Mana surge.

"Come forth."

His voice sent a chill down Stella's spine.

But that wasn't what shocked her.

Appearing behind Adonis were shadowy goblins, their eyes glowing a red hue as they obeyed his command.


Stella was frightened, almost falling from her chair.

She took a step back, her back pressing against the door.

"W-what are goblins doing in my office?!" she yelled.

Adonis smiled and waved his hand.

"Calm down, Stella, they are harmless. You wanted to see my power, right? Well, this is it. I can summon the dead to do my bidding," he replied.

Taking a closer look at the monsters, Stella couldn't help but feel nervous.

"So you're telling me you can summon this many servants all on your own?" she asked.

"Yes. I do believe I can do more, I'll just have to—"


Adonis felt a huge shock run through his body.

'What the hell?...'

Blood spewed from his mouth.

[Warning: Mana surge detected. Excess souls detected. Mental capacity cannot keep up.]

'I can't summon ten dark goblins at once?' Adonis questioned.

But before he could get a response from the system, he noticed something—he had lost hold of one of the shadow goblins.

Quickly turning around, he yelled, "Return!!!" his face hitched with urgency.

But the dark goblin was far gone.

Its eyes glowed even brighter as it charged toward Stella, its blade ready to slash her in two.


The remaining goblins pushed the rogue to the ground, trying to subdue it by eating it alive.

Stella simply stood there, frozen in fear.

She was about to die... to a shadow.

Just when she thought matters could not get worse, Adonis fell to the ground, more blood spewing from his mouth.

He lost yet another hold on one of his dark goblins.

This particular goblin leaped into the sky and landed right in front of Stella.

It then proceeded to grab her by the neck and pin her back to the wall.

"" she struggled to speak.

The goblin was just about to stab her in the chest when, from nowhere, the door burst open—

Filo ran in, fists clenched, with fire circling around her as her eyes locked on the target.


She punched the goblin in the face, its entire body burning in flames as it suddenly disappeared.

Stella fell to the ground, coughing to catch her breath.

Not even a second later, the goblin Filo thought she had just killed suddenly appeared from the ground, its eyes filled with death as it targeted Stella again.

Filo was caught off guard.

'Shit! I don't think I can make it!' she thought to herself, her eyes tracking the blade in the goblin's hand, headed toward Stella.

Stella closed her eyes, fear dancing on her face as she raised her hand in a last defense.

The blade touched her skin, a cut instantly showing.

And then...


Every dark goblin in the office disappeared, returning into Adnois's shadow.

The office that had once been filled with death goblins was now empty, filled only with silence and destruction.

And, of course, Adonis, who was kneeling on the ground, still trying to understand what had just happened.

He looked to the ground.

'I was unable to control my own summons because I lacked in the mental department. I didn't think of that. How did I miss something like that? Of course, it would affect me mentally.'

Adonis questioned his steps, his left eye covered with his hand.

"Adonis! Are you alright?" Filo knelt down in front of him, her eyes scanning his face.

"I was downstairs when I sensed the magic energy from this room. I knew it was yours, so I had to come check what could be happening that would require you to release that much mana," she continued.

"You could sense it all the way down there?" he asked.

"Eh? Almost everyone could. You should have seen their faces—they were all worried and thought they were under attack or something. Dramatic if you ask me..."

"No, that is not dramatic..." Stella closed the door to her office, seriousness plastered on her face. "The power you wield, Adonis... is forbidden."

'Forbidden? Necromancy? Though I know the author never wrote about Necromancy in his book, I don't think it was forbidden, was it?'

Stella sat down on her chair, raising her hand for both Adonis and Filo to see.

The cut she had gotten from one of Adonis's servants was still on her arm, a dark mist mixing with her tissues.

"This power was known to belong to the Demon Emperor a thousand years ago. He possessed the power to summon an entire continent of dead people. This power was so strong, it took over ten countries to kill him. Since then, the Necromancer class was viewed as forbidden—or at least it was supposed to be..."

'I know where she's going with this...' Adonis listened.

"There has never been a chance of anyone awakening as a Necromancer. If there was, every guild in the world would immediately want to recruit them for the sole purpose of studying and controlling. The mana of a Necromancer is said to be entirely different from others; hence, they could cause damage like this, which would be difficult to heal."

Adonis stood up from the ground, now standing on his feet.

'I realize that,' he said.

"I don't think you do. Depending on how this goes, you'll make a lot of allies but also a lot of enemies too. Listen, all I need you to do is lay low for a while and don't go around telling people you have two classes. For now, you are simply a Healer, okay?" Stella leaned forward.

'Ahh, good, she didn't betray my expectations.'

Filo spoke too. "Adonis, I think I also agree with the advisor—you should lay low for a while, given how rare the class is."

Adonis smiled at her. "Sure, I understand. I'll be careful."

From nowhere, the door to the office opened up.

"Well now, don't tell me the fun has already ended," a manly voice said.


[A\N: Please let me know your thoughts on the story so far.]
