Weilong Sword Sect

Chapter Twenty Six

Li An seem to not be prepare for the meeting with the Emperor of the Endless World, off course he had seen how regal and mighty Bao was the other time, hence he had come to terms that every Emperor must be like Bao, they must be arrogant and look out for powerful Hero for the betterment of their World.

Moreover, he suddenly remembered that he took the Emperor Daughter as a student, now he suddenly felt like he is going to die very soon. Li An stopped on his track.

"Daji, what is your father like? Tell me everything quick."

Daji cannot help but be almost choke on her own saliva, she did not understand why Li An suddenly wanted to know about her father, she looked at Li An in the eyes, she looked at Hong Jun and Elder Hai in the eyes. Off course the same thought was in their mind.

"The Hero knew about His Majesty trick already."

Off course the trio shakes with fright, and they fear already that His Majesty is doom, he dare schemed against the Hero, the one who seems to be an omnipotent being, and he knew everything. Anyway Daji still decides to reply Li An questions.

"Master, my father is a simple person, he is also a good man and he only wanted to please his people and this world, and everything he does was for the betterment of Endless World."

That was Daji only way of saving her father, at least she knew a bit that her Master seems to be very merciful.

Meanwhile Li An voice out. "So he is not obsessed with powerful people right."

Daji was confused, but she nods her head. "Yes Master, my father is not someone who count power to be very important."

"Okay, before he become a Cultivator, what does he likes so much?" Li An asked looking at Daji in the eyes.

Daji was now in a state of confusion, she turned to looked at Elder Hai side, she believed that he alone could answer such question.

Elder Hai voice out. "I think His Majesty does not have any specifics, he is just like every King and Emperor, he lives honesty and gentleness, he is also someone who rule wisely and lives people who could make the World grow better."

Li An finally heaved out, now he understands that he had a good choice coming to the Endless World, at least he did not have to be thrown out because of his powerlessness, and in as much he can contribute to the World then he will be welcome, it matters not if it is Cultivation or not. The group continued forward and get minutes later, they are top of the mountain.

Meanwhile somewhere in the West side of the Emperor palace, there was three mountain standing beside one another, it was a high mountain as high as Everest Mountain, in between the three mountain was the Weilong Sect, the sect specialize in Sword cultivation, and many powerful Sword cultivator came from the sect.

The three mountain serve as a protection field for the Weilong Sect, and on the mountain aide were different of character left by the sect Master and Grand Master who had cultivate and died since the sect establishment. Off course the three Mountain was oncea single mountain, but it was rumor that during a time the sect Master and a powerful demon once fought, and the Sect Master had battle the demon for seven day and seven night.

It was a brutal battle that shake the Endless World, the Sect Master was almost defeated by the Demon, and in the Sect Master rage, he let go of his Sword which break the mountain to three and the Sect Master had an Epiphany and a breakthrough, and the Sect Master defeated the Demon in the end, striking it dead with his new found Sword Intent.

The Sect Master went down the mountain and then he found that the mountain hold some secret, and that was how the place become his Sect home, that sect Master is the founder of the Weilong Sect.

A man in white was seen flying on his sword and he landed right in front of a building, off course his entrance caused few disciple to be in much awe.

"Senior Wei had grown in power, he can now even fly on his sword."

"Senior Wei is our Weilong Sect genius."

"I just wish Senior Wei can just take a look at me even if it for a minute."


Off course Wei Feng does not even give those desciple a second look, he knew that those student were always like that, none of them had even approached him. Quickly he rushed up to the third mountain and there is a small building, in from of the door were few people practicing Sword.

"Where is Master?" he asked in hurry.

One of those disciple pointed out. "Master head to the back of the mountain, he said he had to comprehend the second character of the Azure Sword."

Without even waiting for any other words, Wei Feng took off to the back of the mountain, there is only one place where the Azure Sword character was written, and it was the most Supreme Sword skill the previous sect Master left behind for future generations.

The skill was divided to ten level, but it was such a cunning and power skill that no one had ever master the skill to fifth level, off course it was the skill that the first sect Master found that helped him defeat that Demon many years ago, not even the first sect Master could master the skill to fifth level before he died.

And now for the past ten years the seventh generation Sect Master had been trying to master the second level. Wei Feng met his master fuming with anger while staring at the ten character engraved on the mountain side.

"What a curse skill, even after many year I cannot understand just a single character, even the one I know is by mistake."

Wei Feng knew better than asked, his Master had failed once again. "Master why don't you just let this Azure Sword rest, I think a right person will understand it and pass it down for other."

Lan Qi turned around in anger, he said. "Are you saying I am not even worthy of this sword skill?"

Off course Lan Qi was the fifth generation sect Master of the Weilong Sect, and he was Wei Feng master, dressed in white just like his student, just that instead of a Sword in his hand, he only have a fan in his hand, and his white long beard make him look so cool, his hand were always at his back.

Wei Feng had got used to his Master funny attitude, he said. "Master is indeed the most worthy man on Earth."

That was Wei Feng trying to make his Master felt good, he knew very much that his Master love been praised, and he will do this to always got out of trouble all the time. Off course it worked as always, Lan Qi actually smiled and rubbed his white beard.

"How about what I sent you to check out?" Lan Qi suddenly asked, he was now serious.

Wei Feng heaved out. "Master, I think our Endless World is changing and someone or something had arrived in our world, there is never a treasure."

Lan Qi suddenly become alert, he frowned and said. "What are you saying that our world is blessed?"

"Exactly Master." Wei Feng replied, he also frowned and continued. "Closed to the source of what we think of the treasure, I suddenly felt the aura of a Gods."

"What!" Lan Qi said almost shaking with fright.

"Gods are Legend, they cannot stay in this realm, because immediately they survived ascension, they moved to another realm."

"Exactly I knew Master, but something is very confusing."

"Tell me about it." Lan Qi said.

"On my return back to the sect, the Flying Apes region is silent and outside I can see the Emperor ship."

"You are not saying the Emperor is keeping things away from the Endless World."

Wei Feng shakes his head. "No, I am saying the Emperor seem to know better what caused the changes in our world, and he was also trying to understand it first before he circulate it to everyone."

Lan Qi nods his head and he also reasoned with his student, that is because everyone knew the Emperor was the ruler of the Endless World, and keeping things away from other sect ia dangerous to the Endless World health.

"Okay, follow me we need to let the Grand Master knew about this." Lan Qi said and he walked away.

"Yes Master." Wei Feng said and he follow his Master to another place, it was actually the third mountain top. Ahead was a small door that lead to a small cottage, outside some few people were outside.

"I need to talk to the Grand Master." Lan Qi said.

"Sect Master cannot talk to the Grand Master now, because just about an hour ago, the Grand Master suddenly have an Epiphany."