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- Oooohhhhhh, that was a good one," I said, waking up.
That's a dream, for sure. It's not every day you get to dream about your whole life as a full-fledged human being. And it's even more interesting when you realise that it's your life now.
And now I know exactly where I am. It's a very interesting universe. You can scrap the plan for a quiet life after the war. There's no such thing as a quiet life in this world, especially with my relatives.
My past relationship with them is very interesting. Especially interesting is my relationship with Kara, better known now as Supergirl.
One is a genius teenager, the other is an alien with a brain that surpasses the human brain by an order of magnitude. And they fought over stupid reasons, like normal teenagers. Although Kara's more to blame, there's nothing to say.
And it's just that my predecessor suffered a lot because of this failed love. I don't know what I'd do to Kara if I met her. Well, we'll decide on the spot, but right now it's best not to worry about it.
I'd better think about a rough plan of action, since now the plan with a normal life is cancelled. Actually, I have a few options. And the most trivial one is to become a superhero like my brother. Only a lot weaker. Except I'm not going to feel sorry for villains who kill people by the hundreds and then escape from prison after a couple of weeks anyway.
I'm definitely going to go after every villain I catch unless there's an adequate reason to spare him.
And so I'd better consider the second option, which is riskier in some ways, but also suitable for me, especially in the current situation.
The whole point of this option is to continue to serve the government, but in a different department. I've already shown enough in this war to be of interest. And if I show my abilities to the right people, while talking to them about things that are favourable to me, I can achieve a lot.
With my merits, I could quite easily get a meeting with some pretty high ranking people in the field of warfare. The very people who control the workings of the Argus, which is where I'd like to go.
Basically, the Argus is the government organisation that handles all things superhuman. And it's the Argus that oversees the Suicide Squad. I don't want to be a part of the Suicide Squad, but I wouldn't mind creating one.Except I don't want to create a squad of super criminals, but of the same superheroes, but only loyal to the government. And since I myself have superpowers, I can control such a squad. I also don't want to take orders from Amanda Waller. I don't like that kind of person.
What I want, of course, will be very difficult to organise, but at least it's worth a try. If it doesn't work out, I could become an FBI agent or even an ordinary policeman, it wouldn't be hard to achieve that with my merits.
But just as I was thinking about it, someone came into my room. It was only now that I realised to look around where I was. And it was a hospital room. Though in my case, I was probably in the infirmary at one of our nearby bases. After all, we had sort of completed our mission, so we should have been picked up by now.
And it was my dear Semilia who came to me in the infirmary. I had already become attached to her, though now I'm almost sure that it was the system's fault. She and I bonded too quickly, on both sides.
Remembering Semilia's character in canon, she would hardly have been so friendly to me, even if she recognised me as a gentleman. The system definitely raises our opinion of each other. But I wouldn't say I mind it too much, I just don't need to summon characters I don't like in any way.
- You're finally awake. How are you feeling? I hope a few new holes in your body discouraged you from venturing out on your own. Or was it your unrealised suicidal tendencies? - she asked, arching an eyebrow ironically. And yes, I realise now that the battle with the mercenary might have gone better with her help. If the others were really just in my way, then Semilia would have helped, she has a lot of experience, including military experience, and immortality. But at that moment, the most sensible solution I considered was to fight him alone.
- Oh, come on, it's like the first time. I've got a couple of holes, and my opponent now has nothing but holes. It worked out," I said lightly, standing up a little on the couch. My wounds didn't hurt much anymore, and they were all in places that weren't particularly dangerous.
- I once knew someone who said the same thing. He didn't end up very favourably," she said, coming closer.
- Good, good. Next time, I won't take that risk," I said, deciding not to argue in vain.
- I wish you would. I don't want to lose the people I care about," Semilia said, sitting down on the small chair next to me.
- You're quite frank," I said, looking at her.
- Yeah, I wouldn't have said that to anyone before. Even if I'd known him for a long time. But with you..." Semilia pressed her finger to her lips, looking thoughtfully at my face, "I feel like I've known you not just for a long time, but since you were born. I know I can trust you as much as I can trust myself.
