(Back flash.)
Right after Rashin pushed her, Filo fell to the ground, finding herself trapped between two rocks.
"Adonis..." she called out, watching as the minotaur raced past her, chasing Adonis.
"No... please..."
She pleaded more with herself than anything.
She could move, but her body was stuck between the rocks.
Actually, it wasn't that she couldn't move—it was simply fear.
If she were to stand up from where she was, what could she possibly do?
Being a fighter class, one would think she would be able to hold her ground in combat, regardless of how low her rank was.
That wasn't the case.
Not even a single hair on her body could stand the thought of hurting a person.
No, yet another wrong observation—it was the fact that she never knew how to.
Power... The power to stand her ground regardless of the odds stacked against her.
This was the kind of power she dreamt of.
Most importantly, if it meant protecting Adonis, she was more than willing to set her ideals aside.
Filo managed to squeeze herself out of the rocks, falling to her knees, her eyes fixed in the distance.
"I need to..." She struggled to stand up. "...get to Adonis... and help him."
She fell to the ground.
Her eyes turned dark. She could no longer lie to herself.
She was weak, too weak to do anything.
With that realization came her breakdown.
"Of course... I'm useless when it matters most. Again."
She gripped her hair. "How many times has Adonis saved me again? Yet all I have ever done is be a burden to him. How can I live with myself..."
Filo looked ahead. "Right now, Adonis is probably fighting for his life, and here I am..."
Filo slapped herself.
"Get up."
She took a step. "Get up and fight, you useless bitch! Adonis needs your help! Don't go wallowing in your own pity!"
As if being tested by fate, Filo suddenly began to glow, feeling a huge rush of power flowing inside her.
"W-what is this?"
Her once-dying mana pool had expanded severalfold. She could feel her battle instincts spike up—even her fist felt stronger when she gripped it.
"W-what is this sudden power?"
For the past three days, after Filo managed to save Adonis as the monster and get them out of the dungeon, she had been the one taking care of him.
Since his collapse, Adonis had been fast asleep.
Thankfully, Filo was able to gather a bit of money from the magic crystal she got from defeating the minotaur.
The higher the rank of the monster, the purer their magic crystals would be, which also meant more money when traded.
Not that Filo cared about that—all she knew was she sold it, and it fetched a high price.
"It's been a while since we ate something healthy. I'm glad I can even get the chance to cook this."
Filo placed the hot pot on the ground.
She didn't waste any time pouring the porridge into each bowl before heading toward Adonis.
Gently sitting down on the chair beside the bed, she grabbed the bowl and said, "Here, I've brought dinner."
She didn't get a response, which was to be expected since Adonis was still unconscious.
Not that the sight made Filo feel any better.
Every time she looked at him in his current state, her chest would tighten up. Sometimes, she would tear up.
But she remained strong regardless.
She dug the spoon into the porridge, getting out a good portion that she then gently poured into Adonis' mouth.
It took her a few minutes to finish feeding him. Once she was done, she headed back to the small kitchen to clean up.
Their home wasn't that big—it was simply one room with a small space large enough for a kitchen.
It wasn't anything special.
All of a sudden—
Bang! Bang!
Someone knocked on their door.
"A visitor? Who could that be?" Filo said out loud. It was weird for people to visit them.
Still, she didn't dismiss the thought.
Filo headed toward the door and gently opened it.
Her eyes widened when she saw a man dressed in white with his face covered.
From the emblem on the man's chest, Filo was able to tell he was a messenger from the guild.
They were the only ones who had access to people's home addresses.
"Good afternoon. Are you perhaps Filo Granzra?" the man asked.
Filo nodded her head.
"Then I have a message for you from the guild. It's regarding the rest of your party members."
Hearing this, Filo immediately grabbed the note and began to open it up.
"Our condolences. It would seem Rita Knonals, Danke Nikon, and Erica Granzra all died on their mission to spy on the Quins Party."
Filo's eyes widened with shock as she read the letter.
For the loss of their party members, the guild was offering to pay them 30,000 eres.
But Filo's thoughts could only echo one thing...
"They... are dead?"
While it was true she wasn't close to any of them, including her very own sister, she knew they all meant a lot to Adonis.
If he were to wake up to such news...
Filo squeezed the paper, wearing a smile on her face. "Thank you for delivering the message."
The man bowed his head and walked back to his land lizard to ride away.
Watching him go, Filo placed the message in her pocket and closed the door.
As she stepped into the house to check up on Adonis, she was met with something that shocked her.
Adonis, who only a few minutes ago was unconscious on the bed, was now awake, sitting upright with a shocked look on his face.
Filo shouted, "Adonis!"
Her body reacted on its own as she ran toward him, giving him a hug.
"You're awake~~! I was so scared," she cried.
While Adonis did hug her back, he wasn't fully paying attention.
He knew what he heard.
"They are... dead?"