He make another move

Chapter Twenty Eight

Li An looked at Daji in the eyes, of course he trusted her the most among the group, he was scared that maybe the people were lying to him, from his perspective, he was just a mortal, and now he had taken a powerful cultivator as a servant, and who knows maybe DAji is prodigy in her sect.

But when Daji saw the gaze from Li An, she was so scared that she thought maybe her master was angry, she did see Li An making a weak expression, but she interpreted it to another meaning, it is more like Li An was angry at her.

"You dare lie to me, you dare stole my limelight, you think I did not know that I killed the Flying Apes by myself, and you wanted to take the glory for yourself, for this you shall all pay, you shall be destroyed, and I will turn you to something that can never be born ever again...…"

Those were Daji thought, in fact they were her interpretation to the weak expression Li An face, more like he was disappointed, quickly Daji voiced out.

"Master, it is not our fault, the mountain top is someplace dangerous, my father just wanted to do something right for our world, we did not realy...…"

Off course LI An cut her off. "Oh! It is not a problem he who does right just for other actually make the world around him peaceful for himself too."

As if on a cue, everyone who heard Li An words heard a bomb blast in their brain, they all explode in excitement, because they all had a great enlightment all at the same time. Off course everyday of their lives, they have all fought monster, defended the Endless World from intruder, even though they are powerless, even though they lost more men than the gain, yet they will rise once again to defend again.

But they never understand the reason why they fight endlessly for the world, they never think for a moment why they always defend the world from the evil that is against it, or maybe they always thought that they did it for the mortal who lived around them,. But now it is all clear in their own eyes, the reason why they fight is because this is their own world, and only the peace in can also give them peace.

It is like baking a large cake for a whole family, you bake the cake not because of your family alone, you bake the cake so that you and your family could eat it and be satisfied, even if what you taste out of the cake was just a little taste, but seeing the happiness in your family expression, you are satisfied already, that happiness and peace gives you the peace you so much deserved.

A father worked not to buy cloth and provides for his family, he did the work because that is what he must do, because the moment all those provision were made, the children laugh and became happy, they grew up to become someone great in the future, by this the father have happiness seeing his own children and wife been happy, this gives him peace in the end.

Off course Li An words had pushed them all to a greater enlightment than they imagines, the spiritual Qi that was in the air all began to converge on their side, they all entered a state of meditation, their skills and energy bars were all filled up to the brim, the comprehension to the method they practice was pouring out as it is too full for them to contain in the bar.

Off course everybody all understand better that they dare not have a breakthrough here, that is because the gods was here with them, the gods who like playing around a lot, he said his word just to give them benefit, and yet they dare not show that they gained from his word, off course they have no other option than to cut off the Spiritual Qi rushing into their dantian, just that it is impossible, it is because the energy was rushing into their dantian endlessly, and as if that is not all, the Spiritual Qi suddenly developed a mind of its own, and it does not listened to them any longer.

Li An saw The Emperor and the rest all feeling uncomfortable, he turned to looked at Daji who was fine without any problem, off course she gained enlightment too, just that the law of restoration in her body was like a sucking hole in her body, no matter the quantity of Spiritual Qi it absorbed, it seems not to be enough.

"What happened to them?" LI An asked looking so expiated and tired.

The Emperor almost cursed out. "You stil acting like you don't know what you did to us."

But off course The Emperor had to control himself else he might offend this living gods, he even smiled first. "OH! Mr. LI we are all very alright."

But then the energy in him began to spread at a rapid rate, now the Spiritual Qi was bathing his entire body system, he was different from other lesser cultivator, he and the two Elder were on the verge of Immortality already, they were in the Combine Primal Infant Realm, hence they were going to make a choice of Law.

This is critical stage for every cultivator, because they will be tested thrice and the Law they were able to survived three times becomes the Law they will cultivate for life, hence each Cultivator ensure to prepare very well for such stage, off course it might take years to reach this stage, but getting pass the realm was too quick, because it is just a testing realm.

Off course a lot of Cultivator died crossing this realm, that is because the Realm was too quick, and no amount of preparation can be enough. And the Emperor, Elder Gao and Xhao was on such critical stage and yet they were not even prepared for it in anyway, it was because the gods whom their invited had forced to take such a forceful test.

Hence while Elder Hai, Hong Jun, Zhao Feng and other was able to fair better, the trio were not better in any way, yet they had to act like everything was alright at the same time. Off course the Emperor had smiled to Li An, and off course Li An will like to continued talking with the Emperor.

"Daji, get the Hero away from her, I cannot hold it any longer." The Emperor managed to said to Daji.

Off course Daji also understand her father more than anyone, she was lucky to have Li An as Master, other are not, hence she quickly voiced out.

"Master why don't we proceed ahead, I feel this place will be good place for you to live in the future." She said smiling.

Li An looked at Daji, he frowned and said. "You felt that too, in fact it will be a nice house."

Daji breath out knowing that Li An agreed with her words, off course she does not really meant her words, she said that just to get Li An away, but since Li AN agreed, then it is no problem then, she can just live here with Li An in the future.

"Master, then lets go check our new home then." Daji said again.

Li An nods and he head ahead, DAji followed after him, but then as Li An go ahead, he frowned and voice out.

"Did I just heard you said our new home?" he asjed off course he did not stopped climbing.

Daji off course followed after Li An and she nods her head. "Master, how can I be your Student I if I did not live with you?"

"You are going to leave your soft bed in the Palace and live here in the bush with me." Li An said again.

"My place is with you Master, and please do not reject me, I will sleep outside if that only will make you let me live with you."

Li An scratched his head, he had become so tired of Daji revolving her entire life around him, he felt that he might have done something good in his previous life, that a Cultivator will even begged just to be with him. Well it is a good thing anyway, at least someone to protect him.

Off course Li An and Daji was now on top of the mountain, they see the cave just ahead and approached it, as for the Emperor, they are relived to see Li An gone, immediately they madly cultivate the Spiritual Qi rushing into their dantian, and off course the Spiritual Qi does not have a barrier, hence it keep coming at a rapid rate, and then boom, the words seem to shattered to pieces, it is because a major breakthrough had happened at the same time and at the same place.