Min and Hao Ji, they are not gone, rather they wait behind to know Li An fate, they wanted to know where he will be taken to, so that they can find him in the future, off course the Hold Light World and Agar world had gone to prepare their transport too, they only left one guard behind to stopped the dup from getting closer to Li An.
Hence no one was close to Li An when he made a promise to the Princess that he will not regret it. But when the Princess heard Li An word, she was more than surprise, it was not because she looked don on Li An, but because she felt elated about it.
In shaky tone that was not different from stammering, she said. "You really chose us, you really want to live in my world."
Li An smiled and nods his head with confidence, she said. "Yes, that is unless you do not want to associate with me, I have no power, I have no Bloodline, I have no spiritual root or any cultivation path, I am a human just like every human in your world."
But the lady in question suddenly go on her knee, she began to kowtow happily. "Thank you very much for choosing us, we welcome you to come with us, we have never been blessed by an heroes in my world, we do not care again if the hero is average or powerful, we just wanted to be blessed by any hero to just come to my world. Now you have blessed us, we are grateful, we eternally grateful, my world will do everything to make sure you have a spiritual root, we will do everything...…..
Li An did not expect this outcome, at first he was rest to beg them to at least let him come with her, it was because the Princess was her only option right here, just that he never expected that he will be welcome with an opened arms like this one.
"I only want to have a place to stay not to cultivate." Li An said.
"That is enough for me, just bless us with your presence." The Lady said again with far more enthusiasm, it was like Li An intention to go to her world was the greatest news in the world
Li An himself became a bit shy, because this is the first time he was been worship to this extent, and it is funny because the person might be probably a powerful cultivator. Left with no option, Li An helped her up.
"That is enough, we can set out when you are ready."
Off course the Princess turned to the Man behind him, she said to him. "Hong Jun, prepare the ship, we are going back home."
"Yes Princess." the man as well had replied without thinking twice, the next seconds he disappeared from the scene.
Li An was stunned, he said. "What did he just do, he just disappeared like that."
The Princess smiled first before she shakes her head. "No, it was actually a movement technique, it enhance his speed such that a naked eyes could not see him"
"Wow, that was too cool, I wish I could do that too." Li An eyes light up as he spoke, off course it was in depression that he will not be able to do something.
Off course Gu Min and Hao Ji had also left, seeing that Li An is with someone they were contented and sure that he will be alright, Li An as well see them leaving and had wave, leaving him and the Princess alone in the hall
The Princess finally speak after few minutes of silence. "I am sorry I have not know your name Hero."
Li An snapped back to reality, he rubbed his hand behind himself and he said. "That is my bad, my name is Li An."
"Mr. Li, you can just call me Daji, I am the first Princess of Endless World, my world is located at the far extreme end of the Fourth dimension, hence we are a bit cut off from the resources that other world enjoy, but we are contented in my world, because few of us are cultivator, and the larger human are just peasant who worked together so that our world does not lack vitality of life, and the cultivator protect them from danger."
Li An nods his head. Off course he could understand what the Princess was talking about, and off course this exactly is what he actually wanted, he wanted a simple place where he can just utilize the things he had learn and know, and the Endless world is the ideal place for him.
"You might think you are powerless, but in harmony is more power than you think, because alone I can walk fast, but together we can walk far." Li An said with the intention bro lighten up Daji mood.
But Li An word rang a big Bell in Daji ears, the words pull her into a another space different from the place that she was, ahead were group of people on competition trying to cover a distance, a group consist of a lone man who by far the best runner to be know, and the other group consist of group of misfit who were old and weak.
Off course the race began, and the lone man was long gone of of sight, people were cheering his name and he was so elated that he continued to run and run, and off course he cover a very long distance in the shortest period. While the other group were also trying to keep up, just that they were not as fast and quick as the other man, but they never got tired and never left any Man behind.
At some point they began to share strength, they carried one another who was weak, they share water and food, they rest and crack jokes at time being, and they never got tired, because each man was a strength to one another. And off course the lone man became tired too, his pace became sluggish and he was not as fast before, before he knew it, he had broken down very tired.
Off course Daji was standing listening to Li An words, but inside her was a strange power boiling from within, because the words was like an epiphany, a kind of ancient writing that it comprehension was enough for more than ten years of cultivation. Before the power inside her began to grow like a large body of water that had been dam for a very long time, and it suddenly broke free, the power began to spread all through her body from her stomach then to her heart to her legs and arms and to every organs and system in her body, and then the power burst through from her mouth.
"Did I just broke through?" That was what Daji asked herself silently, and she looked at Li An with much reference and admonition, she wanted to bow and worship Li An right now.