She’s a very Freaky Girl


Kyla awoke with a start, flinging off the silk sheets and hastily grabbing her phone from the bedside. She always slept with it nearby—as it worked as her alarm clock.

Sometimes she would sleep in. But this song definitely wasn't her alarm.

"Ky, honey, darling, my baby gal," a seductive woman's voice blared from the phone, followed by an exaggerated sigh. "First, you ignore my messages, then you move without letting me know. I'm heartbroken. Truly heartbroken. What about our passionate love? What about our children? What about—"

"You sound like a desperate ex," Kyla muttered, scratching her hair that was tangled like a bird's nest. She shuffled to the edge of the bed and swung her legs off.

"Only for you, darling, only for you," the woman chortled, clicking her tongue. "So, Starian, huh? You're lucky I'm headed there for work. In fact, I'm here right now. Surprise, surprise, sweetie."

Kyla rolled her eyes as she stepped onto the open terrace, her silk pajamas billowing in the morning breeze.

"Do you still have my location?"

"Always, darling," the woman replied.

"Willow," Kyla announced, cleaning her nails as she leaned against the travertine balustrade. She smiled to herself. "I'm going to cut you off."

"Cut me off? I'll lock you in my house, darling," Willow purred. "You won't be able to escape me then."

"Ew," Kyla cringed. "I'm reporting you."

"Report me all you want, but you know you love me."

"Okay, billionaire playboy, stop with the dark romance already, please," she drawled, her eyes wandering over the sprawling mansion complex beneath the morning sun. It resembled an ancient desert city—devoid of human activity as it was the early hours, yet teeming with lush greenery and small, monstrous creatures scuttling over the stones.

"You wish you had my love, darling," Willow teased. "Anyway, if you don't come out with me today, I'm getting a sword and sacrificing us to the gods."

Kyla rolled her eyes; Willow was always so dramatic—both here and on Earth. Frowning, she coughed, "What about your husband?"

"Husbands? Darling, they don't need to know about us," Willow responded smoothly. "Devine is with my mother-in-law, recovering with Dyla; Jayson's at work; and Hieden will accompany us despite my protests. He's been so clingy lately."

So she had three husbands, Kyla noted silently.

Willow snickered. "My back's working overtime lately."

Kyla cringed as she began untangling her hair. "I don't need to know about your sex life."

Willow tsked. "You wish you had my s—"

"Okay, I'm going now," Kyla interrupted. "I'll have breakfast, pick me up in two hours."

"I can't wait," Willow laughed. "Love you, bye."

The phone line disconnected, and Kyla's lip twitched.

She scratched her head. Four days in a beast world, and now she had to deal with her most complex problem: her intense, otherworldly best friend—and she knew he'd come along.

She groaned, slapping her head, muttering, "Fuck it, I need to eat."

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Olives on local flatbread, red and brown beans, leafy vegetables, and a monstrous fish settled well in Kyla's stomach after being served by the household staff. Later, as she dressed in clothes provided for her, she was shocked by the extravagance and luxurious feel of the fabric against her skin.

She wore a simple yet gorgeous white backless robe-style dress that slit at her thigh and was accented at the neck with gold cuffs.

She had also received a large, chunky golden bracelet, embellished with jewels and intricate engravings of feline figures.

"A gift from the Mistress," an elderly servant had whispered as she fastened it on Kyla's wrist. "To bless you for all that is to come—and your alatika. Your awakening."

The servant bowed afterwards and spoke before exiting, "Enjoy your day out, milady."

She sighed as she texted her family group chat she discovered on her phone.


Kiva: Dad, I'm going out with Willow. Is there anything you need from me today?

Daddio: Seen. Typing

Crazy Crystal Aunt: Seen. Typing

Daddio: Take Koi, please, Ky Pie. He needs school supplies. Use my card. Love you.

Crazy Crystal Aunt: Take Gaga as well, he needs some too.

Vinny: Seen. Typing

Koi Koi: Seen. Typing

Koi Koi: Dad, can I have $100 for food?

Daddio: Okay…

Vinny: Mum, can I borrow $10?

Crazy Crystal Aunt: No, I'll send the funds needed to Ky.

Kiva: We'll head in 30 minutes, meet me at the bottom of the stairs. ]

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

"Baby girl, you look so fine," a woman sang as she sprung out of a luxurious white hover-car, dragging Kyla into her arms and swinging her around. "Can I make you mine?"

Kyla chuckled, slapping Willows hands away. "Willow, stop."

Willow snorted, brushing her hair. "So the children are tagging along?"

"I'm not young," Gavin coughed, his tone slightly nervous.

"Hey, Will," Kiloil said, offering a fist.

Willow fist-pumped back. "You're all dressed like foreign royalty."

"It's clothes from nan," Gavin muttered.

"Okay, we're going shopping," Willows brow rose. "You can't dress like that here everyday. You might be kidnapped because of your beauty, Ky."

Kyla groaned as Willow grabbed her wrist and dragged her toward the hover car, Gavin and Kiloil following.

They arrived 20 minutes later, at a large several-story luxurious shopping centre, entering through a valet service.

Vibrant fabrics and foods, bustling rich cilivilains, exotic creatures on golden leashes —Willow moved through the shops all with ease, throwing lavish items into Kyla's arms without hesitation and paying as they moved on from each.

Gavin and Kiloil had left to explore, leaving the girls to their shopping.

"You need this, and this, and definitely this," Willow chattered, holding a simple black pencil skirt to her waist.

"What am I, an office worker?" Kyla deadpanned.

Willow sighed, "If you have an interview, which you definitely will. You will need it."

The shopped until they dropped, with Kyla getting half a new wardrobe. On the end she hadn't used her fathers card, with Willow slapping her hand away each time.

The two could of fought, but Willow always won in verbal spars.

Something about how she's investing? Kyla could never understand her best friend.

"Willow," a voice called from behind as they grabbed a iced matcha from a cafe. Kyla turned around and suddenly became flustered.

Not only had Willow somewhat changed, so had the man infront of her.

"Ky," a man gently smiled while looking down at her. He had light brown hair, beautiful hazel eyes and a smile that hooked souls. He was far more handsome.

Kyla's heartbeat suddenly raced.

Adonis Aventine.

Willows older brother.

Her first love.