- In fact, I feel something similar. And most likely it's also the influence of the power that brought you here," I said without hiding anything. I really did feel like I could trust her.
- In fact, I thought so myself. But I have nothing against it. It can't be called something bad. After all, it's always nice to have someone you can tell anything to without hiding any details. But be careful next time. The last thing I want right now is to lose you, I've already lost a lot of people in my life," she said a little sadly, sighing quietly.
- I already said I'll be more careful. You won't lose me, that's for sure. Besides, I'm sure I can solve the problem of my mortality with this very power. It's very powerful," I said, taking her hand gently.
- That's good. There's not much to like about this not-so-nice place, after all. Too many self-important upstarts, uncomfortable beds, and no pizza at all," Semilia complained, looking at me sadly.
- Don't worry. I promise that as soon as we get back to my place, I'll give you a real feast," I said, smiling.
At that moment we heard footsteps approaching us, and then the door to the infirmary opened again. Again there was a familiar face on the threshold. It was Captain Agnes Garrett, the same girl with whom we had been on the mission.
Only now I knew much more about her. With the memories of Edmund's past, I realised how we had become so close, especially given Ed's rather apathetic approach to life.
She was one of the people I had once carried off the battlefield on my shoulders. After her rescue, she had been very insistent on trying to get close to past me, which was very difficult, knowing his character. But she still managed to become one of his few friends.
In fact, to be frank, the past me had only two friends at all, including her. And now I have a much better understanding of her character, as well as her goals.- Oh, you're awake now, Ed? I can congratulate you, we completed the mission perfectly, mostly through your fault. According to your subordinates' reports, you almost did it all by yourself. You broke into the base and captured the target, while slaughtering half the base with your bare hands and a couple of superhumans," she said with a chuckle as she approached us. Agnes saw the glare Semilia and I were in, but didn't say anything about it. Knowing her, she was probably happy that I was finally starting to come out of my shell.
- Yeah, except they exaggerated a little. I didn't do it alone, and we only killed a few people. There were still problems though, namely a very strange and professional mercenary. If I hadn't been there, he probably would have been able to take out my entire squad. Yes, he even almost took me with him, deciding to blow himself up before he died," I told the girl what happened to me in brief.
- Oh, really? Well, you still have to write a full report, even in spite of your condition, so I'll find out the details. I come to you with some very good news, though," she said with a smile.
- Oh, what is it? - I asked her.
- We are going back to our homeland. And as I heard you will be honoured either by a general or by the president himself. Either way, a very high-ranking person. I know how you feel about all this, but you might want to think about staying there afterwards. You've already served your country enough in this war," she said, looking at me seriously. Her eyes reflected concern for me, for I hadn't shown myself to be someone who was particularly worried about my life before.
- In fact, that's what I wanted to do. I realise now that I've had enough of war. However, I don't want to change my profession either. I think, with my merits, I can be taken to a special unit or just the police. It'll be better than here," I said, shrugging my shoulders a little. I'd forgotten that my shoulder was still wounded, which made it flare up in pain.
- I'm surprised. I guess you've really decided to change your life," she said, glancing at Semilia with a hint of surprise. She must have blamed all my changes on her, thinking I'd changed because I was in love. Well, it's for the best. I've always liked the way people are great at finding reasons for things they don't understand. Even if that reason is wrong.
- Yes. After some events, I've decided to reassess my outlook on life a bit," I said with a smile, confirming Agnes's assumptions.
- Then I won't bother you. Get well, we're going to the US in a fortnight, so you have plenty of time," she said as she left the office.
Hmmm, I have a fortnight. That should be enough time for me to get better. Except that it would take a normal person twice as long to get better. I don't need to be fully recovered just to attend the awards ceremony.
Wait, did I even tell my family about going to war last time? And the award ceremony is clearly going to be on federal television. Looks like I'm going to have to have a tough conversation with my relatives almost immediately upon my return to America....
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