The Curse on the Flying Apes

Chapter Twenty Three

In the ship Cabin, Daji entered and she met Li An sited, but he was really in a state of panic, but Daji does not really see Li An panic, more like he was exuding a kind of aura of confidence, more like he was saying that "I am not hiding because I am scared, I am hiding because I want you all to develop, and protecting me is your way of development."

Yes Daji nods her head, because seeing Li An again with this aura of confidence made her more sure that her Master was not ordinary in any way, he was more than the eyes could see.

"Master." Daji decided to call out.

Li An snapped out, quickly his panic expression quickly change to a more confidence one, he sat down and voice out.

"Daji, come closer."

Daji as well bow and she approached Li An, she remained standing until Li An asked her to sit down, and then she sat down beside Li An.

"Master, you have not asked about the outcome of the fight." Daji said as she sat down beside Li An.

Li An eyes become straight and focus, off course yes he was dying to asked her about the outcome of the fight, but he was trying to save his face by not asking, he knew that if he asked Daji, then his face as a Master will be totally in the mud, hence he had restrained himself and not asked.

Yet he did not want to look so scared, hence he wave his hand first, that will make it look like he did not care about the fight, and then he said

"So how was it in the end?" Li An tried all he can just to make his tone look so casual as much as he can be, but he was dying to know on the inside.

Anyway, Daji did not Li An as he sees himself, that is because when Li An was trying to save his face by acting brave, Daji read another meaning to it, when he wave his hand casually, now Daji panic in herself.

"Master knew everything we did and talked about on the cabin." That was Daji thought, she wanted to kneel and begged for her father and brother life, but Li An next words stopped her midway.

"I am sure that you already deal with it right." Li An said looking so expectant.

This Daji read another meaning to it again, she heaved out. "Seems Master does not mind whatever that happened back on the overboard."

Quickly she reply. "Yes Master, we dealt with it already."

Li an heaved out relief, he felt satisfied that he had an amazing student here, even when he had no cultivation, he decided to reward her.

"Daji, I am so relieved right now, tell me anything you wanted and I will do it as your Master." Li An said.

Daji heart was beating fast, that was because he have the chance to asked for anything, and it will be granted for her, she began to think about a lot things she ever dreamt of having, first cultivation, which she now have in abundance, her mother who died, she will wish that she was brought back. Daji trust that her Master can do anything, hence she wanted to asked for her mother to be brought back to life.

But just when she turned to asked, she felt a kind of chill around herself, it was so cold that she was frozen from the inside, she looked at Li An and saw him smiling and was waiting, but around Li An was an aggressive and anger vibe, and off course the entire room seems to rhyme with him, and they are angry for no reason.

Daji covered her mouth with her hands, that is because she knew that she was the cause of her Master Anger, she was going overboard with what she wanted to asked, she swallowed her saliva and quickly voice out in panic.

"Master, I have no desire in life, than to accompany you is enough for me." Daji said.

"Oh! As for that you have no reason to be scared, you are now my student so you must always accompany me all the time." Li An said and heaved out

And Immediately the cold and chill disappeared immediately, the room then seem to lighten up once again, Li An expression changes and the rooms seems to rhyme with him, thus Daji was able to sign a relief sign, she said to herself.

"I almost lose myself, I have an omnipotent Master, but there are some things that must not be done even if you have the power to do so in life, thank God Master warn me, else I might have lost myself."

"Thank you Master for not leaving me." Daji said and now very low.

Li An was stunned, he said. "I am not leaving you, if you are gone there is no way I will be able to protect myself."

"Yes Master, I will protect Master with my life." Daji said again.

"You do not need to offer your life again." That was what Li An wanted to say, that is because he had got tired of this Daji persistence, she seems to threat him as a gods that was above everything else in life, and Li An does not want that.

He finally said. "Okay fine, I heard you and you can do as your see it worthy."

Daji was happy that Li An had give her go ahead to be with him, that is all Daji wanted in life and she will never lose it again. She stood on her feet.

"Master we will be at the Flying Apes region sooner." She said.

Li An eyes light up, he said with a tone that resemble that or resentment and anger. "I really hope they are dead before we make it to the region."

Daji could swore that she saw Li An emit a different kind of glow, yes the glow around him actually formed a thick Golden glow, Daji felt choke around the visible Golden Aura, because the room temperature suddenly Rose to a high temperature, it was no different from the hotness of the Sun.

Off course she can only hold on and not make it obvious that she saw anything, she was only screaming in her heart. "Master is really angry, Master had cursed the Flying Apes, it seems that the Flying Apes no longer have a chance to live in our Endless World again."

Li An voice out. "Come and sit beside me, I will teach you drawing."

Daji quickly sit down beside Li An, and yes Li An bring out a paper from his inventory, yes the paper in inventory was enough to build a castle and a kingdom of gum together, this time he did not produce a pencil, but a brush with a silver handle, right in front of Daji eyes, the Golden Aura around Li An move and it surrounded the brush.

Daji heart was beating very fast, she cannot take all the information all alone, because the brush suddenly seems to have life, it was breathing like it was a living being on its own, Li An began to draw and Daji was watching with her heart in her mouth.

"Master is just too great for me to understand." That is all she could mutter to herself.

Li An was drawing using the silver brush, and right there the Golden Aura around him moved towards the tip of the silver brush, and though what he draw was colored black, and yet the brush was covered in Golden color. Daji could not even view what Li An was drawing, because when she tried it, her sense was almost pull into the Law and power that was dancing on the paper which Li An used to draw.

Off course Li An does not have an idea about the things he was doing, that is because he was so focused on his drawing right now, and few minutes later Li An was done, he said to Daji.

"How was my drawing?"

Daji looked and there on the paper was a sword drawn, Daji wanted to comment on the drawing, but what happened next was too terrifying that Daji could not describe it with common words, because it is too much for her to say with words.