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I woke up quite late today because I decided to give myself more time to rest. During the war I often slept two or three hours a night, and sometimes I skipped sleep altogether, but now I can get more time to sleep, although I'm sure that in the future I'll definitely be able to lose the need for sleep completely, with my ability it's possible.
Anyway, when I got up, it was already two in the afternoon, and Semilia was already sitting at the table eating pizza. Interestingly enough, the girl and I didn't have any clothes suitable for the fundraiser, and that would have to be dealt with somehow, but later....
- Good morning," I mumbled, yawning and dressing quickly.
- You too," the girl said to me for a second, distracted from her food, and then she continued.
- Where did you get the pizza? - I asked her, wondering where she got the money from. She and I had checked, and there was nothing in her account, unlike me. She had been drafted into the army, but they had forgotten to pay her wages. I didn't resent it, because I was afraid that they would start checking her identity and might uncover something unnecessary. Although the system probably did everything perfectly, and the girl's identity was definitely checked before joining the squad, it's just a kind of stupid paranoia.
- We got a bonus this morning for a mission well done," she said calmly. Apparently she was in a better mood today. Though I could see why, after all, she had not only rested, but had eaten her favourite pizza. Sometimes this love she has for it seems a bit fanatical.
- Holy shit! - I shouted a little when I saw exactly how much my account had increased. I had half a million quid thrown at me in one mission. I wonder if it will always be like this, or if it's just a one-time promotion in honour of the first mission.
- Wow, they only sent me a hundred thousand," Semilia said, looking over my shoulder and looking at my phone.
- Apparently being the head of the squad has a few other nice perks," I said, smiling.
After that, I also sat down with the girl to eat breakfast. Only I found out that we had a normal lunch brought to our room, and it wasn't just pizza. Apparently they wanted to bring us tomorrow too, but the room was closed and there was a do not disturb sign on the door.
Pretty good for a hotel lunch. Tasty pork chop, Caesar salad, and soup. Plus, they brought us some tasty morsels too, so I quite enjoyed the eating process. I wonder if I'll even be able to treat normal food like this after I summon Alice Nakiri. If I remember her world, the food there must be incredibly delicious, so I'll definitely have to enjoy it.
Wait, if I summon her, then Semilia will definitely make the poor girl spend all her free time making pizza for her.... Wouldn't our headquarters turn into the local pizza parlour? All right, enough of this nonsense, I'd better get down to business. I just saw a video game console in here yesterday.
But our incredible legendary battle in the local Mortal Kombat fighting game was interrupted by a knock on the door. And I was about to win. How did she ever manage to win a few rounds with my reflexes, intelligence and skills?
- Did you want something? - I asked the hotel employee who stood outside the door with two strange bags.
- Yes, Mr Kent. These suits were sent to you, along with a note," the guy spoke, handing me what appeared to be suits. On one of them I noticed a small piece of paper, which must have been a note.
- Who sent it? - I asked him.
- I don't know, it's my job to pass it on. Read the note, maybe the sender left his name there, - he answered and left.
And why do I feel like I'm in some cliched 50's detective film. Okay, I'll see what the note is.
Carefully placing the two black duffel cases on the bed, I tore off the piece of paper attached with a pin and began to read the message written on it...
"Greetings, Major Kent. Enjoy your lunch, and I hope I gave you time to sleep, and didn't send you a parcel too early. I learnt this morning that you would be attending tonight's charity event at my mansion and wondered if you and your companion had suitable costumes. And since you were on a combat mission, I wondered about your lack of suitable clothing and took it upon myself to prepare it. I hope I got your sizes and tastes right. See you soon...
Bruce Wayne."
- Wow, not bad, and he's quite a nice man, although it didn't seem that way the first time we met," I said, opening the first case and looking at the classic dinner jacket inside.
- I'll go try it on," Semilia said, quickly grabbing the second case and going to her room without even letting me look at her outfit. Apparently she wants me to see it on her and appreciate it.
A few minutes later, a girl came out of the room wearing a black dress that suited her perfectly. It was as if it was made just for her, only emphasising Semilia's already perfect beauty, and making my heart grow fonder. The black colour did not make her look dreary in any way, but rather gave her more grace and a sort of inhuman elegance. Now I could clearly see the perfect posture and demeanour of a true aristocrat, yet one should not forget in what time and in what world Semilia lived.
- I am speechless. How did you manage to find such a beautiful dress," I said admiringly, looking at the girl.
- Well, you're not bad either, although the dinner jacket doesn't suit you very well," she said, smiling.
- I'm sure you and I will definitely be eye-catchers at tonight's party," I told her.
- I didn't doubt it," Semilia said, smiling with a little arrogance.
We decided not to change back after that, especially since we had less than an hour to go, and I was sure they would be coming for us soon. After all, they had promised me yesterday that they would send a car to me.
And, as I expected, after two fights, which we played on the console, there was another knock at our room and we were told that a car was waiting for us.
