Chapter Twenty
Off course the Emperor does not stand on ceremony for long, he only waved his hand and he turned to Elder Hai.
"I need you to turn this ship around now, we are going back."
Elder Hai was taken aback by such a rapid order, Hong Jun just can't opened his mouth, Daji as well frowned too in confusion.
"Your Majesty, what is the hurry? Are we under an attack again? We cannot just leave out world to peril without help." Elder Hai said all together.
The Emperor had his eyes burning with fury, he does not use his aura, but everyone could see that he was furious already, he said almost shouting. "I said turn the ship around right away, we do not have the time."
Off course none of the people who came with the ship had come to vterms with what is with the urgency, did the Emperor even remembered that Daji is on the ship, the same Princess whom the Emperor treated like an Egg, he even go as far as have many cultivator to watch her when she is out, all because he does not wanted her hurt.
Meanwhile Elder Hai shakes his head, he said. "Your Majesty, unless you let me know what is with the urgency, this ship will turn around."
"I support Elder Hai on this." Hong Jun said
Daji also nods her head too. "Yeah, Elder Hai is very much right, you are going to let us know what is with the rush, and then we decide if it is worth it or not."
The Emperor was surprised, the two Elder with him were also stunned too, Zhao Feng almost had his mouth pop opens like he sees wonder. Elder Hai and Hong Jun been rebellious is enough already, but having Daji supporting them is another thing entirely. Well the Emperor calm down and voice out.
"You don't tell me that you did not feel the World changing."
"Off course, we are felt it too, Spiritual Qi is back in abundant, and it is far more purer than any Spiritual Qi ever know and seen." Elder Hai replied back with urgency.
"If that is the case, them you should know that a treasure is born, and that is what caused the Spiritual Qi to be back, hence before other Sect get their hands on it, we need to move faster." Elder Gao decided to cut in.
Daji, Elder Hai and Hong Jun looked at one another in the eyes, and at the same time they all burst to a round of laughter, even the navigators as well join in the laughter, it was such a laughter atmosphere making the Emperor, the two Elder and Zhao Feng feeling a sense of Déjà vu.
"Princess, we need to let them know." Hong Jun said amidst laughter.
The Emperor had his eyes squeezed together, he said. "What secret are you keeping from me?"
Off course been an Emperor is not a child play, hence Zhao Tianyii knew and understand a lot than they say to him, first the birth of Spiritual Qi that might be related to a treasure and yet Elder Hai is not move, even when he gave him the order to turn around, he did not turn around, and now he is laughing together with his crew, like he was a joke, and then that statement. Something now fishy.
"Father, you have to calm down first, because the information we are about to disclose might make you jumpy." Daji said as she calm her father down first.
The Emperor was now looking lost, even Elder Gao and Elder Xhao now felt more lost than the Emperor himself, Zhao Feng was just a minor, hence no one seems to care about him at all, but he himself was lost too. Off course chairs were brought for the Emperor to sit down first, the rest remained standing
"First, we bring back an Hero." Daji began.
The Emperor stood up like he sat on a pin, he screamed. "What! How did you do it?"
"Calm down father, you have no hear the most shocking part of the tale." Daji said and calm his father once again.
Off course the Emperor was now more than jumpy, he even forgot about the treasure hunt, meanwhile Daji continued.
"And the Hero is the cause of the Spiritual Qi that is back in abundance." Daji finally said.
The Emperor seems to be having problem with his hearing, he does not even make any move, rather he was just looking like someone who lost his soul, that is because the news was more than he could take, he had not gotten used to the news of having an Hero in his shabby world, and then the second news that the Hero might be related to the changes in the world.
Well Elder Gao and Xhao were worst, they were just lifeless, they wanted to say something but it seems the word was stuck in their mouth, the thought is having this kind of Hero is too shocking that it seems words alone could not describe it. Right away, there was sound of tapping, and when everyone look out, it was the Emperor tapping his legs nervously.
Off course Daji and the rest knew that the information is too shocking, hence Daji narrated all that happened to his father and the Elders, beginning from where Li An had come seeking to live in the Endless World and then to the part where he wrote Law by himself, and the Law forced back Spiritual Qi to the Earth, when the Law is done with restoration, it merge with the world.
"Okay, so my Endless World had an Hero, and when he arrived he was not satisfied, and then decided to restored things back to his taste." The Emperor said in fearful tone.
"Your Majesty, that seems to be the case." Elder Xhao said also in stammer.
"So, what we seek as treasure is not actually a treasure, but a treasure to bring back what my Endless World lack, and then it is gone forever." The Emperor said nervously again, off course he cannot speak loud, because he fear that where the Hero might be, he might heard him.
"Exactly, he didn't stop with the world alone, he restored my body too." Daji said, and she unleash her aura.
"Holy Mother of Cow." The Emperor eyes almost pop out of his socket.
"Princes is at Golden Core realm."
Elder Gao slap the other head. "Golden Core, don't you see that she is increasing in realm, she is now at probably the realm of Combine Primal Infant."
"No, it is not at that she is at Primal Infant."
"Holy Cow, I can't read her any longer, she surpass every of cultivator."
"This is cheating." The Emperor himself said screaming.
Off course Daji realm keep increasing till she reach her limit, she released her aura and off course every one on the ship can't help but be scared out of their pants, she spread her hand, and off course different Element was dancing on her palm, Fire, Ice, Water, Lightening, all element seems to listen to her.
Off course she turned around and she attacked the environment, off course what happened next shocked everyone, because the entire environment was frozen, she attacked once again, fire was burning the entire environment, Lightening followed, Water, Earth, Wood. Daji had no limit, and all the element seems to listen to her.
A Cultivator can only cultivate a single Primal Infant, even though such cultivator might cultivate more than one Element in the beginning, but during Primal Infant there can only be one, because the Primal Infant was born in the soul, and it baptized the body from inside, and during tribulations, what ever Primal Infant a cultivator cultivated will be there tribulations, and that is what make them an Immortal or Gods.
But Daji had defied all Law, she cultivate varieties of Primal Infant, and they are perfect in her body, and she did all of this in just a day. In just a day, her body was heal and her cultivation level skyrocket to the air and she was on top of the food chain.
This whole time, the Emperor, Elder Gao and Xhao were just looking at Daji with mouth opened and eyes popping out, they just want to cry and laugh, because it dawn on them how scary the Hero can be, he just did the impossible, he wrote Law himself and Law had to obey him, how much Power he had to use to make the Law he wrote this perfect. Such a being is too scary, to awesome, to powerful, too great and too legendary.
Meanwhile Daji was not done, because she draw out her Hair Pin, and then a Golden Hey surrounded her.
"Blood of God."
Everybody can believed that they can see a Divine Weapon in the flesh