My Otherworld Mother has a Harem?!

THE CAR descended into the underground parking lot beneath two massive, H-shaped towers, their imposing structures casting long shadows over the entrance.

"Memory-wise, I have no idea what's going on with you two," Gavin admitted, shifting into park as they pulled into an underground garage. He turned off the engine with a sigh, rubbing his face. "But I'm choosing to believe you. That this isn't some weird prank."

"Thanks, Vin Vin," Kyla said, unclipping her seatbelt. She shot him a look, lips pursed. "So… what's our mum like? What's my mum like?"

Gavin hesitated. "Aunt Tyla?" He coughed into his fist before running a hand through his hair. "She's… different. Very matriarchal. Opinionated as hell. No means no, yes means yes. If she says jump, you don't ask how high—you just start jumping."

He exhaled, rolling his muscular shoulders. "She's an A-Grade Alpha with level two abilities, which means, technically, you're stronger than her now. But she's still the head of the clan. And now that you've popped up out of nowhere like an upstart, fully awakened? Well… I don't know how she's going to take that."

"Great," Kyla muttered, massaging her forehead.

"And it's not just her you'll have to deal with," Gavin added, rubbing his head. "First and second uncle, too."

"Who?" Kiloil asked, leaning forward between the front seats, brows furrowed.

"Your mother's first and second husbands," Gavin said flatly. "She also has a wife. And another young male concubine she took on three years ago."

Kyla froze mid-motion, her fingers hovering over the door handle. "Wait. Hold on. Why does Mum have two husbands and a wife?"

Gavin held up five fingers. "Three legal spouses. Plus two concubines. Your father? He was one of them. Among Beastials, S-Grade and A-Grade individuals—especially those with abilities—are allowed multiple spouses. The number depends on grade. And for every ability level between one and four, you get an additional concubine slot."

"What the fuck?!" the siblings swore in unison.

"Polygamy?!" Kyla yelped.

"My mum has a damn harem?!" Kiloil shouted, slamming a hand against the backseat. "First I find out she's alive, and now she has a bunch of spouses?! What the hell?!"

"Language," Kyla snapped, swatting at him. Kiloil dodged easily.

Gavin gave her a once-over before nodding. "Legally, you'll be required to take on five spouses as well. Concubines are optional, but you're entitled to them."

"Excuse me?" Kyla's jaw dropped.

Kiloil's did too.

"This makes no sense," Kyla sputtered, shaking her head.

"It's a Federation law." Gavin shrugged.

"Aunt will probably pair you with Omegas since they have the highest fertility rates. They can bear children regardless of sex." He unbuckled his seatbelt and pushed open the door. "But if you prefer Betas, things will get complicated. They have lower fertility, and only female Betas can conceive. Your mothers clan might have a problem with that."

Kyla and Kiloil exchanged wide-eyed looks before scrambling out of the car.

"This is insane," Kyla muttered as they followed Gavin across the parking lot to the elevator.

"You're telling me," Kiloil snorted, jabbing the button with unnecessary force.

"You guys also have three brothers and a sister, plus one on the way," Gavin revealed, stepping into the empty elevator.

"What the hell?!" Kiloil spluttered, dragging Kyla along, both of them leaning on the cold metal walls as they stared at Gavin. "We have siblings?"

"Yeah," Gavin nodded, tapping his side as they ascended. "Your dad's a C-Grade Omega, by the way. He gave birth to both of you."

"I came out of Dad's bum?!" Kiloil screamed, flailing as he jumped from side to side. "What the hell?! Ewwwww. Eww—"

Kyla slapped a hand over his mouth just as the doors opened. Two people in black suits stepped inside.

The taller man, who was incredibly handsome, stiffened slightly at the sight of Kyla before swiftly turning away. Gavin arched an eyebrow before looking at Kyla, who barely spared the man a glance.

The elevator stopped again, and the two men exited without a word.

Gavin chuckled. "That's your ex-lover, by the way."

Kyla snorted. "No, it's not."

"Yeah, it is. You two had a thing at the academy," Gavin said, stepping out onto their floor. "It was short, but you left him heartbroken in your senior year. I'm surprised he didn't jump on you and beat you up."

Kyla smacked his arm hard as they walked through massive marble halls leading to an open area teeming with civilians and desks. They approached a free desk, where a bespectacled woman with slanted ears and a tail looked up at them.

"Hi, welcome to the Beastial Association. How can I help you?"

"Hi," Gavin said smoothly, flashing a smile.

The woman glanced at him emotionlessly before shifting her gaze to Kyla.

"We're here to register a second transformation," Kyla loudly said, clearing her throat in an attempt to sound confident. "I'm an Alpha—S-Grade with abilities now."

"Yes, I can smell that," the woman said in a monotone, standing up. She rounded the desk and motioned for them to follow. "Come with me. We'll proceed to a private area for testing and re-registration."

The trio followed her down a side hall that opened into a massive dome-shaped room. The walls were reinforced with layers of protective material, humming faintly with energy. Several high-tech scanning devices lined the perimeter, while a raised observation deck overlooked the space.

"Please step into the center," the woman instructed, gesturing toward a circular platform. "We will begin by confirming your grade and ability levels."

Kyla hesitated before stepping forward.

The moment she set foot on the platform, a bright red light swept over her body from head to toe. A deep, vibrating hum filled the room as the scanning equipment activated. Yellow lights begun rolling over her in halos.

"Beginning assessment," a robotic voice announced. "Citizen: Kylatathua Kiva Edera Kopoya. Gender: Female Alpha. Grade: S. Estimated power level… processing."

A series of holographic screens popped up, flashing with unreadable data. Kyla felt a strange pressure in the air, like the room itself was weighing her down, testing her limits.

The woman monitored the readings, her tail flicking slightly. "We will now proceed with the ability verification. Please place your hand on the sphere."

A transparent sphere materialized before Kyla, crackling with faint blue energy.

She glanced at Gavin and Kiloil, who both gave her nods of encouragement. Taking a deep breath, she reached out— And the entire room lit up in a blinding surge of power as a mechanical voice shouted, "LEVEL FOUR DETECTED!"