We quietly left the room, hurrying to the car. I hid all the weapons pretty well and hope that if some smart guy decides to break into the room and look for them, he won't be able to find them. Oh, and I locked the room securely, breaking the lock a little just in case.
They sent a limousine to pick us up, making me feel like a real aristocrat, and I even know the etiquette. One of those I absorbed learnt it for better disguise on espionage missions, and yes, I mean Taskmaster.
And so the view of Wayne Manor opened up before our eyes, which was already surrounded by reporters, eager to interview at least one of those coming in.
The view of the estate itself was also mesmerising. It was built in the same style as the old neighbourhoods of this city. The gothic and graceful style was fascinating, and the mansion didn't look old at all, despite its ancient history.
Semilia and I stepped inside, where we were greeted by an elderly man dressed as a butler. He looked at me appraisingly, and I returned the favour. Apparently Barbara had already told everyone that I was well aware of her identity. And with Bats' paranoia, he's probably already convinced that I know his identity too.
- Welcome, Major Kent, to Wayne Mansion. I hope you like it here, Mr Wayne has quite an extensive collection of cigars, and decided to get some today after hearing about your love of smoking," he said, as if to say that they knew enough about me. Or maybe I'm just conspiring, and they're really just trying to make me feel better with a little present.
- Oh, thank you. I like this evening already, I guess I didn't come here for nothing," I said with a smile, looking at Alfred.
We went into the main hall, which was already quite crowded, and it seemed to be the beginning of the evening.As I thought about it, Bruce Wayne stepped up from the small pedestal in the centre of the room and looked around. The guests quieted down a bit, expecting a good speech, and the host was determined not to disappoint them.
- On this unfortunate day we are all here for many purposes, but the most important one is to honour the memory of all the fallen and support the injured. I understand the feelings of all those who have lost loved ones," Bruce Wayne began his speech, looking seriously at everyone present.
- As most of you know, my father passed away when I was a child. My parents were gunned down in a crime alley on the other side of town. And as you can imagine, the days following their deaths were the worst of my life. Days of anger, fear, and longing. During those days, I always remembered what my father, Thomas Wayne, would sometimes say to me before bed when I was having a bad day.... - Bruce went on to say, quite emotionally, judging by his facial expressions, but interrupted, a little out of breath, - ...When I happened to fall into a hole or break my knee.... - but after a short hesitation he continued again, with a much more emotional face, clearly expressing nostalgia.
- I remember him rubbing my hair in the evening on days like that and saying, "Bruce, just one dream and it's tomorrow." Those were his words. I know it sounds sentimental, but they helped me. And those words express my position more than ever. Stop looking at the past, stop being disappointed in the present. We must build the future, change this city before it changes us," he changed his face again, becoming more serious, and switched on a holographic display of some kind of plan, "To back up my words with action, I would like to announce that starting next month Wayne Enterprises will begin investing - actively and directly - in Gotham's future. Working with several local design firms, we have already taken on the task of redeveloping the most neglected industrial areas. Next, we intend to move on to expanding and modernising the public transport system. And let's not forget building new hospitals, shelters and homeless centres. I can't tell you how excited and hopeful I am to see these plans come to fruition. Thank you... - he finished with a show of his plans, and looked around at everyone present.
- Now, friends, I ask you to join me. Invest in the future of Gotham, because, I promise you, if we are together, we can make it happen.... - Wayne spoke as he walked away from the pedestal. In response to his speech, applause erupted and many people were already heading towards Bruce to talk about co-operation.
- That was an excellent speech! - I said, after Bruce approached me.
- What are you... The real hero of tonight is you, because you are the reason so many families are celebrating tonight instead of grieving. I just want to help this city and heroes like you, and allow my children to walk the streets of Gotham safely," he answered me, smiling brightly.
- You don't have to say that. I was just doing my job, and you've been helping the city for years, and doing the thankless job of protecting the people," I said, smiling at the corner of my lips.
- Thank you, Major Kent. It's nice when people like you recognise my long and hard work," Wayne said, shaking his mask a little. Apparently he realised that I wasn't talking about his charity work at all, and was fully convinced that I knew his identity.
- Oh, by the way, your butler told me that you have a fine collection of cigars. Would you allow me to take a look at it? - I asked, seeing Bruce looking at the police captain in a strange way. Apparently he had some new hero business to attend to, so I wouldn't interrupt him.
- Of course you are. I got it out of my stash for you. Alfred will show it to you, but I should be on my way. Business, you know," he said, grinning a little.
Then he left in a hurry without speaking to anyone, and we went to Alfred's. Semilia didn't even complain, and I just wanted to try a couple of new cigars. We spent the rest of the evening in rather pleasant company. Namely us and the cigars, although the girl complained a little about the smoke, but she just couldn't help but sneer, so I don't blame her.
We were approached by a few more people, including the mayor, but all conversations ended rather quickly, seeing my lack of interest.
So after an hour we left the mansion with a whole box of elite Cuban cigars that Alfred had given me. The day had certainly passed quite pleasantly, especially considering my expectations, which were far below average...
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