The Way of the Hero is Unfathomable

Chapter Fifteen

Hong Jun and Elder Hai almost throw up blood, that is because Li An words was more than a blow to distort their cultivation realm, off course the did threw up blood, just that they have to force the blood back in, they have to swallow the blood back inside. That is because they have never seen someone as foolish as Li An right now, because he just said a weapon as dangerous as this is what he called useless.

It is finding a gold, and the founder use it to eat and drink and finally wanted to throw it away, and he even have the audacity to call the gold a useless stone, such fool needed to be tied to the tree and beat to death, because he deserve it.

Off course if it was any other person, Hong Jun or Elder Hai would have beat sense into such person head, but this is Li An, he is the Hero of Endless World, he is someone who Insight kiss up to, someone who have can provide a mass killing weapon and even call it useless, someone whose casual writing can cause a deep epiphany. They cannot do anything to such person, in fact they can only laughed and join him to play around like a fool.

"Mr. Li, can I help you toss it away?" Elder Hai asked looking so expectant.

"No, that is not so important, I can just wrap it up and toss it away to one side." Li An said while squeezing the paper in his hand.

Elder Hai eyes was opened wide with shock, he will have to beg for this paper if the need arise, but he can see that Li An does not threat the paper as something very important, and if he begged for it, Li An might be suspicious about it, and if Li An know that the paper was a weapon of mass destruction and also the same paper is also a Cultivation method that can cause the whole world to deep battle. Elder Hai was sure that Li An will not give it out, hence he had to be shameless to have the paper.

"Mr. Li, maybe you did not know that it is impossible to throw things away like that in this ship." Elder Hai said with his eyes closed.

Hong Jun who was still shocked that Li An wanted to throw such a treasure away was more shock when Elder Hai had to be quick to begged for the treasure, and right now he was now totally destabilized when Elder Hai had to lie through his teeth just to have the possession of the treasure, just that he was not prepared when Li An also voice out.

Off course Elder Hai words caused Li An to frowned. "Really, there is something like that."

"Yes Mr. Li, there is a process in doing that, and I don't want to trouble you, hence let me just do the trouble and help you throw them away." Elder Hai said again, off course he was glad that Li An had actually bought his lies.

"Cultivator are so cool, they even have to use technique when they travel around." Li An said, he off course hand over the paper to Elder Hai.

Elder Hai as well took the paper with beaming smiles, that is because he just have the greatest treasure of his life, this thing that Li An treated as trash was more than a treasure for him, it is even more precious than the Insight and Spiritual Qi that every cultivator seek for earnestly in the Endless World, his two hands spread forward and the squeezed paper landed in his hand. But nothing prepared Elder Hai for what next.

Because immediately the paper landed in his hand, he almost fell over his face, because the paper which he thought was so ordinary when held by Li An happen to be the most heaviest object he had ever hold in his entire lifetime, not even when he had used his entire Golden Core realm that he was able to sustain the weight an of the object in his hand.

Elder Hai was sweating profusely, he cannot even move a inch away else he might lose his footing fell to death, and he will be the first cultivator who died because of falling, off course the paper in hand come alive and it turn to a huge mountain in his hand, the mountain was even breathing like it had a life.

Hong Jun who was still shock had his eyes wide open in shock, his hand which was folded together was unclasped, he had shock on his face and he almost become mummified, that is because he had seen wonder in his life, the paper suddenly had Insight surroundings it, all he needed is just a little bit and he will have another breakthrough.

It was not Hong Jun alone, the rest of the Navigator can see the Insight flowing in the ship, and off course it originated from the casual paper which Elder Hai was hiding with everything he had got, the thick Insight seems to be everywhere in the ship, and it was flowing around like it was water and air.

"I am not going crazy right."

"I am seeing Insight with my naked eyes, I no longer felt Insight, I see Insight visible and it was flowing like it was a river."

"Somebody wake me from the dream, I am not dreaming right."

Off course the Navigator all felt different kinds of emotions running right inside them, that is because they are seeing things that seems to be impossible, off course they all know that Insight is the basics of Wisdom, and they all need it to have a breakthrough to each realm of cultivation, the higher the realm the more Insight needed for the Cultivation, just that Insight is like a feeling.

It is like a sweet feeling that flow through the body, that which was use to attack every bottleneck, that which lead to another breakthrough. But here they are seeing Insight with their naked eyes, and it was too much and too bright that they almost become blind by the brightness.

"Elder Hai, are you okay?" Hong Jun quickly communicate with using his divine sense

"Do I look okay to you, I am under a lot of pressure here, I cannot even hold on." Elder Hai managed to replied Hong Jun amidst curse and swear, off course he almost voice out his aggression and pain, but he managed to control himself, Li An was around and he cannot let him know his pain.

"Get Mr. Li away from here first, I can no longer hold on too much." Elder Hai said again, already he was having trouble breathing.

"Oh! I will do just that bright away." Hong Jun as well managed to snapped back to reality.

Li An have no idea about what is going, he only sees Elder Hai sweating profusely, he thought that the process of casting the paper away must have drain his energy, he respected Elder Hai the more, off course he was scared in himself, he thought.

"If a cultivator was sweating like this just because he wanted to throw away a paper, how will I a mere man fate, maybe I will be killed during the process, I just hope it is different when we landed, because it will be too disappointing to beg people to help me throw something away."

Meanwhile Hong Jun voice out. "Mr. Li, I think we have to check on the Princess."

Li An nods his head, and then he said. "Yea, we cannot leave her side all at once."

Immediately he followed Hong Jun back into the cabin, Elder Hai heaved out relief first, but then Li An turn around, he said to Elder Hai.

"Elder Hai, you have done well, I think it is time now" He said and then he walked away.

Immediately Kaboom, the mountain that was in Elder Hai shoot out repeated yellow light to different corner of the surroundings, it was like a meteor shower and off course each light was like a light that could render barrier useless, if can even tear down stars, it can even render world useless, the world was covered in yellow light, there is no place that is free from it, Boom once again, and the light all disappeared.

And off course the mountain was gone, the paper also disintegrated to tiny light, a tiny part of it merge with Elder Hai body, a fraction also merged with the navigator body, a tiny fraction also merged with Hong Jun who was rushing out from the cabin, while finally the highest fraction of it head into the cabin and it merged with Daji who was still deep asleep. More like 99 percent of the tiny light merged with Daji body, and the remain one percent was what Elder Hai, Hong Jun and the rest share

"What just happened?" Hong Jun was the first to voice out.

"I think Mr. Li just force Spiritual Qi back into our world." Elder Hai voice out next.

"Are you saying this was Mr. Li intention in the first place, he saw that our world black Spiritual Qi, so he wrote down Law to restore the Spiritual Qi."

"And then he decided to test out resolve and plan to throw it away."

Elder Hai was now sweating, he said. "So, if I have not asked him for the paper, then I will be this world greatest sinner right."

Off course everyone looked at one another in the eyes, and they can't help but be thankful that Elder Hai had to be shameless to asked for the so called useless piece of paper, because that became the Law of Restoration that restore the Endless World Spiritual Qi.

Meanwhile inside the cabin Daji opened her eyes in the cabin.